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Son of a!

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  • Son of a!

    Five minutes into my shift tonight, I get yelled at for IDing a lady...
    L: "Are you ever going to recognize me?"
    J: *note, I hadn't even turned to look at her, I was IDing her to keep her occupied very briefly while I finished up someone else's coupons* "Most likely, no."
    L: "Well, that's horrible customer service!" *ah, the cry of the wounded wildebeest*
    J: "I have very little in the way of short term memory, if you're not in here every single day, I'm not going to remember you..."
    L: "That's still horrible customer service!"
    I'm SORRY my stroke affected my memory! It was entirely MY choice to suffer a stroke, and it's been fucking peaches and cream ever since!

    Had a different lady much later...
    DL: "Are you going to push the damn button?"
    J: *I look up and over at her screen, which has the 'Skip bagging' button, which is entirely up to her. It doesn't alert me to customers not putting things on the bagging area unless it's been a good ten minutes or so, and then, it just cancels out the transaction... so, no, that's all on your hands, bitch*

    Much, much later:
    J: *I look up at a guy grumbling at his screen, he hasn't done anything besides put in his customer card info, and I look at his cart full of unbagged produce and gallons of tea, and I go, 'Oh, this is going to be fun...'* "Do you need help, sir?"
    OM: "I hate these damn things, never work, blah blah blah, nothing new, yap yap yap"
    J: *so, I start to ring up his items, setting them up on the shelf because I've seen the signs around basically bullying baggers into not bagging gallon items, and then, I get to his unbagged produce, and start scanning those, and the night manager comes up behind me and starts to bag those, to help me*
    OM: *goes ballistic!* "I DON'T WANT BAGS! I HATE BAGS! THEY'RE WASTEFUL!" and so on...
    NM: "Okay, sorry, I was just trying to help Juwl..." and puts the produce he had bagged back on the shelf...
    Meanwhile, I was scanning some pears, and picked up two off the scale, and putting them on the shelf, and a third rolled off the scale before I could catch it, right onto the floor...
    OM: "I don't want that one!"
    No shit?
    NM goes off to replace the one that dropped.
    Wonderful... I was pretty much done with him at that point, and was just waiting for him to pay and for night manager to return with the other pear, so I was mostly ignoring him. NM returns, gives the guy two pears to replace the one that dropped, and NM and I start loading old guy's unbagged items right back into his cart...

    I have never been so offended by five little words like that...

    Oh, I forgot:
    The guy with the credit card in his pocket was in last night, buying beer, and he asked me when I get off... "1 AM as always..."
    "Well, one of these could be for you..."
    "I don't drink things that don't have little paper umbrellas..."
    "I could find you one..."
    He is so flirting with me... just as I thought when he first started coming into the store... even through his 'I got married!' phase...
    Last edited by Imogene; 10-21-2010, 07:47 AM.
    "I call murder on that!"

  • #2
    I'm sorry Juwl. Would you like coffee?


    • #3
      Quoth Juwl View Post
      J: "I have very little in the way of short term memory, if you're not in here every single day, I'm not going to remember you..."
      Insensitive Cretin: "That's still horrible customer service!"
      I'm SORRY my stroke affected my memory! It was entirely MY choice to suffer a stroke, and it's been fucking peaches and cream ever since!
      I'd seriously say that last part to the next SC who gives you grief over it and guilt-trip the shit out of 'em. My grandmother had Alzheimer's and even when the same people did come into her room every day she STILL couldn't remember who they were. Memory loss is a heartbreaking thing for those who've seen or felt its effects firsthand.
      ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~


      • #4
        Quoth superhotelworker View Post
        I'm sorry Juwl. Would you like coffee?
        Not a coffee drinker, but thanks otherwise...

        Quoth Amethyst Hunter View Post
        My grandmother had Alzheimer's and even when the same people did come into her room every day she STILL couldn't remember who they were. Memory loss is a heartbreaking thing for those who've seen or felt its effects firsthand.
        I do recognize my regulars, mostly because they've attempted to get to know me/they're fun and interesting people. Not like this harridan who refuses to see that I'm trying to do a kindness by suggesting she doesn't look 40 yet.
        "I call murder on that!"


        • #5
          Add to that, you're dealing with hundreds of people a shift and your attention is diverted all over the place. An ID is and ID is an ID and, when done properly, takes very little time. So out of a week full of minutes, she takes up a tiny portion of your time and you're a horrible person for not remembering her.

          Not that it would help with this woman, but I usually told people that it isn't just me carding people, the cameras have to see me carding people because they don't know how old you are *points up towards the eyes in the sky*
          A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


          • #6
            Quoth Juwl View Post
            Five minutes into my shift tonight, I get yelled at for IDing a lady...
            L: "Are you ever going to recognize me?"
            J: *note, I hadn't even turned to look at her, I was IDing her to keep her occupied very briefly while I finished up someone else's coupons* "Most likely, no."
            L: "Well, that's horrible customer service!" *ah, the cry of the wounded wildebeest*
            J: "I have very little in the way of short term memory, if you're not in here every single day, I'm not going to remember you..."
            L: "That's still horrible customer service!"
            If you want me to remember you, be nice to me. The sheer novelty will stick in my mind!

