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Don't use the creamers (gross)

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  • Don't use the creamers (gross)

    This isn't from my work but was told to me by my housemate who works at a movie theater.

    This movie theater he works at is an independant "chain" that only plays small time movies and serves special food. They have muffins, high class candy bars and coffee for people coming in to watch something off the mainstream. Unfortunatly it is in a city, and when you're in a city you tend to get your regular flow of crazies. so on to the story...

    He was working late one night, like most, and was almost entirly alone in the main section of the movie theater. one theater just let out so he went in and helped clean real quick before coming back to the reception desk. he noticed right away that all the creamers were in a pile with the bowl they were in missing...

    A few moments later he saw a guy get out of the bathroom with the bowl in hand. the bowl was all wet and when asked about it he just mumbled to himself and left the theater (leaving the bowl behind).

    A couple days later he talked to his co-worker about it and she gave him the skinny on this guys return. Apparently she did the same thing my housemate did and when she returned the bowl was missing and the creamers in a pile again. she knew it had to be that same guy so she got the manager to wait by the bathroom enterance. when the guy came out the manager cornered him and asked why he had the creamer bowl and why it was all wet... the mans response...

    "I don't like using toilet paper so I use the bowl for my hands"....

    WHAT! WHAT! you do what!? apparently this guy, not liking the feel of toilet paper, would use his hands to clean himself. then he would use the bowl, which he would fill with water, to soak his hands in with every wipe.

    that's right... he used a bowl used by people for creamers, to soak his poo covered hands in. the manager flipped out, told him to never come back again and if he saw him again he would call the police. the man then dropped the bowl and bolted out of the theater. the bowl was thrown out right away, the whole coffee counter was doused in bleach and the creamers are now in a small paper bag instead of a bowl.

  • #2

    Um... And he thought this was somehow okay?


    • #3
      I'd be interested to know his ethnicity.

      In huge swathes of the world people do clean up after going to the toilet with a bowl or jug of water. Lots of places in the middle east, Africa, North Africa etc. Some parts of Asia. Maybe lots more. Public toilets will have a bowl of water for this purpose.

      I have NO idea how it works, but I'm pretty sure it is not what you think. The pot of water itself is not made dirty. I think you pour water out onto you...

      These tend to be countries with very high if somewhat different standards of personal cleanliness, so I'm assuming they have it worked out. I've never liked to ask for the explanation.

      I know it doesn't make it OK for him to take your bowl. I've visted countries with the above system so I carried tissues (I also stayed in a house in the UK last month where I was the only one using toilet paper instead of a bowl). I guess he should carry a bowl or jug.

      But your bowl probably wasn't anywhere nearly as badly soiled as you thought.

      ETA - Personally I lump it in with eating with your fingers under "Things that seem slightly unsophisticated and would be dirty if I did them, but I just don't have the grace to do properly".

      Victoria J


      • #4
        Quoth Victoria J View Post
        I'd be interested to know his ethnicity.

        In huge swathes of the world people do clean up after going to the toilet with a bowl or jug of water. Lots of places in the middle east, Africa, North Africa etc. Some parts of Asia. Maybe lots more. Public toilets will have a bowl of water for this purpose.

        I have NO idea how it works, but I'm pretty sure it is not what you think. The pot of water itself is not made dirty. I think you pour water out onto you...

        These tend to be countries with very high if somewhat different standards of personal cleanliness, so I'm assuming they have it worked out. I've never liked to ask for the explanation.

        I know it doesn't make it OK for him to take your bowl. I've visted countries with the above system so I carried tissues (I also stayed in a house in the UK last month where I was the only one using toilet paper instead of a bowl). I guess he should carry a bowl or jug.

        But your bowl probably wasn't anywhere nearly as badly soiled as you thought.

        ETA - Personally I lump it in with eating with your fingers under "Things that seem slightly unsophisticated and would be dirty if I did them, but I just don't have the grace to do properly".

        Victoria J
        I don't work there so it isn't my bowl. it's my housemates job.

        He didn't mention the ethnicity at all, just said some guy. the guy kinda ran off the first time and ran off the second time. I know some culture do use bowls of water and bedays (sp), but if the facility is without one, you shouldn't assume a bowl being used for creamers is up for grabs. when I am in another country or culture I will use whatever they use, I won't assume whatever they have laying around is for my own personal bathroom use.


        • #5
          I hope you made a major clean-up of the bathroom while you were at it cleaning up the counter.


          • #6
            Quoth Victoria J View Post
            I'd be interested to know his ethnicity.

            In huge swathes of the world people do clean up after going to the toilet with a bowl or jug of water. Lots of places in the middle east, Africa, North Africa etc. Some parts of Asia. Maybe lots more. Public toilets will have a bowl of water for this purpose.

            I have NO idea how it works, but I'm pretty sure it is not what you think. The pot of water itself is not made dirty. I think you pour water out onto you...

            These tend to be countries with very high if somewhat different standards of personal cleanliness, so I'm assuming they have it worked out. I've never liked to ask for the explanation.

            I know it doesn't make it OK for him to take your bowl. I've visted countries with the above system so I carried tissues (I also stayed in a house in the UK last month where I was the only one using toilet paper instead of a bowl). I guess he should carry a bowl or jug.

            But your bowl probably wasn't anywhere nearly as badly soiled as you thought.

            ETA - Personally I lump it in with eating with your fingers under "Things that seem slightly unsophisticated and would be dirty if I did them, but I just don't have the grace to do properly".

            Victoria J
            I could understand that but just the fact that the SC just up and took the creamer bowl for the bathroom was just nasty!
            I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
            Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
            Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


            • #7
              Quoth Victoria J View Post
              I'd be interested to know his ethnicity.

              In huge swathes of the world people do clean up after going to the toilet with a bowl or jug of water. Lots of places in the middle east, Africa, North Africa etc. Some parts of Asia. Maybe lots more. Public toilets will have a bowl of water for this purpose.

              I have NO idea how it works, but I'm pretty sure it is not what you think. The pot of water itself is not made dirty. I think you pour water out onto you...

              These tend to be countries with very high if somewhat different standards of personal cleanliness, so I'm assuming they have it worked out. I've never liked to ask for the explanation.

              I know it doesn't make it OK for him to take your bowl. I've visted countries with the above system so I carried tissues (I also stayed in a house in the UK last month where I was the only one using toilet paper instead of a bowl). I guess he should carry a bowl or jug.

              But your bowl probably wasn't anywhere nearly as badly soiled as you thought.
              ETA - Personally I lump it in with eating with your fingers under "Things that seem slightly unsophisticated and would be dirty if I did them, but I just don't have the grace to do properly".

              Victoria J

              Maybe not but better safe than sorry.


              • #8
                I absolutely agree that he shouldn't have taken the bowl.

                And of course you need to sterilise the bowl, just taking into the bathroom is pretty disgusting.

                Just saying he probably wasn't putting "shitty hands" in it.

                Victoria J.


                • #9
                  OMG! Sheryl Crow must've visited your theater then!
                  Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                  "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                  • #10
                    Not quite Irv....Sheryl Crow isn't completely anti toilet paper, she only wants people to use one square.

                    I bet my money it was Matt Damon.
                    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                    • #11
                      no 3 sea shells then?
                      We are the willing, led by the unknowing, doing the impossible, for the ungrateful, we have now done so much, for so long - for so many, with so little, we can now do anything with nothing!!!


                      • #12
                        Quoth blas View Post
                        Sheryl Crow isn't completely anti toilet paper, she only wants people to use one square.
                        One square? What good is that?

                        Next you'll be telling me she wants people to make sure they use both sides.
                        Engaged to the sweet Mytical He is my Black Dragon (and yes, a good one) strong, protective, the guardian. I am his Silver Dragon, always by his side, shining for him, cherishing him.


                        • #13
                          That is why in the middle east they will offer the left hand instead of the right. The right one is the "clean" hand that is used for eating, the left one is the dirty hand used for other purposes.
                          "Of all the liars in the world, sometimes the worst are your own fears." – Rudyard Kipling

                          I don't have hot flashes. I have short, private vacations to the tropics.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Victoria J View Post
                            But your bowl probably wasn't anywhere nearly as badly soiled as you thought.
                            Victoria J
                            It was brought into the loo. That in in of itself means it is not going near food again, in my book.


                            • #15
                              ew, throw that bowl away and have him arrested if possible. god, i somehow doubt that ethnicity has much to do with it (they'd be prepared, i'd like to believe) and that he's mentally off somehow.
                              look! it's ghengis khan!
                              Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)

