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    A few stories...

    A family (three ladies) start to ring up a full basket, even though there are four real registers open with no waiting... and before they even get started, they're yapping at me. "You going to clear that?"
    J: You see the three other people who were here before you? They're all in need of me, too, and they were here first, and haven't yet pissed me off. Second, it's something on your end, I can't clear it.

    Customer and her husband take up two registers, husband hands me coupons, I start to scan them, and two of them are for $5 off 1 Rubbermaid item... I look up through his transaction, and the only Rubbermaid items I see rang up at $2.30... "Ah, no, I can't use these coupons."
    Wife takes them, tries to use them on her transaction... she bought four of the same things, again, $2.30... "Again, NO. There have to be two of these things that ring up over $5 for me to use these coupons. I am NOT taking off 2.70 more than ONE item is worth." I hand back the coupons again.
    "But, I've got $12 worth of Rubbermaid here..."
    "And a coupon that says, 'Off one (1) item.' "

    Guy and family ring out their Gatorade... and pull me aside, "Why is this not ringing up 3.75? Why is it 4.25?"
    J: "Did you buy ten?"
    "No... the tag says it's 3.75.."
    J: "No, it doesn't..."
    "Yes, it does, I can show you."
    J: "No need, it's on the buy ten special... if you saw 3.75, that's because you ignored the rest of the tag..." I reach over and tap the pay now button, just out of curiosity. "Look, you have ten items anyway... no big deal..."

    Side note: Why is it that the people I work with don't seem to understand how a UScan works? Why is it even more surprising that the biggest offenders of this are the other UScan attendants?

    Anyway, back to customers...
    I look up as a lady walks in, and greet her from the TV where I am half watching Toy Story 3, half watching the door. She ignores me...
    I think nothing of it until she comes to check out, and gets all sorts of angry that there is only my UScan open.
    "No cashiers?"
    J: "No cashiers, they all went home by 11... and seeing as it's now almost 1 AM..."
    "Well, I want a real person, not a machine."
    J: "*sigh* That would be ME, and you're doing a piss poor job of making me want to help you... but I'll help anyway, if only to get you out of here faster."
    "I HATE these things, they're so stupid."
    J: "Only if you don't know how to use them..."
    I ring her stuff, pausing to grab a cart near the end, as the scale is full...
    "These things are so stupid..."
    J: "Allow me to use an analogy... these scales have a point where, like the scale at home in your bathroom, it says, "Get the hell off me, you fat bitch..." (No, I didn't say it... I was only thinking it while I unloaded and bagged things for her)
    Hurray, I finish scanning her massive order, and watch her pay, and walk off to make the 15 minute warning call.
    "I thought you were open 24 hours..."
    J: "No, ma'am, we're only open until 1 AM..."
    " *as sarcastically as she can* Well, I guess that's better for you then."
    I feel no remorse for anyone who comes in after 11 PM, and thinks there'll be a register open when they finish, seeing as I'm the one who greets them, and there's NO ONE else standing around when they walk in. Further more, why the hell are you coming in at midnight and buying enough food to feed an army? Did you just realize you didn't make dinner?

    She leaves, I'm seeing red, and start to count down my till, and two guys just waltz right in. "We're closing in 8 minutes..."
    Both tell me they'll be fast...
    One guy is, he grabs diapers, buys them, and is out before I can make the ten minute call...
    The other guy gets the five minute call, and then the night manager comes up and makes a 1 AM call, basically telling him to get out... he finally comes up five after, and starts scanning very slowly... and almost forgets to buy the bananas he set on top of his register...
    I got out just one minute before I would've been paid for overtime... and then, possibly, written up... not sure with the new manager...
    "I call murder on that!"

  • #2
    I love the self scans when there is nobody else around. Gets me out way faster. [Most of the stuff I buy doesn't have coupons at all, fresh produce, meats, basic ingredients] Turns what used to be a wait for the only personned check out into a breeze through of the empty self scans!

    I would love it if the Stop & Shop we go to would go to that laser scanner that you use as you grab stuff off the shelf so it is already to bleep into the register. Or maybe that smart system that automatically checks you out and charges your bank account as you put stuff into the cart so you just walk through the aisles and then right out to the car. *sigh*

    [but then again the humanity of the idiot customers frelling up something that simple boggles the mind]
    EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.

