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Paging Khiras, Gravekeeper, and Irv…. Heart Removal Surgery needed STAT!

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  • Paging Khiras, Gravekeeper, and Irv…. Heart Removal Surgery needed STAT!

    And I'm back from vacation...

    Empty House

    Woman calls up… she has an open house on one of her properties today and needs to advertise it on our site. Why she waited until the last day (when most people will have already pulled up the open houses they want to visit so it’s pretty much too late anyway) I have no idea. But she wants to add it. No problem. I explain to her how to do it. It’s easy. But she’s driving and won’t be able to get online to do it. So she asks if there’s “online tech support” that can assist her.

    First of all, I’m the tech support and I DID assist you. Oh, you want me to add it FOR you? No, sorry, can’t make any changes without paperwork in hand. Do you have an assistant who can enter it for you? Great! Oh, you say that she doesn’t know how to do it? Well… I just gave you the simple directions. You can tell her what to do. Or failing that, since you probably forget how to wipe your ass and breathe on a daily basis, why don’t you tell her to call us and I’ll explain it to her. Oh but she’s not at the office either? And it’s my fault that no one will be at your Open House? What part of your failure to plan is my fault? And why do you think that I care?

    Wait... I actually DO care?

    Guy calls. 40 minutes. Pop ups won’t work, not even system pop-ups. Can’t click on a link that opens in a new window, gets error on page. Run through standard troubleshoot, uninstall the google toolbar he has, make sure browser pop-up blocker is off, clear cache, check privacy/security settings, make sure javascript is enabled… you know, all the standard crap. Still same problem. Turn off anti-virus. Doesn’t fix. Run browser with no add-ons. Same problem. Try to upgrade his browser but can’t because the system popups to Run/Save won’t open either. Ctrl-Click doesn’t work. He has another computer (but it doesn’t have the program on it that he needs and isn’t compatible with the program) so he’s going to download malwarebytes from that computer onto a flash drive to check for viruses.

    I actually felt bad at the end of the call because I couldn’t help him.

    Wait… did I manage to grow a heart during my vacation?!?!?!?!?!?!!!?!?!?! OMG…. HELP! PLEASE! Someone remove this abnormal growth and return me to my horribly jaded existence… I don’t know what I’ll do if I start feeling pity or remorse when dealing with these callers. My bleak existence has a glimmer of light and it scares me.

    Time Warp

    Today is the 14th. So why have I received two listings and a status change all dated 11/15/10? Those can’t be processed until tomorrow. Oh well… less work for me!

    More calls snippets:

    Had to explain to someone how to delete a letter that he had typed into a text field. Wait a minute… didn’t I walk you through this before I went on vacation?

    Had to walk someone though how to double click. Believe it or not, this took four minutes.

    Had to explain to someone that you can't use the "Email ON Market" button to send Off-Market properties. That’s why there’s an “Email OFF-Market” button to use. Don’t yell at me because you can’t read… but thank you for making me care less.

    If my last name was pronounced "upchuck" I would change it. Every time this woman calls, I think the same thing… and have to keep myself from laughing.

    That didn’t last long

    Woman argued with me that I called her every day this past week and I needed to stop harassing her. According to her, I called her at noon on Monday, 2pm on Tuesday, 9am on Wednesday, 4pm on Thursday and noon again on Friday. She screamed at me for 13 minutes about how I need to stop personally harassing her.

    One really problem with this... I was on vacation all week.

    Oh yeah, and turns out she was calling the wrong company.

    Sorry for the false alarm…. I guess that Khiras, GK & Irv are no longer needed for that emergency procedure. This client killed any hope I had left for humanity as well as the small tolerance I built up over my vacation.


    Was just about done typing this up since my work day is almost done... when I got this call:

    And so my day ends...

    I had an emotional breakdown in the middle of the day... I don't deal well with the holidays... the time between Halloween until after New Years is really difficult for me. Holidays are for family... I don't have one. The times that I've been invited to spend the holidays with friends, I found out (while I was there) that I was invited out of pity only and that no one really wanted me there. Way to help with self-esteem issues... thanks. But what this means is that I HATE holidays now. Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Easter, my birthday... which this past year WAS Easter, so double whammy... I spend alone feeling worthless, because I have no where else to go. I don't remember the last time I had a good holiday. Even as a kid, I wasn't allowed parties because my mom was always drunk and my dad didn't want anyone over because of it. I can count on one hand (and still have 3 fingers left over) how many birthday parties I've actually had... One was when I was 16 and my stepmother bitched the ENTIRE time how expensive it was... and yet everything about the party was her idea, not mine. And the other was a disaster where my roommate got a cake she knew I hated because that's what her fiance wanted, 4/5 of the people who RSVPed didn't show up, and my roommate and her fiance played kissy-face through my entire party making everyone feel uncomfortable.


    So my last caller of the day decides to talk about the holidays while I'm looking up something for her. She's going on about how she is glad to spend time with her large family... and actually comments on how she's glad she's not one of those people who doesn't have a family. She said that people who spend Christmas alone have no one to love them.

    I was already feeling fragile before this call.

    I started crying.

    Luckily we were done and I was able to end the call without my voice breaking too badly. And then I just burst into tears.

    Fuck you too lady. Fuck you.
    "Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!" - The Truman Show

  • #2

    sorry about the twits; lack of planning? too bad, so sad; take some refresher courses and learn about time management.

    that's shitty to invite someone because they consider that person to be a pity case.

    i'd invite you (not out of pity, but for real) but you don't live near me, i think...?

    i'm not big on the holidays either; it would be a movies and random dinner night, which is more to my tastes.
    look! it's ghengis khan!
    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


    • #3
      Quoth Wenchie View Post


      So my last caller of the day decides to talk about the holidays while I'm looking up something for her. She's going on about how she is glad to spend time with her large family... and actually comments on how she's glad she's not one of those people who doesn't have a family. She said that people who spend Christmas alone have no one to love them.

      I was already feeling fragile before this call.

      I started crying.

      Luckily we were done and I was able to end the call without my voice breaking too badly. And then I just burst into tears.

      Fuck you too lady. Fuck you.

      I'm sorry. I am really, really sorry.


      • #4
        I'm sorry, too. That's just awful.
        Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


        • #5
          Irv's my name; don't wear it out.

          Heart removal you say? Okies. Your next caller shall be a total "I dunno what I'm doing and can't be arsed to learn" case.

          Two minutes into the call and you'll be ready to stab him/her in the face through the phone.
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #6
            Khiras admitted to having a heart. Wouldn't surprise me to find you have one too. Just, keep it under control.

            I am sorry to hear that the holidays are such a bad time for you. So here is a blessing for you:
            As the years pass, may you make happy memories of the holidays so that you will look forward to them.

            Sorry that it is not great. I am only about 1/256 Irish, if even that.
            Life is too short to not eat popcorn.
            Save the Ales!
            Toys for Tots at Rooster's Cafe


            • #7
              That last one... wow, what a totally oblivious cow! I'm sorry you've had such a terrible time of the holidays. When I was still in the Air Force, DH and I would always invite over for celebrations those airmen stuck in the dorms without access to family. Was there pity? Yes, that's why we initially opened up our home to them. But we really did open up our home to them. They became temporary members of our family with gifts and everything. They even got to sit at the big table, not the card table with the kids.

              I hope that you soon find someone (or a bunch of someones) to share your time with. Forget the holidays, Life is better spent shared.
              Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


              • #8
                Quoth Wenchie View Post
                So my last caller of the day decides to talk about the holidays while I'm looking up something for her. She's going on about how she is glad to spend time with her large family... and actually comments on how she's glad she's not one of those people who doesn't have a family. She said that people who spend Christmas alone have no one to love them.
                What a bitch.

                *big hugs*

                I'm spending Thanksgiving alone. Last year was my 21st birthday. I invited about 20 people, only 2 showed up including my roommate, and only one person bothered to tell me why he was canceling. Everyone else just 'didn't feel like it.' So, believe me, I know what it feels like. But it's not because of you. It's because you've been surrounded by people who are the problem.

                I'm pretty sure there are many of us here who would be happy to have you over for holidays, not out of pity but because from what we've seen on here we like you. Hell, you'd be welcome to crash my Thanksgiving (I will be baking pie, just for myself, because goddamnit I want pie and I am not skipping it just because it's only me!). I doubt that you want to drive all the way out to NYC, but yanno.


                • #9
                  <hugs> I'm so, so sorry. =( That woman was such a witch with a capital B.
                  By popular request....I am now officially the Enemy of Normalcy.

                  "What is unobtainium? To Seraph, it's a normal client. :P" -- Observant Friend


                  • #10
                    Too bad you're a couple states away, cause I'd hang with you. My dysfunctional family is appx 1200 miles away, so my Thanksgiving will be spent deciding if I want Chinese (which is open) and going to a movie theater. Hey, why not? The cat will enjoy hanging with me, too. He always does.

                    It's impossible to erase bad memories of holidays and that makes things hard. Myself, I've been trying to focus on creating a new holiday tradition by me and for me. My Thanksgiving almost always involves the movie theater. I don't go often, so it's a special treat. And pie. I love pumpkin pie but would never buy it for myself. So it's mine, dammit. And it's the only time kitty gets a taste of people food.

                    Good luck to you and sorry for the suck.
                    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                    • #11
                      If it's any consolation, I'll spend Thanksgiving with you in spirit.

                      Even though I'll only be semi-conscious for most of the day, in between trying to sleep, stuffing my face, and trying to sleep again before the chaos the following morning.
                      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                      • #12
                        I've spent pretty much every holiday alone for the past 13 years. Not to say that I'm worse off than others who will be spending holidays alone... but I'm bitter about the holiday season now. Every year I keep hoping it will be better, and every year I'm disappointed.

                        Last year my sister told me that I only bother to come to the family christmas (which is like a week or so before christmas usually) to get gifts, and that I shouldn't show up since I don't get along with anyone. My stepmom agreed with her. I get ONE $20-$25 gift from whichever sibling draws my name. I spend about $300 on gifts for my nieces/nephews, dad/stepmom and the sibling who's name I draw. Somehow I don't think that adds up to "only showing up for gifts."

                        Last year I didn't bother going to the Christmas after what my sister said. I still sent a big box of presents for everyone. I got nothing in return.

                        I know you shouldn't expect gifts... but one year it would be nice to actually get something for christmas or my birthday. *shrug*

                        I think I'm just gonna give up, honestly.

                        Even if I just tried to ignore Christmas and enjoy Thanksgiving instead, that's not possible since every store and restaurant has christmas crap out now and most of them are playing christmas music. It's just one giant reminder that I'm worthless to the people who are supposed to want to spend holidays with me.

                        Sorry... didn't meant to turn this into a pity party. I'm going to go away now.
                        "Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!" - The Truman Show


                        • #13
                          And I posted too soon... Just got CC'ed on an email which I'm sure was sent to me accidentally because my sister was bitching about how she hopes I don't come to the family xmas. My day just gets better and better.

                          Last straw. I quit.
                          "Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!" - The Truman Show


                          • #14

                            I'm sorry.


                            • #15
                              Is there a way to get a party together of friends for fun that doesn't happen to be for the holidays. Just a time to get together where the pressures of the season aren't there. There have to be others that would enjoy just a fun evening.
                              "Of all the liars in the world, sometimes the worst are your own fears." – Rudyard Kipling

                              I don't have hot flashes. I have short, private vacations to the tropics.

