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If You Don't Have That...

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  • If You Don't Have That...

    I had an absolute darling call me today wanting to exchange her reward points with Huge Sucky Bitch of a Company. This is a company I haven't spoken about before. I've only recently started taking their calls.

    "If You Don't Have That"

    This one takes place yesterday. It was a normal call...for the first 30 seconds. I've taken to calling this "woman" (childish brat is more like it) Silver Spoon Bitch or SSB because her tone implied she'd been born with one in her mouth.

    Me: Thank you for calling Huge Sucky Bitch of a Company Reward Center. This is Red, how can I help you?
    SSB: Yeah, I'd like to get some gift certificates.
    Me: I can help you with that. May I please have your full address and mother's maiden name?
    SSB: I don't feel comfortable giving that to you.
    Me: Unfortunately ma'am, I need you to verify that information so I can get into your account. It's for your security.
    SSB: What? Don't you have it? If you don't have that information on your computer you don't deserve to be in business. (serious )
    Me: Ma'am, I do have that information and I need you to verify it so I know that I am talking to the card holder. This is for the security of your account.
    SSB: I still think this is stupid. *raddles off some of the info in one of those tones*
    Me: *is silent while I wait for her to finish*
    SSB: Well are you going to help me!
    Me: Yes ma'am, I'm waiting for you to give me the rest of the information.
    SSB: This is stupid. Send me to someone who will help me or your supervisor or something.
    Me: I can do that for you. May I please place you on hold while I transfer you to a supervisor?
    SSB: Whatever.

    Now this is where the fun part comes in. Technically, we can't place them on hold until they answer yes. We won't get in trouble if we don't get the yes and place them on hold (especially with situations like this), but she had been a bitch, so I was going to do everything by the letter of the law.

    Me: May I please place you on hold while I transfer you to a supervisor?
    SSB: Get me to someone who will help me.
    Me: May I please place you on hold while I transfer you to a supervisor?
    SSB: I told you to get me to someone who will help me! What are you incompetent!
    Me: May I please place you on hold while I transfer you to a supervisor?
    SSB: GOD! You're like a broken record! Get me to your supervisor!
    Me: Ma'am I need you to answer my question or I won't be able to get you to one, so may I please place you on hold while I transfer you to a supervisor?
    SSB: It's not like I have a real choice!
    Me: May I please place you on hold while I transfer you to a supervisor?
    SSB: grrrr...yes! Now get me the fuck over there damnit!
    Me: Actually ma'am I'm disconnecting this call because of your language. Have a great day! *click*

    Yeah, I'm a bitch, but damn if felt nice. If you're not going to be nice and follow the rules set up to protect you and your precious points I'm not going to be nice either.
    Honey and Thorns ~ Handmade Knit and Jewelry

  • #2
    Doesn't it feel nice to hit that 'release' button? I got to do that today. Had a Dr's office call needing information. As soon as I got into the policy, she decided she needed to check in a patient. Instead of agreeing to hold, I got to ask her to please call back later, when she wasn't quite so busy.

    New policy, we don't have to hold for them any longer. I love it. Beats sitting on hold for 5 minutes, while our call volume backs up, just so she can do her other work. All the time, she could have been getting the information she needed from me off of our website.
    That is so full of suck Dyson doesn't know how they did it - shankyknitter


    • #3
      so unless she answers a question using a set word or phrase, you continue to ask the same question?

      That is an insanely stupid policy.

      would you like fries with that?
      would you like fries with that?
      would you like fries with that?
      would you like fries with that?
      i want fries with that
      would you like fries with that?

      can they not see how needlessly annoying that is?


      • #4
        There's a particular lesson to be learned from this: ya don't bare teeth at the person between you and what you want.
        My other car is a Mackinaw.


        • #5
          Quoth Legal Eagle View Post
          so unless she answers a question using a set word or phrase, you continue to ask the same question?
          Only if the person on the other end of the line is made of bitchohol.
          The High Priest is an Illusion!


          • #6
            Quoth Legal Eagle View Post
            so unless she answers a question using a set word or phrase, you continue to ask the same question?
            Quoth ArcticChicken View Post
            Only if the person on the other end of the line is made of bitchohol.
            I've done this in face-to-face transactions. If someone was polite I would bend rules wherever I could. If they were jerks then it was everything by the rulebook... painfully so, if necessary.
            Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


            • #7
              Quoth Legal Eagle View Post
              so unless she answers a question using a set word or phrase, you continue to ask the same question?

              That is an insanely stupid policy.

              would you like fries with that?
              would you like fries with that?
              would you like fries with that?
              would you like fries with that?
              i want fries with that
              would you like fries with that?

              can they not see how needlessly annoying that is?
              There was a reason I was being annoying. The woman was a Grade A bitch. In your little mock up it was someone agreeing with what you were asking. SSB was being a rude, whiny little child the entire call. At one point she had pissed me off I was shaking because of her tone and disrespect towards me. So needless? I think not. It made me feel a hell of alot better after having to deal with her and her attitude.

              She could have been alot nicer about many things. She could have asked for a sup as soon as she decided she wasn't comfortable with answer the security questions, she could have answered my question about putting her on hold with a: yes, sure, okay. Hell if she had said "yeah, whatever" I would have put her on hold and transferred her. Instead, she decided to play the bitch and was rude and disrespectful towards the person who was trying to help her, so she was fair game to the annoyingness.

              Phone reps (and remember I'm an in bound call center, you only call me when you want something) get some of the worst people in any industry. If I can get back at an EW or SC and still keep my job, I'm going to pounce on it. Which reminds me, I'm going to have to make a post about another woman with a silver spoon in her mouth.
              Honey and Thorns ~ Handmade Knit and Jewelry


              • #8
                I don't blame you. When they're that bitchy, if they do talk to a supervisor they'll try to get you into trouble. Strictly following the rules is a way to CYA.

                I hate these people who refuse to verify their info. I'm supposed to take their word for it, that they are who they say they are. I don't think so!
                When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                • #9
                  I actually love when my SC's start cursing, I always hang up on them or tell them to leave and since my GM is a very religious man he always backs me up on it!


                  • #10
                    Quoth Legal Eagle View Post
                    so unless she answers a question using a set word or phrase, you continue to ask the same question?
                    can they not see how needlessly annoying that is?
                    That was precisely the point.

                    She could have chosen to place her on hold after the "whatever," but because the woman was being such an entitled little princess, Red chose to obey the absolute letter of the rule, as opposed to the spirit.

                    I would have been quite tempted to do the same.

                    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                    • #11
                      Man, I wish I had a hang up button for some of my nastier ones.

                      Only if the person on the other end of the line is made of bitchohol.
                      Also, if the customer is being a raging bitch over simple protocol, the last thing you want to do is stop following the rules. This way if the customer tells your supervisor, "Well she was asking me this question repeatedly until I finally said yes," well, the supervisor can't fault you for following policy to the letter.


                      • #12
                        Gods, I wish I could hang up on customers. ;_; policy says we have to transfer to our supe for obscene language and the like. I LIKE my supe. I don't wanna give either of them these jackasses. >.<
                        Last edited by Dave1982; 11-19-2010, 11:23 PM.

                        It's a strange world. Let's keep it that way.-Elijah Snow

