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Religious SC Behavior thread (Three part)

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  • #76
    Why is it okay for you guys to gripe about people (SC's) being rude to you, but you can rude to anyone you want by choice? See what I'm saying?

    Mods, no need to "reprimand" me for my post. I probably won't read it. I will be taking a break for awhile.

    I thought this was a place to vent about people dumping all of you when you didn't do anything terrible. These religios folks are not doing anything inhumane, so there is no reason to be rude to them. It's a two way street.

    Sure, they can be annoying, but there's no need to go overboard.

    *signing out...for good(?)*


    • #77
      It's about people using religion to bug and harass (sometimes illegally) other people. I dont know about anyone else but if someone bugs and harasses me I sure as hell aint gonna buy em a beer.


      • #78
        So, to get this onto a customer-type religious complaint.....
        I hate it when I get the religious liers coming on to me at work. It goes something like this:

        Me: (to couple shopping or walking towards me) "Hi! May I help you find something?"
        Couple: "Oh, yes, thanks. We're looking for (fill in blank) for a gift."
        Me: Sure! Let me show you...." (followed by about 10 minutes of salesmanship, lots of questions by customers...)
        Couple: "Thanks so much for your help. You're so nice...we'd love for you to come worship with us! "(hands pamphlet)
        Me: (looks at church directions and info) "No, thanks. I'm Jewish."
        Couple: "That's alright. Please come anyways...we'd love to have you." (leaves without buying anything at all)

        This has happened several times. I hate it because the people are not really shopping...they are there to hand out pamphlets, but because the only way they can get us to listen to them is to be 'customers', they lie about it, and waste my time!!
        I don't respect any 'religious' people who lie to get my attention...and make me lose sales while I 'help' them!!
        I respect that people love their religions..and true faith does not need to convert by trickery.
        I no longer fear HELL.
        I work in RETAIL.


        • #79
          I have some good stories on religous people. Last summer, I worked a Catholic conference and I hated it. I hated hearing them whine about the parking fee, or how my soul needs saving. This summer, I worked Joyce Meyer and some people were very nice and kept their beliefs to themselves while others were just stupid. One person asked me if I had found Jesus, I replied with "Nope, I worship Raptor Jesus." The look on the person's face was priceless.

          I found a great way to deal with JWs. One is use your big dog to your advantage. I have a greyhound and he is bigger than most dogs; his head reaches my hip and I'm 6'2. When he stands on his hind legs he about my height; he is very friendly and wouldn't harm a fly. One day a JW came to my door, I answered the door and was about to tell him I wasn't interested until he saw my dog. He started his spiel but my dog ran after him scaring the JW away.
          The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


          • #80
            Quoth RecoveringKinkoid
            Heh. My dad used to clean his guns in front of my boyfriends when they came to pick me up for dates.

            Sandy, is that you?

            Remember the time Dad had a couple of beers too many and painted his 12-gauge white because he knew Mom wanted us girls to have formal weddings. It was years before I realized that I should have been offended and by then, it was just funny.


            • #81
              I kind of see the point being made by the gentleman who left, but for a different reason.

              This thread was supposed to deal with overzelous SCs who preach their religion to the point of being an annoyance or hindering your work day and the thread has rapidly changed to something that resembles alot of people relating their stories of JWs or other people harassing them in their personal lives, or in areas that have nothing to do with work.

              While I find the stories very funny, they aren't really work related and I don't really see them going along with the spirit and purpose of this forum, as it's not on the SC topic...

              Just my two cents...

              That being said, here's my work related story which I posted in another thread, but it fits better here.

              I had one woman when I worked retail a few years ago that would come in twice a week and if I was a register, she bugged me. She was going on and passed me enough literature on the Mormon church to make a few trees. I politely asked her to stop as I wasn't a mormon and she never did. She gave me literature about twice a month and I politely declined it, but she just left it on the register on her way out.

              I asked a manager who was a buddy of mine what to do about it, as I was scared to get REAL management involved. I was just a cashier and we had a really high turnover rate, and a trained monkey could do my job. If I complained about it more vehemently to the woman, she might claim I was "persecuting" her - she loved to claim how people persecuted her about her religion - to the cashiers in line, no less. So I came up with an idea.

              I had a gothic friend of mine that had some rather interesting jewelry. She had a pentagram ring that fit my finger that I borrowed - I had always worn a ring there and one day at work I wore the pentagram ring backwards, with the pentagram in my palm. She passed me the same pamplet she did before and I said "No thanks" with a little smile. I held up my hand so she could see it, and I swear she turned six shades of white when she noticed what it was. She took her purchases, got her change without another word, and when she opened her purse to put her billfold in there - I saw no less than a dozen of the same pamplets she had handed me a few times a month for nearly four.

              I didn't get away scott free with it though. She went to a manager and complained that they had hired a Satanist. The manager was the friend I talked to about it, as we had five or six and he was the only cool one about it (he was the one I could speak openly with without him worrying about tattling on what I said or how I acted). My manager basically said "Well, we're an equal opportunity employer, and if he's a Satanist, that's his choice."


              "We have a few employees here that wear crosses and Stars of David. We can't legally tell them not to wear them because they are symbols of their religions. If he wants to wear a pentagram, it's his choice. Just like it's your choice to come in here and hand out religious literature a few times a month."

              She got the hint and I never saw her again at my register. I never wore the pentagram again (I made my point) but every time I did see her I gave a big smile and waved.

              I left the job two months later for a much better one. As far as wearing a pentagram for a day and for some laughs? I figure God has to have a good sense of humor
              "Time shall help me face my painful memories with indifference, and with more of it, I won't feel the need to face them at all..."


              • #82
                Quoth Jester
                I heard a true classic from one of the Blue Collar Comedy guys (I am pretty sure it was Ron White). When a guy came to pick his daughter up for a date, he said something like this....

                "Son, see that girl over there? That's my ONLY daughter. And I love her more than anything else on this planet. So tonight, when you're out with her, and start getting ideas about kissing and hugging and other things, remember the words I am about to say to you: I don't mind going back to prison."
                That would have been Bill Engvall, actually (don't think Ron White has kids). I remember that bit from one of his CDs.
                "Crazy may always be open for business, but on the full moon, it has buy one get one free specials." - WishfulSpirit

                "Sometimes customers remind me of zombies, but I'm pretty sure that zombies are smarter." - MelindaJoy77


                • #83
                  Kusanagi, that's priceless. The most I've ever had was one or two people approach me at work about it at work. If they'd come back and harassed me I'd have been well within my rights to throw them out because they were harassing me.


                  • #84
                    i had two older women demand i be removed from the store i work at because of my jewelry choices. I simply told my maanger when they attempted to do so that unless they went and removed EVERY person wearing jewelry that i would have a nice call for the corp people they never bothred me again. We have a lot of problem with stealing at the store i'm in where people will actually attack employees. I feel making myself stand out makes me less of a target and it appears to work because in my 4 years now no ones gone after me.
                    "Hello, my name is Niki....Jessica."
                    "Oh we're a lot of things Niki, but we're not crazy." Jessica, Better Halves
                    Niki's Chronicles


                    • #85
                      Okies folks...

                      Let's keep this to people who hassle you about religion at work where you aren't really able to escape. Don't be too surprised if the mods come through here and trim out a few posts that aren't relevant.

                      If anyone is feeling sore about this thread, we have report buttons for a reason.



                      • #86
                        Quoth Seanette
                        That would have been Bill Engvall, actually (don't think Ron White has kids). I remember that bit from one of his CDs.
                        It was Bill Engvall. However Ron White has one son...he calls him 'Tater Tot'
                        I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


                        • #87
                          Quoth WonTon
                          These religios folks are not doing anything inhumane, so there is no reason to be rude to them. It's a two way street.
                          Most of the time when I come across these people I usually state that I am comfortable in my choice of religion, and it gives me great comfort and strenghtens me when I'm in need. This gets 99% of them to smile, wave, drop off a flyer (that I chuck when they're not looking) and leave me alone. I started this thread to cover the 1% of them who press further and dig to find out what I am and then try to 'save' me when I don't feel the need to be saved, and finally do not wish to be bothered. This thread was for the ones who are so rude to you that the only way to be rid of them is to be rude back and in some cases even more rude.

                          Sure, they can be annoying, but there's no need to go overboard.
                          Oh but there the right circumstances. I agree that there is no need to be rude to remove the presence of those who are polite, but there are some fanatics out there who think you're going to hell simply for being a part of the church next door to theirs and that is is their mission to save you at all costs and if they fail to convert you then thier own souls are at risk. Those are the people this thread was meant to immortalize.

                          *signing out...for good(?)*
                          I wish you hadn't done that. If this thread was bothering you then why didn't you say something. Most of us here would realize that our actions are getting out of hand and will calm it down a bit. In previous versions of the forums I have been known on several occasions to re-evaluate my words and to apologize for words said in haste and it is something I've seen others in the forums do. Wish you haven't left before letting us have a chance to address your concerns but it is your decision.

                          Hope to see you again soon,

                          Mongo Skruddgemire
                          I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


                          • #88
                            If the subject bothers him so much, why is he reading it?

                            I mean, ok I understand, this should ONLY be about those who harrass you while you cannot really say what you are thinking and are trapped at work, that Part I agree with.

                            But if you are soo upset about it, why read it?

                            I don't get it. I hate to say/type it, but its like those SC's that say "I'm never coming back" yet come back again and again, like they want to be offended...

                            I hope wonton comes back though. Just ignore the posts that bother you.


                            • #89
                              Before we have mod intervention.. AGAIN.. let's take a breather. Wonton does have a point. It started out as getting preached to at work, and went OT from there. Yes, he could have stopped reading it, but he decided to do what he did, and that's his right.

                              Let's keep the venting in the area it deserves to be... the Sucky Customers.. or Sucky Non-Customers (for those who come in sucky, but don't actually BUY anything..)

                              Jenni, the peacekeeping
                              SC: “Yeah, Bob’s Company. I'm Bob. It's my company.” - GK
                              SuperHotelWorker made my Avi!!


                              • #90
                                Thanks, Jenni.

                                At the risk of being repetitive; this is NOT a thread for bashing religious people in general, not even annoying religious people in general . This is a thread for complaining about annoying religious people AT WORK. Any more non-work related complaints, and I'm going to close this thread.

                                *cracks knuckles, looks threatening and exercises mod power*
                                A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
                                - Dave Barry

