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Quirky Monday

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  • Quirky Monday

    These people weren't full on sucky, just....annoying.

    That's Not How It Works On This Planet

    A couple comes in and orders two drinks. Has a 2 for 1 coupon. No problem. They finish their first round of drinks.

    JESTER: Folks, would you like another round?
    HER: Can we do another 2 for 1?
    JESTER: Sure, if you have another coupon!
    HER: No, I meant with the same coupon we gave you.
    JESTER: Um.....noooo. I'm sorry, ma'am, but we can only do one 2 for 1 per coupon. If you have another one, I can do another 2 for 1, as it's one coupon per person per day.
    HER: Oh.

    A few minutes later, they somehow found their second coupon. But seriously, in what store, restaurant, automotive garage, opera, porn shop or brothel can you use one coupon twice? I've never seen it, and I know she hasn't either.

    The Key Might Be Your Choice of Ingredients

    A group of four (two couples) come in. One couple orders beers, the third guy orders a margarita, and the last woman asks for a margarita, the sweetest kind we have. I say that would be either mango or strawberry. She wants the sweetest. I guess that that would be strawberry. She says sure, and asks for a sugar rim...and she again reminds me that she wants it SWEET.

    Okay, look. While I am a pretty damn good mixologist, when it comes to frozen drinks, with few exceptions (and this ain't one of them), we pour in the liquor and then the pre-made puree. So as I'm walking away to make the drinks, I have a thought. "Ma'am, if you really want it sweet, would you prefer a strawberry daiquiri?" No, of course not. She wants a margarita. Naturally.

    For those of you that don't drink, allow me to introduce you to my friends Rum and Tequila.

    Rum is made from either sugar cane juice or molasses, a by-product of sugar production. In other words, for all intents and purposes, rum is fermented sugar juice.

    Tequila is made from the juice of the agave plant, which is a cactus. It's basically very tart.

    Sweet sugar juice or tart cactus juice. Which might be sweeter? Sugar? Cactus? Sugar? Cactus? Naturally the former! But does she want this in her drink? Of course not! She wants the tart juice of a desert plant, in her drink.....but she wants it SWEET.


    So I make the drink, knowing full well what's coming.

    "It's not sweet enough."

    Really, lady? Really? You had me put TEQUILA in a blender with strawberry puree, and are honestly surprised that it is not as sweet as you want it?

    Now, in retrospect, I probably could have thrown some simple syrup (fancy name for sugar water, which we use for mojitos and caipirinhas) in the blender too, but I know, you know, and everyone else knows what would have followed. One of two responses, either said in a whiny voice:

    "It's not sweet enough!"

    "It's too sweet!"

    Okay, fine. You're an adult but you want to go through life with the ignorance of a child? Great. I'll offer you a solution.

    JESTER: Would you like some sugar?
    HER: No.

    Of course not!

    A few minutes later, her Pawn in Shining Armor asks me, "Can we have some Splenda?"


    So I hand them a sugar/sweetener caddy, and watch this woman dump not one, not two, but at least THREE fucking Splenda packets into her strawberry margarita.

    Of course, she could have saved herself the trouble by, oh, I dunno, taking the bartender's advice and getting a strawberry fucking daiquiri. You know, the cocktail with rum in it!

    Defending the Keep

    I didn't deal with this directly, but I did witness it.

    Two bums stroll in right at opening, one dressed vaguely appropriate, the other with only shorts on--no shoes, no shirt.

    But they are not here to be customers and buy drinks or food, oh no.

    They come in, and right at the hostess stand are not only both servers, but also the manager on duty, Amazon, and the GM, MC Greek. (Don't ask me where I get these names. Just trust that they are appropriate to the people I assign them to.) Now, neither one of these folks Takes Any Shit. And they definitely are not going to Take Any Shit from a couple of bums.

    The fully dressed bum is carrying a six-pack of beer. Apparently these two upstanding citizens came into some money and decided to splurge, buying a six-pack of Something Cold and Refreshing. (I don't know what.) But apparently these NASA scientists overlooked two small details.

    The beers they bought did not have twist tops.
    And they didn't have a bottle opener.

    Which is why they now darkened our door.

    "Can we borrow an opener?"

    MC Greek: "No, sorry buddy."
    Amazon: "But we'll sell you one!" (We have, among other retail items, bottle openers.)

    "No, we don't want to buy one. We just want to borrow one to open up these beers."

    Yes. These beers that you bought Elsewhere. Let us think about that for just a moment...okay, that's enough. No.

    Now, despite the fact that both servers and myself all have some sort of opener on their person, and Amazon knows this fully well, she looks the bums right in the eyes and says, "Sorry. I don't happen to carry one around with me." Technically true. Ignoring the aforementioned fact that the bums had to know....the staff, however, did.

    But MC Greek and Amazon are making it abundantly clear that we are not, in fact, a bottle opening service for wayward drunks who buy High Quality Beer but then run out of funds to purchase an opener for said beverages. They are forming a mental wall that the bums cannot breach, as it is at least knee high, which clearly exceeds their mental capacity. Neither of them turned to the servers (who were just watching this with amusement). Nor did they turn to me, busy behind the bar cutting up fruit. Nor, honestly, would it have mattered if they had. For MC Greek and Amazon would have made it clear that This Was Not Happening.

    Without ever raising a hand, these two successfully defended the fortress, keeping out the Riff Raff Barbarians. I stood in silent awe of their powers, and watched as the bums left, utterly and hopelessly defeated, still searching for their precious bottle opener, preferably before their high-priced loot warmed up.

    Today was an entertaining day.

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."

  • #2
    I thought everyone knew how to open a beer bottle without an opener. Well, everyone who drink beer outside of bars.
    They could have used a coin, the blunt edge of a knife or anything, actually. Even the cap on an unopened bottle (though that takes some control to ensure that it's the bottle with the cap up that is opened).


    • #3
      Or a lighter. Or the edge of a table. Or...

      I know a guy who can open beer bottles with his teeth. And another one who can do the same with his eye socket - he just somehow hooks the bottle on the bone directly beneath the eye, hiss, pop, open. Kinda scary to watch, actually.
      You gotta polish a memory like a stone. Chip off the parts that remind you it was just a game. Work it until it's indistinguishable from any other memory.


      • #4
        I used to be a master at opening beer bottles with the edge of a table. Not so much anymore. And while I have never been able to do it, I know many people who can pop 'em open with a lighter without a problem.

        But I should point out that these two were bums. Not figuratively, but literally. And thus not exactly the cream of the crop, my friends, in either intelligence or talent.

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."


        • #5
          Quoth Canarr View Post
          I know a guy who can open beer bottles with his teeth. And another one who can do the same with his eye socket - he just somehow hooks the bottle on the bone directly beneath the eye, hiss, pop, open. Kinda scary to watch, actually.
          Whaaaaat, I'm curious but at the same time disturbed.
          There had to be DUMB in the water today. - Summerfly413


          • #6
            Quoth Canarr View Post
            I know a guy who can open beer bottles with his teeth. And another one who can do the same with his eye socket - he just somehow hooks the bottle on the bone directly beneath the eye, hiss, pop, open. Kinda scary to watch, actually.
            Anybody got a plunger to dislodge this image from my head?


            • #7
              Or you could just keep a piece of paper handy.

              I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


              • #8
                I know there probably would have been nasty-ass repercussions, but I probably just would have made the woman a daiquiri anyway
                GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                • #9
                  Yeah, serve the daiquiri in a margarita glass and she probably wouldn't have figured out the difference (or at least not complained about it being not sweet enough).


                  • #10
                    #1: A local sub shop has coupons printed in their to go menu. They tell you to hang onto your coupon and use it next time...I think because they would rather you re-use the coupon than take another to go menu. I've run into a couple of other small private businesses like this but never a large store or a chain so it is possible, just not likely.

                    #2: While I know rum is made from sugar (I swear I am going on that Appleton distillery tour the next time I am in Jamaica) I never really thought of it as sweet. Then again my preferred distilled liquor is peppermint scnapps so I suppose there aren't many liquors that would be considered sweet in comparison to that (I also like Sambuca and Galliano).

                    #3: Give me a lever long enough and a place to sit it on and I can open beer bottles as big as the world! (i.e. as everyone else said you can open a beer bottle with just about anything that you can use for leverage).
                    You'll find a slight squeeze on the hooter an excellent safety precaution, Miss Scrumptious.


                    • #11
                      Quoth tollbaby View Post
                      I know there probably would have been nasty-ass repercussions, but I probably just would have made the woman a daiquiri anyway
                      Quoth jjc927 View Post
                      Yeah, serve the daiquiri in a margarita glass and she probably wouldn't have figured out the difference (or at least not complained about it being not sweet enough).
                      No. For one thing, we serve daiquiris and frozen margaritas in the same glass: a beer pint glass. Basically what we serve all frozen drinks in.

                      Secondly, our well rum is Bacardi, a light rum which is not all that sweet. Not tart like tequila, but not sweet.

                      Third, if a customer is so stupid that they want me to use tequila to make a really sweet drink, well, I am going to follow their instructions, and when it doesn't work out, it's their fault, not mine.

                      Quoth Caractacus_Potts View Post
                      While I know rum is made from sugar (I swear I am going on that Appleton distillery tour the next time I am in Jamaica) I never really thought of it as sweet.
                      Some is, some isn't. It's base is sugar, but that doesn't mean all of it is sweet. Zaya, for example, is a lovely sweet sipping rum. Whereas Appleton Estate VX, their most popular variety, a nice amber rum, is not that sweet at all, and has a little fire to it.

                      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                      Still A Customer."


                      • #12
                        I love margaritas, esp strawberry margaritas. I don't think they're all that tart, and after a few sips your tongue starts going numb anyway . . .
                        They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Jester View Post

                          A few minutes later, they somehow found their second coupon. But seriously, in what store, restaurant, automotive garage, opera, porn shop or brothel can you use one coupon twice? I've never seen it, and I know she hasn't either.
                          I have seen coupons that are like, "Get a sandwich for 1.99. Coupon can be used for up to 6 sandwiches." Arby's has coupons like that. I wouldn't expect a bar to have a coupon like that, but maybe that is what the couple was thinking.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Miss Fatale View Post
                            I have seen coupons that are like, "Get a sandwich for 1.99. Coupon can be used for up to 6 sandwiches." Arby's has coupons like that. I wouldn't expect a bar to have a coupon like that, but maybe that is what the couple was thinking.
                            Generally speaking, those are punch cards, but then, if they are coupons and can be used for multiple sandwiches on one visit, I could understand the confusion.

                            However, I should point out that NOWHERE ON THE COUPON in question does it say anything about it being valid for more than one purchase.

                            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                            Still A Customer."


                            • #15
                              Jester, I think the blame my be laid at certain places that supply 'fliers' that have 'coupons' but you never actually need the coupon. Some guilty parties are Red Roof Pizza, Dice Pizza, and Guy with white beard Chicken..but most likely just sucky customers :P
                              Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.

