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First Post of Rage

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  • First Post of Rage

    Well I'm new, but let's see if I can match ya'll. :9

    For some background info, I work at a local convenience/grocery store with a name that rhymes with Maldreens. I'm generally a register slave, aka "sales associate", but occasionally I'll work floor too. I also answer the phone.

    On with the fun stuff!

    I swear to god, every single day.
    Me: *cheerily ringing up other customers*
    SC: *leaps out of the black depths they seem to come from into the front of my line* EXCUSE ME I NEED HELP
    Me: Okay, let me just finish ringing this lady/gentleman up and I'll be right wi-
    Me: Yeah, I have the keys, I'll be right there as soon as I"m finished up with this customer.
    SC: BWAAAH WAITING *storms around* (in one lovely case, a woman was so angry she had to wait for me that she methodically tore down a stack of gift cards off the rack in front of the registers and threw them on the ground for every five seconds she had to wait, while counting in a loud whisper.)

    And half the time when I go to finally get them their item, they spent ten minutes hmming and hawing over which brand they want, or even better, they wind up going with our generic brand which isn't even locked up.

    Basic Math Skills
    I'm ringing customers up yesterday when my phone goes off with a call from the photo manager, which is weird because she normally has no need to call me. I answer (we have to pick up the phone no matter what even if we're ringing someone up, most customers don't have issue with that) and she tells me that "some lady is on line one and needs help that I can't give her". Naively, I cheerily tell her I'll take care of it and dial 101.

    Me: Hi, thanks for waiting, ma'am, what did you need help with?
    SC: I got this Tracfone for Christmas, and I only have nine days left on it and I need more days.
    Me: Oh, alright, no problem. I think they're sold in increments of minutes, though, how many minutes would you want to buy?
    SC: About six months.
    Me: ...Okay. Let me go check the cards, would you mind holding for a few minutes longer while I clear out my line and go check?
    SC: Fine.
    I only had one customer so it really took about four minutes total for me to get back on the line. Now, it just so happens she was right about part of this; Tracfone minute cards come in increments of minutes that ALSO adds so many days onto your service date. I look over the cards quickly, memorize the amounts and prices, and hop back behind the counter and pick up the phone.
    Me: Thanks so much for holding again, ma'am.
    SC: *makes a horrid noise*
    Me: ...You still there, ma'am?
    Me: ((AUGH SCARY)) Uhh, right! Well, I looked over the cards for you. The cards come in different amounts of minutes, and each one adds 90 days to your end of service date, so how many minutes do you want?
    SC: I don't want any minutes, I just want to put six months on my phone!
    Me: *launches into helpful and detailed explanation of how the minutes COME WITH the amounts of days, and how if she doesn't use the phone very often she'd probably be happiest with the 60 minute 90 day card* ...which costs $20.
    SC: How much?
    Me: $20 for each card, ma'am. So for twenty bucks you're getting sixty minutes as well as ninety days.
    SC: Oh. $20?
    Me: ...yes, $20. ((oh god is she going to try to scam me?))
    SC: Well I want one with six months. Is there a six month card for $20?
    Me: No, the $20 card comes with ninety days.
    SC: How many months is that?
    Me: ...three.
    Cue long silence while she tries to figure out the ensuing tangle of math that she's worked her way into.
    SC: So if I got two cards...for $20 each...that both give me three months...I could have six months?
    Me: ((ffff I don't know this)) I'm not sure if they roll over that way, ma'am, you might want to call the Tracfone company to check about that.
    SC: No, I'll just buy two at once. How much would that cost me?
    Me: *bangs head against counter* $40.
    SC: *click*

    It was the abruptest end to the conversation. I had no idea what to do.

    Creepy Diner Guy
    CDG and a woman I assume was his wife (he kept touching the back of her neck and her hand, and they were both wearing rings) came in and headed straight for the pharmacy to fill a prescription. When they headed out again, I noticed he was looking at me a lot, but I figured he was just anticipating that I was gonna ask to see his pharmacy receipt. Which I don't need to do; pharmacy is responsible for pharmacy sales, not my problem, I just kept chilling there.

    About twenty minutes later, he comes back alone, and saunters up to the counter to buy a Payday candy bar.

    Me: That's gonna be xx.xx.
    CDG: Breakfast of champions, right? *laughing awkwardly*
    Me: *laughs and points to my own bag of candy sitting behind the suggested sell display* Hey, mine's worse. I'm a fat kid though. ((I poke fun at my own love for eating constantly, but I'm not actually all that overweight, just love sweets!))
    CDG: Hey, hey, you're not fat. *takes a step back and stares me up and down* Actually, you're not that bad looking.
    Me: O.O ((what the FUCK. Is that supposed to be a complement?)) Uh...thanks.
    CDG: *still staring directly at my cleavage* Hmm...not bad at all. You ever been to the diner next door?
    Me: Not really. ((It's kind of a total dive, actually, the health department has closed it down at one point I think. It's gross.))
    CDG: *leans forward and leers* How bout you ditch this place and head over there with me for some real breakfast? I got my car out front, we could go anywhere you want to go.
    Me: *furious and disgusted now* No, sir, for several reasons. One, I'm engaged. Two, you're married. Three, if you want to try to get a girl to quit her job and run off with you, a stranger, at least ask her to go someplace nicer than the crappiest diner in the whole damn state.
    CDG: *balks and runs off*

    Not too bad, I know, but it was still somewhat upsetting. :c

    I have more! xD And I haven't even started getting into my other job, as a tattoo I'll be posting more another time.

    teach us to care and not to care
    teach us to be still.

  • #2
    CDG = ewww ewww ewwww!!! nice telling him off though

    to CS!!
    there's some people with issues that medication, therapy or a baseball bat just can't cure


    • #3
      Quoth maskedpuppy View Post
      Well I'm new, but let's see if I can match ya'll.
      This is not competition. This is merely an exhibition. Please, no wagering.

      Quoth maskedpuppy View Post
      in one lovely case, a woman was so angry she had to wait for me that she methodically tore down a stack of gift cards off the rack in front of the registers and threw them on the ground for every five seconds she had to wait, while counting in a loud whisper.
      Ma'am, the front door is right there. And you don't have to wait to use it.

      Quoth maskedpuppy View Post
      CDG and a woman I assume was his wife (he kept touching the back of her neck and her hand, and they were both wearing rings) came in...
      Large assumption. Two married people who are touching each other are not necessarily married to each other.

      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
      Still A Customer."


      • #4
        i'd have to agree with jester; given his behavior, the ring might even be a fake (some women are drawn to married idea why). he's beyond a creep...

        as for tantrum woman and throwing down cards, it would be so great if they could be thrown out for abusing merchandise. sure, they're cards, but acting like a toddler should get the treatment equal to the behavior.
        look! it's ghengis khan!
        Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


        • #5
          I just ignored her. x) Little kids have a habit of ripping down the gift cards as well, for some reason toddlers seem to love them. I had to ask my manager if I could throw one away not too long ago cuz some lady let her little boy walk around chewing on it while she was shopping.

          teach us to care and not to care
          teach us to be still.


          • #6
            I think it's because married men are "safe." You know--he's married, he WON'T leave his wife, so therefore he is good for just some cheap thrills.
            My Guide to Oblivion

            "I resent the implication that I've gone mad, Sprocket."


            • #7
              Quoth maskedpuppy View Post
              I have more! xD And I haven't even started getting into my other job, as a tattoo I'll be posting more another time.

              oooo tattoo SCs....don't think we've ever had those before....
              antici.....(say it!)pation.....
              Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


              • #8
                Welcome to CS .

                Ok, so first the woman line jumps (?), to demand help..and when you don't 'snap too', kiss her feet, and treat her like the queen of the universe..she becomes a tempermental child and vandalizes a part of the store? Classy.

                As for SC's and Math..or Reading..or basic reasoning..or .. well I think the point is made. I would say research should be done on this phenomenon..but not sure I'd want to wish that on my worst enemies..let alone some innocent scientists..

                As for the creeper, hey..I've been accused of being creepy..but guys like that are still a complete mystery to me.
                Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


                • #9
                  Quoth maskedpuppy View Post
                  (in one lovely case, a woman was so angry she had to wait for me that she methodically tore down a stack of gift cards off the rack in front of the registers and threw them on the ground for every five seconds she had to wait, while counting in a loud whisper.)
                  And after being done with the customer you're dealing with, you tell little miss sunshine that you will be with her in just one moment, as you need to clean up this mess here. You see, sometimes children make a mess and it's a trip hazard so it must be dealt with immediately. Some people's children, hunh? *innocent look*


                  • #10
                    Wow, those suck. That one of tossing cards? That's just insane.

                    I will chip in an FYI on TracPhone:

                    When I was selling them there were top up cards that lasted for longer than 3 months (like they had one that kept your phone active for a year, regardless of mins). And no, if you put on 2 cards each for 3 months, it's not 6 months :P
                    TracPhone was the bane of my existence, as it requires you to put in like a 20 digit code to top up the phone. The only people that bought TracPhone were old people who insisted that we had to put in the card for them, and would rant about returning it (can't do that) if we wouldn't.


                    • #11
                      Quoth thansal View Post
                      Wow, those suck. That one of tossing cards? That's just insane.

                      I will chip in an FYI on TracPhone:

                      When I was selling them there were top up cards that lasted for longer than 3 months (like they had one that kept your phone active for a year, regardless of mins). And no, if you put on 2 cards each for 3 months, it's not 6 months :P
                      TracPhone was the bane of my existence, as it requires you to put in like a 20 digit code to top up the phone. The only people that bought TracPhone were old people who insisted that we had to put in the card for them, and would rant about returning it (can't do that) if we wouldn't.
                      Hey I had one at 21 before I got a "real" cellphone as it cost me double


                      • #12
                        Quoth thansal View Post

                        TracPhone was the bane of my existence, as it requires you to put in like a 20 digit code to top up the phone. The only people that bought TracPhone were old people who insisted that we had to put in the card for them, and would rant about returning it (can't do that) if we wouldn't.
                        Of course, nowadays there are phones like the Jitterbug, which are blatantly geared toward the elderly but function like a cell phone from a provider like Sprint or Verizon, with no cards to purchase.

                        Or phones you can use month to month, with a certain number of minutes per month, with the monthly charges going on your credit card (like Virgin Mobile, which I have and enjoy very much.)

                        My mom had a Tracfone once, when she was sick of US Cellular, Sprint and all them. She went to Virgin Mobile too. I think it was because the phone itself was a piece of crap or something.
                        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                        • #13
                          First: Welcome to one of the more interesting kinds of therapy you can find on the internet XP

                          Second: That kind of behavior, 'specially if done on purpose, might have been grounds to get her tossed out of the store, at the very least. On the Tracphone customer... iirc, Tracphone cards do roll over, so you could put 2 cards on and get 6 months + whatever minutes. I would have to check when i get to work, but i think the 60 minute card for $20 is only 30 days, and you would have to go for something more expensive for the 90 day cards. And finally: I always enjoy stories of creeps getting pwned like that.


                          • #14
                            Good grief that first SC was childish! Too bad you couldn't treat her as such. As for the second one, holy crap! I know I'm not the greatest at math but holy Jeebus! That SC was stooopid! The third SC..I think perv is the word for him. If he tried anything like that, he'd be shitting his pants if I told him about SO (6'10 and over 300lbs) or worse...if he saw SO and believe me SO would be ready to kick his creepy ass if he tried that in his presence.
                            Last edited by tropicsgoddess; 05-05-2011, 09:32 PM.
                            I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                            Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                            Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


                            • #15

                              ah, tracfone. at least once a week i go through the whole spiel about tracfones for a customer, and it's not always the older ones that just don't get it.

                              the minutes and days both will rollover. I've seen people with close to a thousand minutes and people whose phones are good til 2013. and the 60 minute card for $20 is for 90 days. It's why I recommend tracfone for the people who only want an emergency phone. out of the options at our store, about $7 a month is the cheapest option. specially since all our tracfones are double minute phones now.
                              I make music videos in my spare time. Check them out ^_^

