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stories from the photo past

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  • stories from the photo past

    I saw an older lady at the store today that used to come into the place I worked as photo manager. She reminded me of the customers that I used to have to deal with. Now this lady used to bring in film to be developed and only want single prints. No matter how much we tried to upsell. She always said she would go through them and decide which ones she wanted copies of later. Then when she came back, surprise surprise, she wanted copies of all of them It got to where we would go ahead and print her singles then print them out again so that we would not have to run the negatives through one strip at a time(which was a pain because our negative reader was screwed up half the time) and we could just pull them from the returns bucket and ring them up. Which really never made sense because getting double prints was cheaper then getting reprints. I think she just wanted us to work harder. Later on this same lady got a digital camera. We though, yay, she can use the kiosk and do them all herself. NOPE!!! No matter how many times we showed her how to do it and no matter how long our lines were she wanted one of us to do it for her and do it NOW!!! And she couldn't be happy with just choosing print all, no. She had to look at every single picture on there. When there was a line I made her wait which resulted in major catbutt face but oh well. She complained about it several times but my awesome manager told her if there was a line I had to wait on them first and really we were not supposed to do the pictures because of privacy. The kicker to this whole ordeal??? Every single picture she took was of her TV!!!!! People in concerts, soap operas, every single one. HER TV!

    Then there was the creepy guy. He was an older man and he had a fake ID that said 007 and had his picture of it. He always said his name was James Bond and has us list his picture account under that name He was old, overweight, and balding. The farthest thing from James Bond ever. He thought all the women wanted him like 007 though. He would bring in pictures of old cars and young women(seriously underdressed, I think at car shows). He would always get right next to me where his arm was touching mine and talk. He would make those creepy remarks that old men make that are supposed to be "funny" but make you want to take a 3 hour long shower. It got to where when I saw him coming I would call our store manager over and run and hide in the cooler next to photo, lol. Our store manager was rather large and tall and had a bushy beard. We all told him he looked like a werewolf and tried to no avail to get his to dress as one for Halloween. Same with being Santa at Christmas The old man didn't ever find the time to stand and talk closely to him for some reason.

    I almost forgot Hat Lady. She was a prim and proper old lady that always wore some kind of hat. She was a total BITCH. She would order us around and also make us do the kiosk for her. She had a daughter that was disabled and she was mean to her too. I felt bad for her. She would talk to us with that condescending tone that makes you want to slap the customer. And she was always trying to use coupons that did not match her order or that were expired and say that we did it last time. Or she would actually have a coupon that actually worked and not give it to us until she came to pick the pictures up. After we told her EVERY SINGLE TIME to give us the coupon with the order ticket. Then we would have to cancel the order, rering everything manually and put the coupon in. We all disliked her very much.

    Oh, and a sucky manager story, yay! Our store was a "trainer" store. My store manager was the Total Awesome and corporate would send newly graduated assistant managers to be trained at our store and then they would move on to another store. We had different managers there all the time. They were mostly pretty decent and our store manager did not let anyone give us any crap. Customers or assistants. We had one that everyone hated and I got to PWN This lady had come in with some printed coupons that were obviously fake. They were for a free mega size bag of Pampers diapers. It had a picture of the pampers and then it said Free Mega size Pampers or something like that. And no bar code or anything. We were not supposed to take internet coupons and if the customer insisted we had to get approval on internet printed coupons. This guy did not like doing anything and would call us from the office and say go ahead. I told him he needed to come to the front. He came up all huffy and said " what do you want" I told him I did not feel comfortable taking those coupons and he sided with the customer and said go ahead. The whole time she was talking loudly on the phone about "the stupid bitch at the front not taking her coupons" Now if it had been one bag, I might have done it. She had 5 "free" bags of diapers. I told him if he wanted to approve it to initial the coupons and do it on his number. He yelled at me in front of the customer and told me I would do it and I would do it now. I took off my smock, went and clocked out, and told him no I would not do it. Since I was the only one on register he had to do it.

    If he would have argued with me nicely and even initialed them like I asked I would have still done it and it would have been on him. But for him to yell at me and side with an obviously wrong customer and let her cuss me like she did, no I am not going to take that. I called our store manager on the phone and let him know what happened, and the person in pharmacy backed me up because he was coming in from break when it happened. The assistant had to apologize to me and get a lecture on how to treat employees. Needless to say he hated me now.

    A couple of days later I was stocking cigarettes and helping out up front. He told me to go do some random thing and I said OK, let me get the rest of these cigarettes up and I will go do it. He told me I would do it NOW. That I was just a cashier with no education and if I applied myself more I could be in management like him. That he had a degree and he was smarter then me and I would do as he said and do it right then. That when he said jump the only question I would ask was how high? Then he pulled on his nametag and put it in my face and said "do you see this nametag? Do you know what this means?" I got back in his face and said "yes I know what that means. It means your mommy and daddy paid for you to go to school. Something I am having to pay for myself right now thank you so much. And it also means you are a manager. A manager that has employees working for him. Employees that may not have a college education but if it was not for your "stupid" employees you would not have anyone to boss around and do the jobs that you think you are too good to do. " He turned a lovely shade of purple and told me to get in the office now, that we were going to have a talk with Awesome Store Manager. Awesome Store Manager happened to have been in the candy aisle the whole time and peeked around the corner and said"I have already heard the whole thing, she is right, if it was not for your workers you would not have a job. I need to talk to you in the office. Pageant mama, go finish those cigarettes" The guy got transferred to another store about 2 hours away from his house the next day

  • #2
    Every single picture she took was of her TV!!!!! People in concerts, soap operas, every single one. HER TV!
    Maybe she was trying to prove that they were all "talking to her" and sending her secret messages?

    Love how you pwned the stupid manager!
    When you start at zero, everything's progress.


    • #3
      Man, I'v e worked in a couple labs and you do indeed see some special shit. Either it walks in the door or it comes out of the film cans in the darkroom, but some stuff you just can't unsee.

      Made you want to pour stop directly into your own eyeballs.


      • #4
        Nice pwning of manager.

        If someone tried telling me that I was "stupid" for being a cashier at WM (back when I was most recently) and that they were so much better for having a college education, I would retort that I do, in fact, have a Bachelors Degree, and at the time was working as a cashier because 1) I knew I could do it, because I'd done it before, 2) I actually kind of liked cashiering, as far as easy-to-get jobs go, and 3) I was only doing it until I had my first child and switched to being a stay-at-home mom because my husband has an awesomer job than me. So nyah.

        Seriously, just because someone is working a minimum-wage job doesn't mean they are stupid. Some of them have degrees and high levels of education and choose to take those "lesser" jobs. And even those who don't have the education can still be absolutely awesome people.
        "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
        - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


        • #5
          Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
          Man, I'v e worked in a couple labs and you do indeed see some special shit. Either it walks in the door or it comes out of the film cans in the darkroom, but some stuff you just can't unsee.

          Made you want to pour stop directly into your own eyeballs.
          Oh yes, the PHOTOS

          I saw some doozys in my time back there. We were not supposed to print anything super graphic but it was left up to our discretion. As long as it was between consenting adults and not illegal I printed, just so I could see them bigger, lol. Although there were a few where I had to put the black box in front of the conveyer so no one could see what was coming out of it Our setup was not too in the customers faces so they could not see everything but I wanted to make sure no one else had the "privilege" of seeing some of those shots. I need to make a mental list of some of the really good ones and make another post


          • #6
            Quoth Kogarashi View Post
            Seriously, just because someone is working a minimum-wage job doesn't mean they are stupid. Some of them have degrees and high levels of education and choose to take those "lesser" jobs. .
            When I was working at "hell", we hired (for less than minimum wage) a lawyer (working, full- fledge) and a person with a masters. Sometimes you take what you can get.

            Hell, I worked there for over 2 years, And my IQ is over 140. Sometimes the only correlation between a job and intelligence level is arrived upon via desperation.
            "Hi, this is Silver. How may I lose my self respect in order to cater to your over- inflated ego today?" --- Silverrb


            • #7
              Most "interesting" photo customer I recall from the Rank Aid days got a police investigation. Lets just say some of his pics would have been Chris Hansen material.

              And I'd like to say that the manager trainee probably didn't last long, but unfortunately I've seen people worse than him last quite a while. Favortism and all.


              • #8
                Dear sucky manager... a degree is not the only mark of intelligence. Nor is the lack of a degree a mark of anything. Except maybe... not graduating college.

                As for photo lab... *GIGGLE* I worked as a lab tech for several years. Fun times. We where supposed to print and have the manager approve/disapprove of potentially illegal photos. The two most amusing to me... the old couple taking pictures during the act. Not a tripod, but just holding the camera and taking pics of each other. I'm happy they enjoy each other, But.... 1) not allowable for us to print 2) not something I was interested in seeing.

                The best, odd pictures where the photos of a hunting trip. In the middle of the roll was cross dressing old man/men. In suggestive poses. Not sex or nude, so ok to give to the customer. While I was ringing him up he mentioned there might be something odd on the roll, since his buddies stole his camera during the trip. Except... I'm pretty sure he was in the pictures, and even if they stole it... this was a planned thing, since they already had the female underthings.

                It just made me giggle.
                Shamus: Why hasn't anybody designs a cranium-anus extraction kit yet? It seems that so many people suffer from a improperly-stored head.


                • #9
                  Quoth Kogarashi View Post
                  Nice pwning of manager.

                  If someone tried telling me that I was "stupid" for being a cashier at WM (back when I was most recently) and that they were so much better for having a college education, I would retort that I do, in fact, have a Bachelors Degree, and at the time was working as a cashier because 1) I knew I could do it, because I'd done it before, 2) I actually kind of liked cashiering, as far as easy-to-get jobs go, and 3) I was only doing it until I had my first child and switched to being a stay-at-home mom because my husband has an awesomer job than me. So nyah.

                  Seriously, just because someone is working a minimum-wage job doesn't mean they are stupid. Some of them have degrees and high levels of education and choose to take those "lesser" jobs. And even those who don't have the education can still be absolutely awesome people.
                  ^^^^^^^ this times 1,000,000

                  I love when managers try that line on me. esp when, IF I were to put my mind to it, I say I COULD run this store sucessfully

                  talk to me in a few years after really getting crapped on by the company, when you are moaning that you are going nowhere, after your divorce and your kids hating you for never being there cause "you are just doing your job" and the job REQUIRES you being away for the kids important stuff growing up.
                  yeah yeah been there done that.

                  yes I have the college degree too. in fact I have 2 degrees (one Associate and one BS) whereas YOU have nothing past HS and no real prospects of advancing further than you are now except to maybe get xfered to another store in the area cause you set down some serious roots here

                  yeah yeah while you were still pissin in your diapers I WAS running a store

                  yeah yeah while you were trying to screw that cheerleader in HS I was running multi-million dollar projects out in the corp IT world

                  yeah yeah you really think I do NOT understand how to run a "modern" store

                  I know I sound like some old cranky person but YES I have lived through enough shit in my "professional" life

                  yes I CHOOSE to work the job I do now cause I got real tired of the corp grind, office politics, the morons above me, and the way I was treated like yesterdays newspaper (as in you are no longer useful to us sorry just business nothing personal crap), etc. yes I may not make the kind of money I used to BUT I do NOT have to put up with the headaches, heartaches, missed family time, events, milestones, the ulsers and the frustrations that WILL come on down the road.
                  Last edited by Racket_Man; 06-11-2011, 06:57 AM.
                  I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
                  -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

                  "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


                  • #10
                    Quoth pageantmama View Post
                    I need to make a mental list of some of the really good ones and make another post
                    Yes, yes you do.
                    If I dropped everybody who occasionally said something stupid from my list of potential partners, I wouldn’t even be able to masturbate

