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Well THAT'S A First!

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  • Well THAT'S A First!

    What a night tonight! My sucktomers were in full force, not being sucky to me directly really, just being odd in general. I had, in no particular order:

    -Someone holding up a line in the middle of a mad rush just to turn in two empty cans
    -An odd guy mumbling to himself, who kept going on about how tired he was, coming in and out of the store to get dollar scratch tickets
    -A guy go into SC mode and bitch about "people with attitudes" (kettle, meet pot) when I didn't have jumper cables for him to help someone with (I ended up borrowing him some off the shelf, which, yes, I know, was a bad idea, but he did bring them back)
    -A guy get huffy and ask "really?" when I asked for his ID for beer
    -A group of 5 or so teenage boys running around inside the store, laughing at stupid things and just generally being annoying
    -A woman play the "up there, no over there, down" game with me when I was trying to locate her cigarettes
    -People holding up the line to sign up for our summer gas give away contest at the counter

    The moment of the night, though, was something that was a first for me. Someone nearly drove into the store. Literally. She came barreling in, driving a small SUV, and managed to stop with one tire on the sidewalk in front of the store. Any farther and she'd have hit the store, right beside where my til is. Needless to say, I nearly had a heart attack and moved away from said window and wall QUICKLY. I looked at her, with eyes that I'm sure must've been the size of dinner plates, when she walked in. First thing out of her mouth when I greeted her? A request for the pizza she ordered. Yeah sure lady, you damn near killed me, but hey, whatever. Enjoy your pizza. I'll just be over here shaking like a leaf because you scared the shit out of me! Note: Lady seemed a bit out of it, but claimed something went wrong when she pulled up to park. Ookay then.
    "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare

  • #2
    Heh, I've worked in two C-stores that had drive-thrus added by people. Here's a pic of the second one.

    That was a little old lady in a brand new caddy mixing up her gas and brake. She said she hadn't driven in 6 months. Gee, I wonder why? Maybe cause she's bad at it....
    The key to customer service is accepting the following:
    Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot.


    • #3 one of my aunts happened to be sitting outside in her van at the time, and when she came in she asked if the lady was drunk or in a hurry. That was the closest I EVER want to come to having a drive through added to the store!
      "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare


      • #4
        I have to now post this: A driver who delibrately (whilst drunk) drove into the store because he had a complaint with the store. One story says they refused to sell him Alcohol and another says a mattress was missing from his home delivery order.
        I am so SO glad I was not present for this. There would have been an unpleasant duct tape incident. - Joi


        • #5
          A CW of mine has a friend and I think, cousin, or some reletive, who were having lunch at the local charcoal grill place when a car went through the front window. That would ruin my afternoon.
          "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


          • #6
            I know this had me wigged out for the rest of the night. I mean, just thinking about how fast she was coming, if she hadn't stopped....Ugh. Not something I want to experience. Ever.
            "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare

