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  • #31
    Note: I spend too much time surfing image boards. You see a lot of really weird stuff on image boards.
    Quoth zombiequeen View Post
    Just something about baby dragon plushies =/= could be the fact that they are called BABY dragons.
    Honestly, with as much baby fetish stuff I've seen while trolling image boards, I'm just not surprised in the least. Then again, I'm really difficult to squick. *shrug*

    Quoth HermitIX View Post
    She had googled meatotomy, (It’s worse than cock vore.) and thought it was the funniest thing in the world to call each male member of the family in to look at pictures when ever they walked past her open door.
    There's another procedure where the split the whole thing down the middle. I don't even know how that works.

    Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
    Seriously, he'd had my friend draw a sketch of himself as a big scaley monster with a huge boner, covered in shit.
    Another popular fetish. One that I don't even remotely get. Of course, it's worse when they go into "human toilet" territory. Now that's some nasty stuff.

    Quoth Dilorenzo View Post
    But Fleshlight (no problem with as an idea on its own) and plush (again, no problem with on its own) should not mix. They are not two great tastes that taste great together. They are not even marmite.
    I don't see this as a big deal. Seriously, what does it matter if the toy is in a "flashlight" looking case or some other case? What people do in their own homes with either consenting partners or inanimate objects is their own lookout.

    Now, if you want really awful, I once saw an online auction (not eBay), for a modified Simba plush. A used, modified Simba plush. With bids.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #32
      Well, I hear tell that used panties are popular items... so I'm not surprised.
      The best advice is this: Don't take advice and don't give advice. ~Author Unknown

      Nobody can give you wiser advice than yourself. ~Cicero

      See the fuzzy -


      • #33

        I really don't care what they do on their own time, it's just I don't want my stuff being associated with that. You make a baby dragon fleshlight cozie for one person, and then that's what you are known for.
        Oh wook at teh widdle babeh dwaggin! How cyuuute babeh dwag-AAAAAAAUUUGGGHHHH! *nom*


        • #34
          I was referencing people doing their own with that last.

          You not wanting to do purpose made items is totally cool, though. I don't blame you one bit for refusing that sort of request.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #35
            Oh no, I wasn't offended or anything, I was just trying to clarify my point a bit more.
            Oh wook at teh widdle babeh dwaggin! How cyuuute babeh dwag-AAAAAAAUUUGGGHHHH! *nom*


            • #36
              What an adorable little dragon!!! Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

              Some people have craaaazy fetishes, but if you quote like $5000 and they go for it, I say why not???
              The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.


              • #37
                Quoth Jay 2K Winger View Post
                You're supposing that having a gallery of shame will work. A lot of the people who will send those kinds of wank material"reference pictures" have no shame at all.
                But what about the rest of us? I want galleries of shame just so that I can point and laugh from the safety and comfort of my computer screen. Please, Sparks and Zombiequeen? Please?


                • #38
                  I use make commissioned avatars in second life. I'd get weird things as refs all the time. Requests for XXX avatars got turned down, same with characters that don't belong to you. "No I'm not going to make that white tigerskunk for you so you can live out your fantasies."


                  • #39
                    Quoth spark View Post
                    Well, I hear tell that used panties are popular items... so I'm not surprised.
                    Indeed they are...and they're even available in vending machines -- although, as the article mentions, they've been officially banned for nearly two decades.
                    "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
                    "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
                    "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
                    "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
                    "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
                    "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
                    Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
                    "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me


                    • #40
                      Quoth Foxfeathers View Post
                      I use make commissioned avatars in second life. I'd get weird things as refs all the time. Requests for XXX avatars got turned down, same with characters that don't belong to you. "No I'm not going to make that white tigerskunk for you so you can live out your fantasies."
                      I think I've been around furries too long, I'm pretty sure I know exactly which tigerskunk you mean!
                      The best advice is this: Don't take advice and don't give advice. ~Author Unknown

                      Nobody can give you wiser advice than yourself. ~Cicero

                      See the fuzzy -


                      • #41
                        Quoth spark View Post
                        I think I've been around furries too long, I'm pretty sure I know exactly which tigerskunk you mean!
                        You're probably thinking of the right one if you think you've been around furries too long.

                        I had no less then six requests for that character. That and the constant requests for free work made me quit doing commissions. "Just because I released one simple generic fox avatar so people would have something other then the freebies that look like a dizzy cat threw them up. doesn't mean I'll do your highly complex character for free."


                        • #42
                          Oooh tigerskunks. :P
                          I have gotten a request for a skunktiger (yeah I don't know the difference either) before, but the person changed their mind when I asked why they just changed certain aspects of the famous tigerskunk around.
                          Oh wook at teh widdle babeh dwaggin! How cyuuute babeh dwag-AAAAAAAUUUGGGHHHH! *nom*


                          • #43
                            Quoth spark View Post
                            I think I've been around furries too long, I'm pretty sure I know exactly which tigerskunk you mean!
                            Wait. Is there really more than one white tigerskunk than the one everybody knows about?

                            Quoth zombiequeen View Post
                            Oooh tigerskunks. :P
                            I have gotten a request for a skunktiger (yeah I don't know the difference either) ...
                            A tigerskunk should be a skunk that has tiger properties, and a skunktiger should be a tiger with skunk properties... more or less.

                            Either that, or as with tigons and ligers, it's just a matter of which was the daddy, in which case the tigerskunk would have a tiger dad, and a skunktiger would have a skunk dad. Not sure how this works when the tiger is the maternal grandfather, however...

                            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                            • #44
                              Either way, it was a poorly recolored picture (yes, the original artist's pic thrown into MS paint or something) of THAT tigerskunk.
                              I agree though, there would be a difference. In fact, it would be quite interesting to compare the difference between the two, just to see which one would be more awesome.
                              Oh wook at teh widdle babeh dwaggin! How cyuuute babeh dwag-AAAAAAAUUUGGGHHHH! *nom*


                              • #45
                                Quoth zombiequeen View Post

                                I really don't care what they do on their own time, it's just I don't want my stuff being associated with that. You make a baby dragon fleshlight cozie for one person, and then that's what you are known for.
                                A case of "you fuck one goat," yeah?
                                PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                                There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!

