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That is not polite

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  • That is not polite

    Dear customers,

    Interupting me to tell me you are in a hurry is not polite. I don't care. I did not call you, you called me. I might not mind of you would just handle your business but cutting in on everything I say to remind me that you think your time is far more valuable than mine does not do anything except maaaakkkkkkeeeee mmmmmmmeeeeee tttttttaaaaalllllkkkkk mooooooorrrreee sssllllooowwwwlllyyy.

    Also, interupting me and prefacing it with "excuse me, I'm going to stop you there" is also impolite. I didn't do that to you. And its stupid, since had i gotten to finish my sentene I could have answered your question.

  • #2
    Didn't you know that customers feel they have the right to talk down to us because they consider themselves the high and mighty customer who "pays our paycheck" and therefore this gives them the right to interrupt us, say whatever they please, and in general just treat us like lower life forms?


    • #3
      When people have tried to tell me that I have to do things their way (and I know it's against our policies) I just tell them that [company] signs my paycheck, and I have to do things the way I've been told to by [company]. Usually shuts them up..and if not, "let me connect you to my manager."
      When you start at zero, everything's progress.


      • #4
        I LOVE...LOVE! these people. Because I get a nice good snicker at their misplaced sense of superiority. A significant number of my customers are in the lower income bracket, when they apply for a store card I see their annual income. Doesn't matter to me, money doesn't define class in my book. But I tend the hear the "minimum wage jerkoff" type of comment a LOT. Everyone wants top dollar product at bottom dollar prices. If you shop the sales right you can get $3,000 appliances for less than $2,000, but I get the fact that when your fridge breaks you need a new one right away. That doesn't give you the right to get pissy at me when I simply don't have a product that wants all the features you want for what you are willing to spend, you either need to shop mid level products or raise your budget. But my giggle comes in when I see that even though I work big box retail, I work straight commission selling appliances. It pays extremely well, and I am particularly good at my job which gives me those customers that buy from me over and over and over ad infinitum. So when you start calling me a minimum wage punk (I'm 25 and well groomed, I passed the age where you can rightfully call me a punk somewhere between 5 and 7 years ago) and I can see I actually earn more than you, I will take the high road and let you sit on your pretty little soap box. I'd rather be right than loud every time.

