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I finally snapped

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  • I finally snapped

    Today, I put in my two weeks notice, I know it is only going to do down hill from here. I had a regular SC in today. Older woman, if you can imagine someone who looks like a wrinkled up street walker(maybe stripper), that used a form of drugs known for shedding the pounds, your on the right track.

    I see this woman approach my line with several beers and I know I'm about to launch into ground hog day, as she will inevitability be getting smokes for herself or someone else but NOT have enough money..... Sadly I was right. The Bill comes to X dollars and Y cents..... cue the handling me one by one wrinkled dollar bills. Then I do a double count to see how short she is. Well she says she handed me X dollars I go no it is X-1, and recount in front of her so she says she gonna need to go get some more from the car (maybe it is her pimps caddy?).

    I start ringing up the line of people who have materialized behind her, she comes back in 5 minutes later. waving the money and I tell her "Your gonna have to get back in line".... As well did I mention this is pretty much our routine, not enough money, hold up my line etc etc. SCREW IT I have had enough of that crap, I ring up 3 more people and she goes "I WAS HERE FIRST!!!!!", my response "Well you still need to get back in line. Ma'am". The kind gentle man in front of her offered her his spot. SO, I begin to ring up her order, as we have no suspend I only have VOID. she snaps at me "YOU ALREADY RANG IT UP WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING". AT this point, I leaned forward RAISED just below shout " I VOIDED THE ORDER, I have to redo it". Got the money, wished her a nice day (I have found it helps to further fuel the fire by trying to kill them with kindness). Apologized to the guy behind her because well I let him know. SHE always comes in without enough money, holds up my line and makes a scene, our AC isn't working and I am in no mood to deal with people's shit.
    I'm sorry reading is not a new concept it has been widely taught in our nation for at least the past 100 years. Please, learn to do it CORRECTLY before you become contagious.

  • #2
    I hate when people do that! My rule is if you leave the line, then you lost your place to the next person in line.


    • #3
      What a beeyotch. Sorry you were pushed to your limit...I hope you find something better soon. *hands you the cookie jar*
      "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


      • #4
        Quoth Evil Cashier 411 View Post
        I hate when people do that! My rule is if you leave the line, then you lost your place to the next person in line.
        Yeah I used to be more lenient, but really now I don't give a shit. As, it isn't MY FAULT that YOUR NOT PREPARED. If you look young and KNOW I always hassle you about ID common sense would say, have your ID before you get in my line, after all you see me and 4 other workers on a regular basis I see you and 400 other assholes, who has easier job remembering faces????
        I'm sorry reading is not a new concept it has been widely taught in our nation for at least the past 100 years. Please, learn to do it CORRECTLY before you become contagious.

