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Pet Peeves and WTF Christmas

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  • Pet Peeves and WTF Christmas

    Few and far between for my posts, just finally decided to type up a little collection of annoyances and a few instances that left me wondering for a while after.

    For a little background, I work at the fragrance counters at a major department store. me and my 3 coworkers man the 4 counters. the 2 main counters for men and women are the primary tills we use to ring, the other two we only use for holidays. I'll start from Christmas and work my way to recent. These are paraphrased cause my memory isn't the best, but the gist is still there.

    Telling me how the store should be run
    It is Christmas so we are swamped 2 ringers ringing up for us 3 (new co worker wasn't here at that time) sellers who were out on the floor making sales and trying to keep track of things. I was just finished up ringing up a customer at one of the other tills since the primary ones were being used. I just stepped out from the counter when a man comes up to me.
    SC: You should get more people down here to help, I've been waiting and no one has gotten to me."
    Me: Sorry about that, we are a little busy with the holidays but I'm free to help you out. What are you looking for?
    SC: No no, just wanted to tell someone you guys need to hire more staff
    Me: Um I can have the manager here so you can talk with them if you want to suggest that.
    SC: No just wanted to say that
    Then he walked off, this happens many times actually specially during holidays and I still don't understand I'm here and open to HELP YOU but instead you just complain and walk off about not...being..helped?

    Two girls come up to me after the waves have ended for the day after I greet them I get this.
    SG: I came in to get the bag we were told was here. We were in earlier and the lady here didn't give us our purchase. We called and she said she would have it here.
    ME: Oh well let me take a look what was it?
    SG:It was Cha*** and was in a little bag
    I look in case one of my co workers did forget in the hectic day. Nothing was sitting on the inner counters of the bays so no clue and my co workers would never do something like that without telling me.
    ME: Well there is nothing left here, do you have the receipt or anything like that just in case?
    SG: Oh no the receipt was in the bag too she said she would have it here, can you just give one to me?
    ME: Nope not without some proof of purchase...I can get a manager for ya to try and figure this out.
    SG: She said it would be here it is a present for my grandmother and she didn't give it to us
    ME: Well I'm sorry but I wasn't told by them if they had a bag held back so you'll have to come in and talk to them.
    Finally got them to leave after more refusing of a manager. Then about a week later (holiday sales last a full month of December.) they come back in talk to me again, forget they talked to me before. They try and pull the same stunt except it's not Guc** not Cha*** that was forgotten. SCAMMERS..Just kept dropping that I was gonna call a manager to help them and they just left finally.

    "But I was next!"
    No you were not, there is no line here so it all depends on who I look at and say 'Be right with you' or 'After I finish here I'll help you out.' If you are not even within my sight I cannot know whether you are there or not. With all these people gathered around all the counters that is the best system I can do.

    It's XX% off
    After the holidays we are having nice clearance sales. Up the stairs there is a display of Christmas greetings cards all at 75% off a woman comes up wanting to buy two boxes of 10 very well crafted cards $25 apiece. As well as other clothing items. Don't know why she's buying these at the fragrance counter but I start ringing. The boxes don't come up as on sale, they come up at full price.
    ME: Oh these are not scanning right, let me go up and check and I'll be right back.
    SC: Oh those are 70% off
    ME: Well I still need to verify just in case they were in the wrong place, it happens time to time.
    SC: You don't need to they were on the 70% off rack just change it, I'm in a hurry
    ME: I sadly do need to verify I will only be a minute I move pretty fast
    SC: No just forget it I'm in a hurry
    ME: Well ok I can ring up the rest for...
    SC: I'm done here, put it all back
    She waves me off and leaves. Of course I have to put everything back and well if she just let me go up she would have gotten that 75% off instead of what she kept telling me, gods impatient people.

  • #2
    Quoth FrancisWyvern View Post
    She waves me off and leaves. Of course I have to put everything back and well if she just let me go up she would have gotten that 75% off instead of what she kept telling me, gods impatient people.
    Wait. You mean that she wasn't a scammer, just stupid? *shakes head*

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
      Wait. You mean that she wasn't a scammer, just stupid? *shakes head*

      Let's not jump to conclusions...

      She may have been both a scammer and stupid!


      • #4
        Quoth FrancisWyvern View Post
        SC: You should get more people down here to help, I've been waiting and no one has gotten to me."
        Me: Sorry about that, we are a little busy with the holidays but I'm free to help you out. What are you looking for?
        SC: No no, just wanted to tell someone you guys need to hire more staff
        Me: Um I can have the manager here so you can talk with them if you want to suggest that.
        SC: No just wanted to say that
        Then he walked off, this happens many times actually specially during holidays and I still don't understand I'm here and open to HELP YOU but instead you just complain and walk off about not...being..helped?
        I get some of those too..."I just wanted to let you know how crappy I think this is but I don't want to do anything about it". I'm happy to put those suggestions in the circular file for them
        "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


        • #5
          Quoth BeenThereDoneThat View Post
          I get some of those too..."I just wanted to let you know how crappy I think this is but I don't want to do anything about it". I'm happy to put those suggestions in the circular file for them
          Yes, some people don't really care if things change or not, they just want to hear themselves complain. I guess it's an ego-builder for them. Pointless waste of time, if you ask me.
          I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
          My LiveJournal
          A page we can all agree with!


          • #6
            You know what I used to say when people would give me the "You need to hire more staff!" crap at the McDonald's I worked at?

            In my very chirpiest and most enthusiastic voice, "Oh, we are definitely hiring right now. If you just hold on a moment I'll get you an application to take home and fill out. Then you just call the number stamped in the upper right corner between 2 and 4 PM and ask for Faith so she can set up an interview for you!"

            Most of the time I didn't get past the second sentence of that speech before they started indignantly backpedaling.
            The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

            The stupid is strong with this one.


            • #7
              Ditto to the "just want to complain" idiots. I had one last week, who was pissed because supposedly scammers and other advertising media called him from his ad on our website. That was somehow our fault. He kept alternating between "I know it's not your fault but I'm still pissed at you" to "It's your fault that it happened," back & forth. The ad was no longer running so I couldn't even offer to take it off the site. He just wanted to bitch.
              When you start at zero, everything's progress.

