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Biological Warfare

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  • Biological Warfare

    Not a lot to report this week. As I have spent it heavily medicated and am now on involuntary vacation ( Which was a better option than medical leave ) due to pesky ligaments that connect my spine and pelvis not functioning properly again. I can't really afford time off, but better proactive vacation time off than sudden involuntary medical leave off for a longer duration.

    Technological Uses

    SC: “Are you the answering machine?”

    Well, I would certainly hope that any answering machine that was sentient and capable of interpreting complex human dialogue and engaging in conversation would be referred to as The answering machine. As it would indeed be the end all be all of automated phone answering technology. However, unless we as a species have experienced a technological singularity since I left for work, I fear I am but a normal, mundane fleshy CSR. My apologies for disappointing you.

    Write It Down

    Me: “And your phone number please?”
    SC: “……….”
    Me: “………….”
    SC: “…………..”

    Much as I enjoy witnessing to the exact moment a person’s mind buckles under pressure, it does tend to make calls drag on somewhat. At this point you really should come to know and expect all of my questions when you call. There are no surprises here. I ask the same set of inquiries every time. This is not a pop quiz. I don’t mind if you cheat. Feel free to write notes on the back of your hand if you want. In fact, let’s make this really fool proof. Go for tattoos. I mean, let’s face it here, you live in a town of 500 that’s so far north polar bears attack people just to steal their jackets to keep warm.

    It’s not like you’re ever going to move and change your address or anything. I think you're pretty much stuck there, doing whatever it is you do, for life. Which, come to think it of it, would probably drive me to alchohol as well.


    Me: “Alright, and your name please, ma’am?”
    SC: “Ryan.”

    I…think I may have just done irreparable damage to the self esteem of a 14 year old boy.

    Prepare Thyself

    Me: “And the item number please?”
    SC: “……uh……..hold on.”

    Hold on? For what? This is the entire reason you called is it not? This is the moment you’ve been breathlessly awaiting. All of your hopes and dreams have culminated in this exact point in time. So why are you not prepared? You should have the item number right in front of you. It should be right there, raring to go. Right at the very forefront of your mind. The item number should be locked and loaded in the firing chamber of your brain. Ready to be triggered at a moment’s notice.

    Instead, your brain has apparently jammed, causing the rest of your coherent thoughts to flee the area screaming and huddle behind a dumpster while they wait for the bomb squad.

    Hey, Listen

    Me: “And your name please, sir?”
    SC: “It’s xxx-xxx-xxxx”

    I was not aware names had area codes. I thought accepted prefixes we things like "Mr" and "Mrs". Am I suppose to go somewhere to get myself registered for one? I seem to have missed out completely. Can I pick any area code or do I have to use my actual area code?

    What happens if I move later?

    Me: “And your zip code, please?”
    SC: “North Carolina”

    Right, please help me out here: Are you being intentionally dull witted or has your mind transcended reality and you now experience time all at once as a whole rather than a linear stream? Causing you to perceive every question I have asked and will asked at the same time? Which is causing you, in your limitless consciousness, to become confused when you need to answer them in a linear fashion to a primitive life form such as myself?

    I know which one my vote is on.

    I'm Not Sure We Cover That

    SC: “We got a motherboard struck by lightning-”

    Wait wait, your system was smited? I’m not really sure I can provide much in the way of tech support in this case. I also doubt your afterhours service contract covers acts of Zeus.

    SC: “I want to talk to someone I can talk too seriously.”

    Ah, right. My apologies. I don’t field anything serious here. I mainly just handle wacky and occasionally sublime or ironic. But never really serious.

    SC: “I’m going to lose my company if my system keeps going down.”

    Well, I may not have an engineering degree per say, but I do hear that there are these things called “Surge protectors”. Which possess the ability to keep Zeus’s wrath at bay. Perhaps you should invest in a couple.


    Nothing says Friday night like a creepy old hobo on the Skytrain that hasn’t shaved since Nixon was president. Staring in total mesmerizing straight down at his own crotch and smacking his lips. For the entire duration of the trip downtown and perhaps beyond seeing as he didn’t get off at Broadway or Granville. For all I know, he headed all the way to Waterfront so that he and….whatever delusions he might have, could launch a nautical premier on the Seabus.

    I can't really fathom what could go through your mind to possess you to lock eyes and smack lips at your own genitals so. Maybe something like "Oh man, if I only had a bun".

    Hot Tips

    SC: “Hey, my name is Vick.”

    Sigh. Hello, Vick.

    SC: “And I really don’t like to call.”

    You don’t like to call? For an activity you profess to dislike, you do partake in it with alarming frequency.

    SC: “I really don’t like to call you guys!”

    So stop. Please. Stop. Our mutual problems would all be miraculously resolved if you could just make it through a night without touching the phone.

    SC: “But something went wrong a couple days ago. My brother gave me a call and said he’s being threatened by the RCMP!”

    Threatened? You mean threatened threatened or “Was charged after he thought a passing officer was one of Bin Laden’s cousins hiding out in Canada and assaulted him with a garden hose” threatened? Assuming whatever…affliction it is you have is genetic, anyhow. I’m not 100% sure. It could be heavy substance abuse too I suppose. You do sound like you have a bit of a buzz going on already this evening.

    Hot Tips - Combo Breaker

    SC: “The stink is killing people.”

    Oh, hello. Sorry, I was totally expecting someone else. I don't believe we've had the pleasure of speaking yet. What can I do for you, ma'am? Biological warfare is it? Interesting! But, still not really my thing. If your neighbourhood is actually being gassed, perhaps you should call 911? I’m sure they’re much better equipped for that sort of thing.

    SC: “I think my heart stopped.”

    Again, 911 is your friend. I would like to be your friend, but I lack the comprehensive medical training you apparently require at the moment.

    SC: “What’s your name? I like to write it down on my calendar to mark this incident.”

    Wait, what? I’m…...not sure I want to be documented on your misery calendar.

    SC: “Whomever is doing this they have a license to kill!”

    Really? So James Bond retired and become the manager of a fertilizer plant? That seems rather….unglamorous. Though, I guess if you wanted to retire and still avoid being found by vengeful enemies, it would be the perfect cover.

    SC: “They go up to the moon and they can’t solve a problem like this?”

    ….Up to the moon? Who exactly do you think you’re calling here? This isn't NASA, you know. For that matter, I’m pretty sure NASA doesn’t handle bad smells. Hence NASA, not NASAL.

    Hot Tips

    SC: “Hey, my name is Vick.”

    I am aware of this. Painfully aware of this. To the point where it baffles me completely that you feel any compulsion whatsoever to introduce yourself anymore.

    SC: “My brothers tell me that something went wrong.”

    Brothers, now? As in plural?

    SC: “Something went wrong with our sting!”

    Your….sting? You know, one of these days you’re going to have to sit down and really explain to me exactly who and what you think you are. Provided it doesn’t change from day to day, anyhow. As I do seem to recall you also use to be an aerospace engineer ( but NASA stole your spaceship design ), a CIA informant and the hero who allegedly captured Bin Laden’s brother in law ( who was sleeping on your sister’s couch if I recall right? ).

    SC: “It went wrong, man! It's all going wrong!"


    annnd rest...for a while. >.>

  • #2
    Great, now I'm thinking there's a second sequel to The Sting, starring Vick and his "brothers." Although it would still have that delightful tune.

    And wouldn't that make it all worthwhile?

    No. No it wouldn't.


    • #3

      Me: “Alright, and your name please, ma’am?”
      SC: “Ryan.”

      I…think I may have just done irreparable damage to the self esteem of a 14 year old boy.
      no necessarily true - I know a woman that Ryan is her middle name, and she has gone by both it, and her initials - J.R.

      i mean, really look at the number of actresses that are coming out with "typically" male names - Blake, Kyle, Kevyn;

      although, if the caller said "I'm a dude".... then ok.
      I am well versed in the "gentle" art of verbal self-defense

      Once is an accident; Twice is coincidence; Thrice is a pattern.


      • #4
        I've actually worked with a couple of ladies who are named Ryan. as their first name. With a little luck, you haven't destroyed any teenage boys. congrats or condolences as you prefer.


        • #5
          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

          Me: “Alright, and your name please, ma’am?”
          SC: “Ryan.”

          I…think I may have just done irreparable damage to the self esteem of a 14 year old boy.
          I doubt it. People used to mistake me for a woman when I was 14. I also got mistaken for a woman on my tax forms because of the way my name is spelled.

          Go fig.

          SC: “They go up to the moon and they can’t solve a problem like this?”

          ….Up to the moon? Who exactly do you think you’re calling here? This isn't NASA, you know.
          Hell, even they don't go to the moon anymore. And if history is any teacher the Russian Space Agency won't be getting around to it either.


          • #6
            I had a class in high school with a girl named Ryan. I remember her being quite hot with a nice rack.
            To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


            • #7
              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
              For that matter, I’m pretty sure NASA doesn’t handle bad smells. Hence NASA, not NASAL.
              Critical !!

              Thanks I needed that belly-laugh after a trying Monday morning shift.
              Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.


              • #8
                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                As I have spent it heavily medicated and am now on involuntary vacation ( Which was a better option than medical leave ) due to pesky ligaments that connect my spine and pelvis not functioning properly again.
                If you haven't already, you need to make sure the chair you're in is set properly.

                I managed to screw up something in my upper back/shoulder because I changed the tilt on my chair and the net result was putting stress in unfortunate places.

                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                Instead, your brain has apparently jammed, causing the rest of your coherent thoughts to flee the area screaming and huddle behind a dumpster while they wait for the bomb squad.
                This made me giggle.

                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                Are you being intentionally dull witted....
                See, now this is assuming that he has a choice in the matter.

                Some people are just dull-witted regardless of intent.

                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                I can't really fathom what could go through your mind to possess you to lock eyes and smack lips at your own genitals so. Maybe something like "Oh man, if I only had a bun".
                Perhaps he was dreaming of superior flexibility? >_>

                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                SC: “It went wrong, man! It's all going wrong!"

                GAME OVER, MAN! GAME OVER!
                I don't know... I kind of hear this in more a Lebowski tone than a Hudson tone. But as you were there, I will defer to your judgment, as doped up as you may have been.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #9
                  Not bad, for a human.

                  Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                  GAME OVER, MAN! GAME OVER!
                  My second favorite movie!


                  • #10
                    Quoth Treasure View Post
                    no necessarily true - I know a woman that Ryan is her middle name, and she has gone by both it, and her initials - J.R.

                    i mean, really look at the number of actresses that are coming out with "typically" male names - Blake, Kyle, Kevyn;

                    although, if the caller said "I'm a dude".... then ok.
                    Either way, it would be helpful if we had a polite, accepted gender-neutral form of address.

                    I suppose I could say "Comrade", but I don't think that would sit well with certain folks...!
                    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                    My LiveJournal
                    A page we can all agree with!


                    • #11
                      Actually, I had a female friend named Ryan in school and yes that was her real name, not a nickname or shortening or anything. Ryan is sometimes a name given to girls, though typically seen as male, like Sydney.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                        Me: “And your phone number please?”
                        SC: “……….”
                        Me: “………….”
                        SC: “…………..”
                        Yeah, um, dude? That'd be me, if I was calling on my cellphone. Because I have no f'n clue what the number is, I almost never use it. I'd have to pause, look at my phone, realize I can't see the number unless I hang up, tell you that, hang up, write the bloody thing down again on a bit of paper I'm going to lose the instant I take my eyes off it, and call you back.


                        Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                        If you haven't already, you need to make sure the chair you're in is set properly.

                        I managed to screw up something in my upper back/shoulder because I changed the tilt on my chair and the net result was putting stress in unfortunate places.
                        This is truth. Get an ergonomic assessment done (your employer should be paying for it, check with ENLA) and get fitted with a chair that will properly support you where you need support. I did and it made a HUGE difference. You can sit in an uncomfortable chair in a waiting room for 15 minutes with no worry. But the chair you're parked in for 8+ hours a day NEEDS to fit. Hope you heal up soon, dude.
                        What colour is the sky in your world and how high of a dosage do you need before it turns back to blue? --Gravekeeper


                        • #13
                          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

                          Nothing says Friday night like a creepy old hobo on the Skytrain that hasn’t shaved since Nixon was president. Staring in total mesmerization straight down at his own crotch and smacking his lips.
                          One of my friends has a routine we call Demented Ancient Mariner with His First Woody in Twenty Years:

                          Arrghh! Ye scurvy bastid! Oi've got yer by the neck and yer ain't getting away this time!
                          I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                          Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                          Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


                          • #14
                            Vick is pretty persistent, isn't he? The goofballs always are.

                            Hope you're feeling better soon!
                            When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                            • #15
                              Get better, man! Take this opportunity to quaff enough meds to not only forget that "Hot Tips" exists, but maybe channel him yourself for awhile.
                              Quoth MoonCat View Post
                              Vick is pretty persistent, isn't he? The goofballs always are.
                              Next time he calls with a conspiracy theory, make a dramatic pause and then yell "WHAT?! How did you find out about us?!? We are tracking this call as we speak..."
                              "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
                              "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
                              "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
                              "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
                              "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
                              "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
                              Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
                              "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me

