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I Have Kids, So I Can Be An Entitled Assmonkey

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  • I Have Kids, So I Can Be An Entitled Assmonkey

    Today, I was working the drive-thru with Paul. He can be a bit of a jerk at times, but we work well together and make a great team when paired together. Very fast, efficient, and friendly. All the orders took 3 1/2 minutes on average from the time Paul greeted them at the speaker to the time I closed the window and cleared the order which is incredible. I got numerous compliments on my friendliness and our speed. Whenever Paul had to go do something or I had to run somewhere really quick, we told each other and the other person would pick up the slack until I/he returned. At one point, Paul had to run outside to pass out a Pizza Hut order that a customer was waiting on. I was at the window speaking with a customer when another customer drove up to the speaker. I, not wanting to be rude to the customer I was with, continued to hand them their order and was wishing them a good day when the car at the speaker drove off. The car only sat at the speaker for 10 seconds tops, so I assumed the customer either changed their mind or was just driving by and the speaker turned on because they drove too close to the weight sensor. Immediately after that car drove off, another car drove up and I took their order. By the time I finished taking that order, Paul returned and we resumed out duties. I power through the next 4 cars and open the window, greet him, state his total and hold out his drink. He sits there staring at me like I'm a hooker who just walked into church.

    SC: I never ordered.
    Me: Why not?
    SC: Well, I sat at that speaker back there for 20 MINUTES and NO ONE came!

    I call bullshit.

    Me: Sir, the order in front of you and the order behind you were taken 2 minutes apart. It's physically impossible for you to have sat there that long. Also, I did hear someone at the speaker, but you only sat there 10 seconds, tops, before driving off. Honestly, I thought it was a car driving by it was so quick. I never had time to greet you.
    SC: I'll just order here.
    Me: you won't. I'm not allowed to take orders at the window.

    As soon as I finished my sentence, he violently threw his car into park and turned to me.

    Me: *I note that it is just him and 2 very young children in carseats that can't be any older than 2* How about I just get a manager now.

    I close the window, ticked off already, and tell my manager and Paul what happened. Paul calls bullshit as well saying he was only there for a few seconds, but my manager was having a bad day and said to just take his order because she didn't want to talk to him. I open the window, but decided I'm through being nice to this ass and talk as little as possible.

    Me: What do you want.
    SC: Oh, ummm...I want a party pack(a box of 12 tacos)
    Me: Hard or soft.
    SC: Umm...hard is fine. I'll make it easier on you guys!
    Me: K. What else.
    SC: I'll have a large cherry limeaide and a medium fruit punch. That's it.
    Me: $xx.xx.
    SC: Ok. I'm sorry sweetie. It's just, I have 2 kids and I didn't want to have to go through that line again with 2 hungry kids in the car.
    Me: Mmhmm. *takes money and closes window* Ok, I'm not talking to this asshole anymore. Someone else can hand out his food.
    Paul: What did he say?
    Me: He blamed his kids for his outburst. Apparently, having kids is an excuse for being an asshole. Having kids doesn't give you the right to scream at me!
    All: Wow, what a jerk!

    A male manager handed out the order and he drove off satisfied while I stewed in silence.


    I had my area stocked and cleaned, my drawer was counted and signed for and I was ready to leave when Mr. Dave called to me and asked if I could help him make a big order real quick. I agreed and sped through the order, bagged and counted the items. However, my count kept coming up one item short. I looked at the screen and realised I needed an order of breadsticks. I looked in the cabinet, nothing. In the oven, nothing. I quickly popped a pan in the oven and handed the lady both of the large bags of food and asked her if she already recieved her breadsticks.

    Me: Did you get your breadsticks already?
    SC: No.
    Me: Ok, well it will be a 7 minute wait for the breadsticks because I just put them in the oven.
    SC: Wait, WHAT?
    Me: It will be a 7 minute wait for the breadsticks.
    SC: How long?!
    Me: 7 minutes.
    SC: How long?
    Me: 7 minutes.
    SC: HOW LONG?!
    Me: 7.
    SC: 7 WHAT?!
    Me: 7 minutes.
    SC: SHE *points at Lydia* checked before I ordered them and they were there!
    Me: Ok, well they aren't there now.
    SC: How long is the wait?!
    Me: 7 minutes.
    SC: After I already waited 15 minutes for my order?!!!!!1111!!
    Me: Mam, I have been working at the drive thru all day and literally put on gloves to help make your order only because my manager said he needed my help. I have no idea how long you have been waiting, where the breadsticks went, nor am I to blame for either of these. Now, would you like to wait or would you like a refund?
    SC: I'm going to ask my daughter! *stomps off*

    I quickly punched out and hopped in line to order food. I was in the middle of ordering when the wicked witch returned and told me she wanted nachos instead. Me, the girl in line, ordering food, purse in hand. I told her I was off duty but it had no effect and she stared at me and repeated her sentence. I sighed heavily and yelled over to Mr. Dave that she wanted nachos instead of breadsticks.

    I later found out that she was a huge pain the the arse. She ordered then walked off to her car to dig up money, came back, didn't have enough, took off again, came back, added to the order, took off, came back, changed the order, took off FINALLY paid, then chatted on her phone during the end of the transaction.
    Answers: $1
    Correct Answers: $2
    Answers that require thought: $5
    Dumb looks are still free.

  • #2
    Ok, it seems you had a great day </sarcasm>

    Hope you leave the BS at work and dont take it home.


    • #3
      I'm not quite sure how long you said the wait on breadsticks was going to be.
      To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


      • #4
        Kisa...thoughts of you flashed thru my brain as Went to my local Taco Bell drive-thou the other day. I've always tried to be extra nice to anybody that services customers (as anybody who has done the same would, or should). But thoughts of the crap Kisa puts up with made me think "People can be aholes ordering at Taco Bell...don't be one if them". Your posts may be having a positive impact other than just your blowing off steam!


        • #5
          Reading your posts have made me eat at Taco Bell at least 3 times a week.

          My destiny is not pretty, but it's what my cutie mark is telling me.


          • #6
            Is it bad that when I read your post I saw "I got numerous complaints on my friendliness and our speed." rather than what you actually said?

            I had to reread it before I noticed it was compliments! Apparently my faith in your customers is utterly dead.


            • #7
              I have all the respect in the world for people who can tolerate (because, near as I can tell, there is no long-term enjoyment of) working in food service.

              Behavior like that shown by Asshole Parent and Indecisive Bitch (not to mention all of the other hallmarks of (in)humanity showcased in your other posts) would have driven me f**king berserk after a week.

              I could never handle the job as long as you have.
              PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

              There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


              • #8
                I wish evil daddie would have had the opportunity to have a taste of Tina's medicine, if you know what I mean.


                • #9
                  Quoth HappyFun Ball View Post
                  Reading your posts have made me eat at Taco Bell at least 3 times a week.
                  I'm glad I'm not the only one!
                  "Redheads have at least a 95% chance of being gorgeous. They're also concentrated evil." - Irv

                  "This is all strange, uncharted territory and your hamster only has three legs." - Gravekeeper


                  • #10
                    I would like to visit a Taco Bell, but there are none in Scotland from what I can tell.

                    There is, however, a very delicious Tex-Mex place that opened recently, which takes my money whenever Kisa's posts give me that urge to eat burrittos!


                    • #11
                      Kisa, don't these people know the number one rule of eating out is to never fuck with the people that make your food? Also, I'd have told asshat dad to piss off if I were your manager. Okay, I'll be honest, I'd be telling most of your sucktomers to piss off! I mean really!
                      "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare


                      • #12
                        Quoth Jay 2K Winger View Post
                        I have all the respect in the world for people who can tolerate (because, near as I can tell, there is no long-term enjoyment of) working in food service.

                        Behavior like that shown by Asshole Parent and Indecisive Bitch (not to mention all of the other hallmarks of (in)humanity showcased in your other posts) would have driven me f**king berserk after a week.

                        I could never handle the job as long as you have.
                        This is the reason why that I'll ONLY take working fast food if I'm in a body bag, 'cause I. Am. Not. Doing. It. Again. I did it for a little over a year total, before coming to Random Craft Store.

                        If I had sour cream thrown at me like one of my co-workers at the time had thrown at her, they would have seen a side of me that doesn't show itself all that often.
                        Eh, one day I'll have something useful here. Until then, have a cookie or two.


                        • #13
                          Phone home

                          Quoth Kisa View Post
                          Today, I was working the drive-thru with Paul.
                          Paul? I thought he went home after Ripley tried to kill him. Also, what kind of moron messes with someone that is handling their food?


                          • #14
                            Quoth NoLongerAShoeDog View Post
                            Your posts may be having a positive impact other than just your blowing off steam!
                            This pretty much describes my experience with Customers Suck. Even though I've never considered myself sucky, it's nice to see what behaviors tend to annoy workers. If necessary, stop doing them.
                            To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


                            • #15
                              Mr. Hero, I totally agree. But there is one thing I do that I have seen OP's complain about here. I will often refer to associates by the name on thier nametag. I like to be friendly (without being creepy, sometimes a fine line) and I've never noticed anybody being irked by it. Maybe its the way you do it. Like I'm your favorite uncle and not some douchebag customer.
                              I wonder if the OP's that complained about the personalized name references are gonna hate whatever the customer says or does anyway.
                              If there is anybody on here that really hates this then let me know and I will stop it.
                              btw...I will sometimes call the cashier Darling or Dude (grew up in S. Calif...hence Dude).

