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I hate you fake credit card girl

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  • I hate you fake credit card girl

    Oh man. I got into a little bit of trouble today... I took a fake credit card yesterday. DAMNIT. And once I looked closely at it (the copy that was made on our copier) I couldn't believe I took it!! The Bin number didn't match and the credit card said: Only valid in the US. I've seen foreign credit cards say only valid in Japan or whatever but US ones aren't supposed to say that.

    The chick was young, just turned 21. She used her real ID. Her boyfriend was a douche bag to her all night so I was extra nice to her. Of course. GRRR I felt like a total idiot. But I wasn't the only one. The bitch scammed us out of 8k before she was caught. I only did 200 and once.

    She ran her fake credit card through the ATM got approved and then we finish the transaction. This makes me so angry I usually pride myself on finding fake stuff.

    In fact, I recently found a fake ID. The funny thing is, I don't get ANY kind of recognition (good job, great work, etc) when I FIND the stuff but when I screw up, that gets noticed. HMMPH.

  • #2
    Aw, this sucks.
    Really sorry to hear it!
    Quoth Anakah View Post
    She ran her fake credit card through the ATM got approved
    This means that the ATM couldn't recognise it as fake?

    You're not a unique snowflake unless you create your own mould (Raps)

    ***GK, Sarcastro, Lupo, LingualMonkey, BookBint, Jester, Irv, Hero & Marlowe fan***


    • #3
      That sucks. I hate when employers have the vulture mentality (try and find the stuff you messed up on to harp on you).
      I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
      Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
      Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


      • #4
        that might be worth pointing out, that the atm didn't see it, either. it is ironic, do good, no one notices/cares, make a mistake and all hell breaks loose.
        look! it's ghengis khan!
        Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


        • #5
          Quoth Anakah View Post
          In fact, I recently found a fake ID. The funny thing is, I don't get ANY kind of recognition (good job, great work, etc) when I FIND the stuff but when I screw up, that gets noticed. HMMPH.
          Part of my job is dealing with public officials and sometimes getting a straight answer from them is like trying to pull teeth. One of the friendlier ones finally told me that he gets absolutely no credit for doing a good job but if he makes a mistake shit hits the fan so it's always best to equivocate and not give a definite yes or no answer whenever possible.
          You'll find a slight squeeze on the hooter an excellent safety precaution, Miss Scrumptious.


          • #6
            The thing with the ATM is that the mag strip could have been switched. The mag strip may have been from a (stolen) card, while the ID on the front matched the user's identification. Those are pretty tricky to catch.
            I used to catch them only because our registers would show on the screen the number on the account (and sometimes the name) from the mag strip...and if I was suspicious, I'd check the numbers upraised on the front. If they did not match, I'd know it was fake.
            It got harder to do when people started using pinpads and swiping their own cards. My store recently went back to the clerk swiping the card, thank goodness!
            I no longer fear HELL.
            I work in RETAIL.


            • #7
              To be entirely fair (by that I mean we're the only ones being fair about this, here) I have never, in the five years I've worked a register, been trained to spot a fake credit card. ID's yes. There were always procedures for accepting checks, credit and debit cards. But how to spot a fake credit card has never been explained to me properly.

              That said, when I worked at places like Rank Aid and the SHC, we were told about people who make a profession out of scamming and robbing stores. While it was great if we caught those people, if we did everything we were trained to do then we weren't held responsible if someone, say, walked out of the electronics department with a flat screen.

              Hopefully your boss doesn't throw you under the bus for this.


              • #8
                Quoth Anakah View Post
                Oh man. I got into a little bit of trouble today... I took a fake credit card yesterday. DAMNIT.
                Don't be so hard on yourself...a good fake gets by us all sooner or later.
                Quoth Anakah View Post
                The bitch scammed us out of 8k before she was caught. I only did 200 and once.

                She ran her fake credit card through the ATM got approved and then we finish the transaction. This makes me so angry I usually pride myself on finding fake stuff.
                At least the scammer was caught. You have a ID and it was all on video, right? I hope you at least got the BF's info--the odds are good that he put her up to it in the first place. That is not a rare occurrance in the tax office--a 'player' will put the gals in his harem (for want of a better term) up to passing bogus W-2's and claiming a lot of phantom kids.
                Quoth Anakah View Post
                The funny thing is, I don't get ANY kind of recognition (good job, great work, etc) when I FIND the stuff but when I screw up, that gets noticed. HMMPH.
                Maddening is the adjective I would use for that practice.
                I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

                Who is John Galt?
                -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


                • #9
                  Quoth Anakah View Post
                  In fact, I recently found a fake ID. The funny thing is, I don't get ANY kind of recognition (good job, great work, etc) when I FIND the stuff but when I screw up, that gets noticed. HMMPH.
                  Isn't that usually the way it works? My daughter used to have a poster of a very sad looking little Yorkie, which said "When I do good no one remembers, when I do bad no one forgets".

                  Madness takes it's toll....
                  Please have exact change ready.


                  • #10
                    A lot of it was my fault though... But she was good at distracting you. Kept talking to me and being all nice. I hope she's somebody's bitch right now. I don't know who caught her--must have been a different shift.

                    Sadly we actually have black lights at each station and are supposed to use them. I didn't. I also didn't because stupid me saw my co worker (who used to be a supervisor) do it many times. I should have seen the damn bin number being different! But I think after awhile you get so used to your job that things start to slide cuz it's so routine.

                    I think I'm mad/embarassed about the whole thing. I got pretty defensive when the boss showed me what I did. And it sad cuz the whole cage will know. I can only be glad that I wasn't the only one and I only did it once.

                    Had I used the black light I would've noticed on her visa card there was no V or visa that would've shown through. On discover cards, the word discover shows through also. And The bin--which is the first four numbers on the credit card should've matched the four little ones underneath it on the card. Didn't and oops.

                    I like that quote, Merriweather: "When I do good no one remembers, when I do bad no one forgets." That's really how things are too. Sad, but true.


                    • #11
                      Quoth NateTheChops View Post
                      when I worked at places like Rank Aid (...), we were told about people who make a profession out of scamming and robbing stores.
                      Did they show you that poster with the picture of the shoplifter with half the store hidden under his coat?

                      (For those who haven't seen it, the left side shows one picture of a husky guy in a trench coat carrying a paper shopping bag. The other picture shows him holding his coat open, and you see it's actually a skinny guy with about fifty pockets sewn inside his coat, all of them loaded with merchandise, plus stuff hung off his belt(s) and around his neck... and the shopping bag, which was reinforced inside, held a battery-powered black-and-white TV. This last may date the poster somewhat; I hired on with them for the first time in '97 and it looked old even then. The headline gave a list of what he was carrying, and looked impossibly long until you saw the second pic. I'd love to find a copy of this poster if any are still around.)


                      • #12
                        Quoth Anakah View Post
                        In fact, I recently found a fake ID. The funny thing is, I don't get ANY kind of recognition (good job, great work, etc) when I FIND the stuff but when I screw up, that gets noticed. HMMPH.
                        This poem is for you:

                        It's not my place to run the train,
                        The whistle I can't blow.

                        It's not my place to say how far
                        The train's allowed to go.

                        It's not my place to shoot off steam
                        Nor even clang the bell.

                        But let the damn thing jump the track
                        And see who catches hell.

                        "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


                        • #13
                          Quoth Caractacus_Potts View Post
                          Part of my job is dealing with public officials and sometimes getting a straight answer from them is like trying to pull teeth. One of the friendlier ones finally told me that he gets absolutely no credit for doing a good job but if he makes a mistake shit hits the fan so it's always best to equivocate and not give a definite yes or no answer whenever possible.
                          Sadly, many places operate on this principle. My last longtime fulltime employer was like that. I was told once that "If nobody says anything to you, you're doing OK."
                          Gee ... I feel all motivated now ...


                          • #14
                            It's not my place to run the train,
                            The whistle I can't blow.
                            My mother-in-law has a decorative wall hanging in her dining area with the same poem on it
                            "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"

