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Months of rage (multiple semi-rants)

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  • Months of rage (multiple semi-rants)

    I totally forgot this place existed until a few choice customer situations made me wish I could share them with someone. Then I remembered: Hey, the forum! So, here we go--some of the worst customers I've had recently, in no particular order. I just need to get these off my chest.

    If working in retail has taught me anything, it's who my true nemesis really is. It isn't the soccer mom who happens to be late for work, or the whiny 5 year old who CRAVES that Reeses' Cup. No, my true enemy is none other than THE ELDERLY.

    One day, as per usual, I was door greeting. I hadn't had much luck giving out Rewards cards, and folks just ignoring me when I tried speaking to them didn't help.

    *Old lady walks in*

    Me: Hello, how are you doing today?
    SC: ... Fine.
    Me: Do you have one of our Rewards cards?

    She stomps off, leaving me to slap a hand over my mouth and whisper obscenities.

    Later, an old couple walks in. Woman's as nice as can possibly be, while her old "war-vet-you-owe-ME" husband walks onward.

    Me: *Explaining the card. She's interested.* Can I get your name--
    *He grabs her arm and yanks her away. She looks at me with a sympathetic smile.*
    Her: ... Sorry ...

    Old jerk.

    I understand most of our customers are in their 70's and shopped back when the store first opened, but hey--times change. If you're that paranoid to give out your phone number, how do you pay bills?

    Don't you love being called a liar, right to your face? I sure do!

    *Me explaining card.*
    SC: Oh, okay.
    Me: Okay, Ma'am, I just need your phone number--
    SC: Oh, I don't want called.
    Me: Ma'am, we DON'T call--
    SC: No, I'm not gonna take that chance.

    She walks off.

    Lady. It's NOT some card issued by the guv'ment. We're NOT tracking you. We DON'T know where you live--for all we know, it isn't even YOUR phone number! Chill the hell out!

    Besides the old, people not-so-old (40's) still act like children--children who think cursing is the best thing ever:

    Me: Hello, how are you doing today?
    SC: *Glares at me.*
    *His purchase consists of two cans of spraypaint. I ring one up, and the register asks for a birthday.*
    Me: Could I get your birthday, please?
    SC: Mah birthday? What the f**k do you need that for?
    Me: The machine wants one, sir. You have to be over 18 to buy them. (The guy was in his 40's, obviously.)
    SC: That's f**king ridiculous. Forget it.

    He walks off.

    If you won't tell someone your birthday for some PAINT, what else are you hiding from people?

    And last but not least, kids! Who doesn't love kids? Those whiny, ungrateful little things who scream because they got ONE $40 toy, but not that 25-cent gumball?

    This older woman was through my line with her grandson. Woman was kind as all get-out, one of the people you'd love to talk to every day.

    SC will be SK (Sucky Kid)

    Me: Hello, how are you--
    *SK roars. Literally. Roars.*
    Lady: Oh, be quiet, we're almost out--
    *SK has 2 hot wheels.*
    Lady: But you got 2 cars!
    *He glares at her.*
    Me: Um ... That'll be (amount.)
    *She pays, while he keeps insulting her. They start to leave, and he notices the wall of trading cards.*

    ... This job makes me never want to have kids. Ever. I'm DREADING December.

    I have tons more, but these are the few that instantly came to mind.

  • #2
    Welcome (back?) to CS. Bratty kids make me mental, though of course I know their parents have to take much of the blame for their actions. (Of course, all people do have their own personalities and they sometimes come out no matter what you do or how old you are...but I digress.)

    That woman with the husband who grabbed her arm and dragged me, that really makes me sad. I want to kick that guy in the Jimmy.
    "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


    • #3
      Quoth SYWRejections View Post
      Me: Hello, how are you doing today?
      SC: *Glares at me.*
      *His purchase consists of two cans of spraypaint. I ring one up, and the register asks for a birthday.*
      Me: Could I get your birthday, please?
      SC: Mah birthday? What the f**k do you need that for?
      Me: The machine wants one, sir. You have to be over 18 to buy them. (The guy was in his 40's, obviously.)
      SC: That's f**king ridiculous. Forget it.

      He walks off.

      If you won't tell someone your birthday for some PAINT, what else are you hiding from people?
      He's hiding the fact that he doesn't remember his birthday.
      "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


      • #4
        Quoth Ironclad Alibi View Post
        He's hiding the fact that he doesn't remember his birthday.
        You have no idea how many people freeze up for 5 seconds when I ask for their birthday, then tell me with a nervous voice as if they're hoping that it's correct and the machine somehow KNOWS who they are and will accept it.

        Another problem is how people word it; I'm not sure if they're trying to be clever or not.

        Some people say "(Month,) (Number,) (Year.)" I just type the numbers in, we're good to go. Simple enough.

        Some, however, say shit like "3rd month, 6th day, year 1990." WHY are you wording it like that? Do you think the person behind you won't be able to guess it?

        At first, I thought it was just a weird person doing it, but like EVERY old person does it, and older people in their 40's-50's. Why?


        • #5
          Welcome (back) to CS!
          1)I think I can guess what store you work at, just by the rewards card thing, but maybe not. A lot of stores do that. Personally, I don't care for one particular store's approach, but I'd never get that angry.
          2) Ah, age verification...How I hate thee. Because selling tobacco, beer, whatever, to someone who is of age but acting like they're five is just the highlight of the day!
          3) It seems like that parent had at least SOME control of the child. The scenario is one that sounds very familiar, because I see it at the C-store a lot. I have to say though, as annoying as some kids can be, there are others that are just so sweet and adorable that they put an instant smile on my face. They're not all bad!
          "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare


          • #6
            This reminds me of something I saw in a convenience store a while back. Kid wanted something. IIRC, I think he was around 8 or 9 or thereabouts. Mom said no. Kid flips out. Mom tries to reason with him. Not having much luck. Kid keeps flipping out. Among her comments are reminders that his birthday is coming up (I think it was the next weekend).

            Kid (screaming so I'm sure they can hear him out in the parking lot): "I. DON'T. CARE!!!!"

            Had that been me, the kid would've been dragged out of the store by whatever part I got my hands on first (shirtfront, arm, hair) and any birthday celebrations would've been cancelled as well.

            Yeah, definitely over the top, which just emphasizes what a good thing it is I don't have kids.


            • #7
              See I can't wait to have children, the idea of having a family is something that appeals to me (although career first I'm only 22!) If I was that mother I would have been like, "you're not getting anything if you will act like that" Yes I'm sure it's harder once you actually have a child I can appreciate that but if you teach the child to be grateful for what they have then they won't throw tantrums like this in public.... right? (I'm prepared to be totally proved wrong once I have a child!)
              My Crafting Profile;u=139859


              • #8
                Quoth patiokitty View Post
                I'm sure people were snickering and saying awful things about me as a mother for not just giving into his demands, but he had to be taught that just because he wanted something didn't mean he automatically got it. He did learn eventually.
                Quite the contrary. I'm sure they were cheering.
                They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


                • #9
                  Agreed. You got him out of there quickly AND you not only didn't give in to his demands, you showed there are consequences for behaviour like that (he lost his other treats, too!)

                  Beki710, it's entirely possible 'my' incident was not the result of bad parenting -- this kid might have just had a rare meltdown. My nephew, who's a really good kid, has his moments, as did my niece, as I'm sure all kids do. I just think they both might have been better served if his mother had behaved like patiokitty did: put everything they had down and marched him out of the store to let him finish his meltdown in his room, once it became obvious that reasoning wasn't doing the job.


                  • #10
                    Patiokitty, I agree with the others. A real parent. Such a rare thing.
                    Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


                    • #11
                      "No, my true enemy is none other than THE ELDERLY."

                      THIS. I cannot agree more! Working at a convenience store, lottery is quite the addiction for some older people. They MUST have it, and cutting in line or being rude to me or other customers is perfectly fine apparently. I hate it when they cut in front of someone, and then make a big act of "oh you were there? go ahead, I'm such a nice person". Or when they'll cut in line and the customers behind fall for their "oh I'm so old and I don't know where I am" act. Seriously, I've worked there for years and there are old people that take advantage of sympathy offered to them because of their age. When these regulars show up though, I never give them any slack because I'm wise to their games.

                      It's weird, I'm sure if you met one of them on the streets or on the bus, they would be perfectly pleasant (probably). Its just the smell of those scratch tickets that cause them to transform.

