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The return from "last week"...

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  • The return from "last week"...

    Scene opens on a small strip mall. Behind the fast food establishments on pad sites out front, sandwiched between a cigarette store, pay-day loan, tanning salon and mixed martial arts gym, sits a small electronics store.

    Inside standing there behind the counter, watching the TVs, waiting for a customer, is a geeky looking 20-something guy with glasses.

    A customer with a return walks in.

    C: "Hi, I just got this from your other store last week, and I'd like to return it."

    I myself had never seen such an item before, but as it was similar to others we had in stock, I considered it was perhaps a hold-over some other store put into a clearance sale bucket. Electronics can change so fast one new product is gone the next month.
    Me: "Ok, let me see here."

    I take the item and scan it for a return. It doesn't come up on the POS. Usually the POS clears out old SKUs quarterly during inventory cycles.
    Me: "Well sir, it doesn't come up in the system, let me see if I can find it in another place."

    I then start looking up the item on our intranet to find its last sale price. Its possible the guy bought it from a store, who didn't have the item in THEIR system either, and just rang it up as general merchandise with a price, which would have been found with the same method unless the manager/associate decided on some random price.

    I was just about to process it as a non-receipt-present gift-card refund when...
    C: "Oh, I've got a receipt!"

    AH, this should help matters so I think... But, he produces a receipt dated 2003. It was 2006.

    I consider my options... Should I simply give the guy his 9 dollar gift card, or should I explain return policies... Ah, well, he was the one who was able to keep track of a receipt for 3 years, but apparently he failed to actually *look* at it during this time. Tough love I say...

    I decided on being the tough-love sort of clerk that day...
    Me: "Well, hmm... This receipt was dated about 3 years ago.

    I flipped his receipt over and pointed to the return policy.
    Me: "Now, we normally accept returned items within 30 days for a full refund. Up to 90 days we are able to return the item and give you store credit on a gift card. This receipt is 3 years old, so unfortunately I can't actually refund your item sir."

    Possibly the wrong move...
    C: "What?!!?!?? But I have my receipt right here! I bought it, I just want to return it! Why can't you give me a refund?!

    And so it begins.
    Me: "Sorry sir, but that's entirely against the return policy. We print it right there on every receipt that you have a certain period to return the item. Had you NOT provided me with a receipt, I'm the kind of person to give the benefit of the doubt, and I would have simply given you a gift card as a refund. HOWEVER because you brought in the receipt I have a date to work with, and now store policy prevents me from proceeding any further.

    Don't get me wrong, I hate some of the store policies, and also dislike using that as a crutch to fall back upon versus giving a 'real good reason'...This was just one of those "dear god, you're trying to do WHAT!?" moments.
    C: "You've got to be kiding me!
    Me: "Sorry, that's just the way it is. I cannot process a return on a 3 year old purchase.

    At this point, he starts yelling and I tune him out. At the end, I think he threw the item on the counter (4 years ago now, I forget) and amongst angry mumbling from him, just as he is about to leave the store, I say to him in the nicest way possible
    Me: "Have a wonderful day sir!"
    He turns back at me and shouts
    C: "F**K YOU!!!!"

    The electronic door chime, also sold inside the store if you are amazed at how it works upon entering and leaving and wish to procure one for yourself, ding-dongs as the customer leaves.

  • #2
    ...Was the item still in it's original packaging? Because honestly, if he used an item for 3 years and then thought he could return it for a full refund, he is a scammer. Or boldly stupid. One of the two.


    • #3
      Or both.

      Oh I've had my fair share of people trying to return things, a few of them have tried to return things SEVEN years later. When we no longer carry said product and haven't for at least two years. Yea, those were shot down because if the item comes up as "item not found", chances are that we can't return it.

      Eh, one day I'll have something useful here. Until then, have a cookie or two.


      • #4
        Quoth Moosenogger View Post
        ...Was the item still in it's original packaging? Because honestly, if he used an item for 3 years and then thought he could return it for a full refund, he is a scammer. Or boldly stupid. One of the two.
        Yep, still original packaging. It was one of those project kit ammeters. Little gauge for showing the current flowing through a circuit.

        I've seen such random stuff sold on clearance before, even had to do the 'general merch' trick for stuff we had lying on the shelves that we apparently forgot on one inventory cycle to destroy and discard. The benefit of the doubt was quite high until he produced the 3 year old receipt...


        • #5
          We have a lot of people argue they should be able to return things months and months after they were purchased because they were never opened or used or they have the original packaging, etc. Look, people...our return policy is 30 days from the date you receive the item. Before March of this year it was 90 days, but I guess someone did some research and decided there was really no need for the extra 2 months. In any event...we CSAs don't make the rules. Someone who has some knowledge of good business practices for OUR company recommended it and it was likely voted on by a board of directors. It's all over our website and in our catalogs, and though I haven't seen a store receipt I'm sure it's printed on there too. Don't like it? Either don't shop with us, or open your own store where people can return anything you deem to be eligible...or both. Just don't whine about it to me, mmkay??
          "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


          • #6
            Quoth Android Kaeli View Post
            Or both.

            Oh I've had my fair share of people trying to return things, a few of them have tried to return things SEVEN years later. When we no longer carry said product and haven't for at least two years. Yea, those were shot down because if the item comes up as "item not found", chances are that we can't return it.

            I had a lady try an return an item I guess was regifted to her for christmas. It had our store name on the barcode and everything but it would not scan on the till and I had never seen it before.

            I looked it up and we had deleted the item from the system seven years ago! We can still look up every deleted item but they wont scan on the till. And for an item to become deleted, the item was probably not in stock at any of our stores for at least a year.


            • #7
              I like how some people assume return policies will magically change for them if...

              1) they decide they need the money - even if it's a well used item

              2) they never open the item until AFTER the return policy expires... because clearly that "from date of purchase" really means "from when I decide to finally use the product"

              3) extends (or extends the warranty) if they claim they had trouble with it from day 1... even though they waited until day 369 to finally bring it back

              and the only sadder thing is that... i didn't just pull those out of my butt. those came form stories here and letters over at PFB / M3C. so yes people really do that kind of shit.


              • #8
                My money's on that he found it in a deceased relative's belongings and was trying to make a quick buck.
                "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


                • #9
                  Turn it around this way, "Lady, would you pay full price for an item that is three years out of date? I didn't think so."

                  I would never have the nerve to try something like this. Heck, I rarely return anything. If I've used it, then it's my problem.

                  I usually fill a box with stuff I don't like or use once a year and take it to Good Will for the tax deduction. Or have a yard sale if I want cash. That's a lot easier than scamming someone one item at a time.
                  They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


                  • #10
                    Panacaea, you said it exactly for me. I have Christmas decorations I never used that I'd like to return, but oh well. I know better. Off to Goodwill they go.
                    "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


                    • #11
                      Quoth Panacea View Post
                      Turn it around this way, "Lady, would you pay full price for an item that is three years out of date? I didn't think so."
                      Actually there are items I would pay full price for three or more years after they are out of date. Unfortunately, the people selling them want a whole lot more. Darned collectibles market.
                      "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


                      • #12
                        Had another one of these SCs today. She was only about 2-3 weeks out of the 30 day return policy and said the package had never been opened, etc...but I still had to deny her, and then she got real bitchy. Said she never saw anything that said 30 I pointed out several places to find the information. She still whined and went on about us losing a customer over a $100 item (hey, $100 is $100) so I said I'd happily look into it further for her...talked to a team lead and said "I don't think she should get anything because she's rude and nasty" and the team lead said well, I have to deny it the first time they ask anyway, so go ahead. I did and the SC said she'd be writing a letter, asked me for my name (gave her my first, cheerfully) and said she'd never shop with us again. Whatever, lady
                        "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


                        • #13
                          Quoth PepperElf View Post

                          3) extends (or extends the warranty) if they claim they had trouble with it from day 1... even though they waited until day 369 to finally bring it back
                          I feel for you on this one. Sometimes at my company we do installs of equipment for people and they get a 30 workmanship guarantee. To this end we have them sign a PIC (Project Installation Certificate). doesn't stop them from calling in 4 months down the line saying the screen never worked.

                          How exactly can a screen on a video conferencing system not work for four months.

                          Find the PIC and send it to my boss and the cool guy that he is lets the customer know in no uncertain terms that they will need to pay for the parts and labor to repair their system.
                          Last edited by Dave1982; 10-10-2011, 01:45 PM. Reason: Broken quote tag

