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Adult Tantrum

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  • Adult Tantrum

    This guy made me want to scream and walk out. I'm so sick of EW's.

    Okay, this guy and his wife were in my window, now they maxed out their credit line and to get them anymore the big boss man higher than the manager had to be informed of it. Now, Boss man wasn't working but never really gets a day off since he's called any time of day. It's Sunday, I'm sure he'd like some alone time....

    Anyway, so my SV had to call him but was waiting on the call back. It's not like BOss man is waiting by the phone, he has a life too!

    SCM: the husband SCW: the wife

    SCM: I want 1k. You gimmie.

    They don't speak english real well and its hard to convey any kind of message to them to get them to understand ANYTHING. And I can't understand them either. But I do try.

    I pull up their account and mentally cringe.

    ME: Looks like you've used up your whole line-

    SCW: No. We have a thousand

    ME: looks like you wrote a check today.

    SCW; That no count. Markers different.

    ME; No ma'am its the SAME account regardless of how you get the money.

    After saying that every which way I could and as nice as possible she FINALLY understood.

    Me: I will be right back, I need to speak to the SV about the increase.

    There was only one other cashier and a massive line. THe other cashier got bitchy with me too. Like I needed that shit.

    SV called boss man and no reply. So no money. I got to tell this to those jerks.

    ME: Unfortunately Boss man hasn't returned the phone call. It may be a few mins to maybe thirty. I don't know the exact time frame but maybe you'd like to come back in a few.

    They both stared at me like I had two heads. I was trying to get them to MOVE over.

    ME: If you'd like you can wait over here (points to the counter space right next to me) and you'll will be helped as soon as we receive the call back.

    More staring. My god I hate the stares. Slowly I saw anger flashing on the dude. He was getting SCARY.

    Me: Like I said, it will be a few...

    SCW: How long?

    Me: I don't know the time frame... (thinking--goddamn i'm not psychic!! move your asses!!) but you're welcome to wait. I just need you to step over to this window so I can help get the line down but the SV is working on this so no worries there.

    I was trying to usher their asses away from the window. I wasn't pushing aside to be forgotten about it's just it could be HOURS before he calls and I need them to MOVE.

    Did they? No. Finally the SCM did a weird head motion like I was his dog and supposed to know what it meant.

    SWM: you check now.

    Angry, I walked into the back and told SV they wouldn't get out of the window. I tried as hard as I could to get them to move. She finally came out there with me. I am BAD with confrontation and frankly its her job at that point when I'm getting shit from jerks.

    She explained the SAME thing to them and could NOT get them to move either. HA.

    SCM: I come here for ten years and spend millions (LIE) and you treat me like this? We leave. We no come back!

    I really hoped that would be true...

    SV: Sir, I am just waiting for the call...

    He shut her down and started to yell and stick his hands inside the cage! That asshole was lucky I didn't hit the silent alarm. It looked like he wanted to wring her neck. The wife pulled him back.

    He bitched some more and finally another boss called back and told us to just give him the damn money.

    While this shit is going on my co worker is yelling at me for not getting them to move. WTF was I supposed to do? Go out there and push them myself??? CW acted like if she was their cashier they would've listened. Whatever. I was so angry.

    Finally the asshole couple got their money and left. I still got bitched at by everybody for not getting them to move. I TRIED!!!! Just a sucktastic day...

  • #2
    Here. You need some pumpkin pie with whiskey-flavoured whip and a big mug of strong coffee with lots of Bailey's in it.

    Lord t'underin' Jaysus, what infuriating people!
    What colour is the sky in your world and how high of a dosage do you need before it turns back to blue? --Gravekeeper


    • #3
      Next time you see them in line take your time with the person you are serving so that the other cashier gets them

      Instead of chewing you out (s)he should be saying what she would have done to convince them to move over. That would go miles to actually building a nice working environment. As long as you are doing everything you can then you should not beat yourself up over it.


      • #4
        Ouch, both SC and sucky co-worker? Time to hit the booze

        hope you feel better soon


        • #5
          You already had the SCs yelling at you, you didn't need your CW yelling too! That was totally uncalled for.
          I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
          My LiveJournal
          A page we can all agree with!


          • #6
            Well, of course she could've gotten them to move. In her tiny little fantasy mind, all she would've had to do was ask and they would've instantly complied. With smiles, yet.

            I loathe people who insist they "could've done it better/right/more quickly." Why don't they take a few minutes and show the world just how well they could do it?

            Because in reality it wouldn't work that way, of course. This way they get to feel superior without having to actually put their money where their mouth is.

            Speaking of money, I'm sorry the jerk got the money he was demanding. All it did was feed the troll.


            • #7
              Why do the trouble makers always get whatever they want from the management? I don't get it.


              • #8
                Their asses needed to be tossed out, head first like in "Casino".


                If SV couldn't get them to move, she should have the authority to call security and have them bodily moved.

                Way to go, management. Send the message that if you act like a total tool and damned near physically threaten the staff, you get your way. Good job.
                "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                • #9
                  Wow...spectacular suckage from everybody. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Had I been one of the other customers, I would have stuck up for you! *hands you delicious baked goods*
                  "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


                  • #10
                    Oh my word. What a mess.
                    Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


                    • #11
                      Alarm is your friend.


                      • #12
                        What a horrendous situation. Made much worse by your sucky CW. The worst thing was that management caved!!

                        It just encourages that behaviour and wtf was that guy thinking, sticking his hands through the grille?

                        I know that some people here have said that you should've pressed the alarm, but with sucky CWs like you have? That would have been wrong in their eyes too.
                        There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.


                        • #13
                          Could you let them wait where they were, and open up another window?

                          "I can take the next customer here!"

                          Quoth Anakah View Post
                          SCM: I come here for ten years and spend millions (LIE) and you treat me like this? We leave. We no come back!
                          Would you be fired if you said "There's the door."?

                          When one SC pulled the "I'm never coming back" card on me, I told her to her face, "Fine by me, customers like you I don't need." I even survived to quit that job. Helped that there was a shortage of pharmacists back then. (No longer, alas.)

                          I'm wondering, though, about the physical layout of your place. Are there more windows than cashiers? If so, let these morons wait and block your window all they want, and simply take the next customer at the next window over.
                          Last edited by Peppergirl; 01-20-2012, 08:03 PM. Reason: merged


                          • #14
                            Quoth Peppergirl View Post
                            Their asses needed to be tossed out, head first like in "Casino".


                            If SV couldn't get them to move, she should have the authority to call security and have them bodily moved.

                            Way to go, management. Send the message that if you act like a total tool and damned near physically threaten the staff, you get your way. Good job.
                            As I was reading, I was thinking of the scene in the movie where the pit boss uses the stun baton on one of the two blackjack scammers.

                            In your little box, do you have freedom of movement to stand up? If so, could you stand up to see over the SC's heads, raise your hand to move it in a "come forward" motion?

                            Comically, it would be funny if you had a trapdoor like in the office of C. Montgomery burns. Yesss...e-e-e-xcellent!


                            • #15
                              I've been wanting one of those trapdoors ever since I started working in retail. Also a tube. XD

                              It always bugs me when people can throw toddler tantrums and act like arseholes and get what they want. It should be the nice people who are rewarded, not the twats.
                              People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                              My DeviantArt.

