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dumb scammer

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  • dumb scammer

    How not to scam a return....

    Don't be like the DS (dumb scammer) who told us that he "never did anything to the computer" and tried to claim we sold it to him in that condition.

    I didn't actually see him - I only saw the others laughing about him after he left. But I think he was trying to return it.

    When they have enough evidence that he was lying (mismatched memory cards, hdd missing all but one screw AND full of his personal data) he STILL stuck to his lie, so the manager said they were going to call the police because of his attempt to fraud us.

    The DS got mad and said "FINE" and said he didn't want it anyway and left... leaving the computer - aka the evidence - behind.

    Yeah, he gave us the evidence of his attempt to scam.

    The last I knew "Paul" was documenting the computer. I don't know if they're going to get the police or not but I think he's running it up to corporate for them to decide. If anything it might be worth checking with the police just to see if it matches anything from recent robberies.

  • #2
    Had that happen once when I worked at a Gateway Country Store.

    Scammer brings their PC into the repair department and claims it's busted, was that way when he got it, and demanded a refund.

    I got my hands on it to determine what the problem was (was required to take back a system)

    Not only were there dirty fingerprints all over the inside of the case, but he had TAPED some ancient SIMM memory sticks in the slots, replaced the HDD with a 1.5 GB (System came with a 40 GB at the time), and removed the CPU, leaving an empty slot and a giant finger print on the thermal compound under the heatsink.

    Needless to say, his return was rejected due to missing components.


    • #3
      The recent "shop lifting" thread reminded me of this old story.

      i found out from a coworker what the scammer tried doing.

      Toshiba computers have the model & serial on the bottom on a heavy foil sticker. apparently he took a sticker off a new computer and put it on the bottom of his to try passing it off as a new computer in order to process a return.

      he just never expected people to actually verify his claim


      • #4
        Reminds me of a laptop we have in right now.

        Guy's been in a couple of times... last time was a few months ago for a spyware infection.

        Well, he drops it off while I was out the other day and he's all complaining that we were supposed to put software on there to prevent it (we did - no one's bothered to run it for 6 months) and that "only his wife uses the laptop".

        Well, as soon as I turn on the laptop I see no less than three games that have been installed, including a Star Wars one. So yeah - unless this guy's 75 year old wife is a Star Wars RPG freak, someone else uses the computer. When I called him on the phone earlier to let him know this (his twin grandkids apparently use the laptop for gaming because it's faster than theirs) he was all irate because he didn't think the twins did anything to it. Well - you know what happens if you leave a kid alone for 30 seconds. So I call bullshit. But I held my tongue for the time being.

        When he comes in tomorrow I'm telling him it would be best if he didn't come in any more since he refuses to accept that people under his roof make mistakes.

