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Complain about a true error, but dont Lie

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  • Complain about a true error, but dont Lie

    Last week end we had a bus tour at our hotel. They were with us last year, and caused some mild annoyance, but we wanted to sell rooms, so we resold to them this year too. Don't think its gonna happen again!

    First of all, they arrived on a friday MORNING. We knew we'd very likely have most if not all the rooms open in the AM, but we told them they had to come after 730 am when the AGM would be in to handle a rash of 20 checks in.

    They decided to call at 6:00 am, and arrive 15 minuets later on our poor fairly new Night Auditor. Poor guy was stuck on his own trying to handle the whole thing, and sadly made a couple of errors, like over authorizing a card, authorizing the wrong one, or even forgetting to take a cash payment before giving out the keys for one room.

    They were also told if they ladies would like to have breakfast they would have to pay 5 bucks each for the extra meal, since we were doing them a favor and not charging them for another room night, despite their very early check in.

    Only 7 were honest and paid. The group leader even went in there and told all the women to pay, and our (again new) Breakfast girl reports after the fact that as soon as the group leader left all the women in there broke out in laughter. Wished we'd have known before, we would have just charged the rooms had we known they were stealing.

    That night they return from shopping at 1030 pm, and a good 20 (out of 50ish) stand outside getting their last ciggs for the night. Suddenly they all start WHOOOPING at the top of their lungs! I was around the counter in 3 seconds flat, and told they had to stop, i had a lot of other guests trying to sleep, we sold out that night! They were like "oops. what time is it?" Really? We're in the same time zone they are all from, so that is not an excuse, seriously! Luckily, they broke it up and went to bed with hardly another peep.

    The next afternoon one lady comes up and asks me why there is a HUGE over charge on her card. Alarmed I look right away, I know they came here to shop. I indeed find a HUGE over authorization on the room. I apologize and explain that it will not charge to her card, but will in fact release and the proper amount will be charged. It is the week end so it will take a couple days, and I'm very sorry about it. (Keep in mind if they showed up when they told us they would no errors would have happened because the AGM was going to personally handle it and do it slowly and accurately, rather than the poor stressed new auditor!)

    She said "Well I'm glad thats the not the card I was going to shop with, that would be terrible." Now having worked at bank before I knew that had she approached me friday afternoon about this, I'd hve had a chance to correct the issue, but she waited to ask any one about it. I digress...

    As soon as I finish explaining it to her a friend comes up and asks if she found out what happened. The guest starts to explain just what i said. Clearly shes not happy, but shes not unpleasant either. But her friend turns to me

    "HOW could this have happened?!?!?!?"
    I explain i was not here, and I'm not sure how, but I know for a fact that the system shows the right rate and she wont be over charged.

    No sooner do i finish than another friend shows up.

    No kidding, lather, rinse, repeat five times, word for stinkin word. When the 6th friend showed up I just started with "I dont know but its not going to be the final charge!" I figured I'd save time.

    Her friends all riled up by this point, several of them ranting at me about it, and there is nothing i can do, but I was certainly kind and nice, and very apologetic!

    Under the demand of several others, I search each room in their group to see if there are any other errors. Indeed I find a couple more, all of which were caught and corrected. (so they didn't know about them) Its just the one that had been missed.

    While these ladies were gathering at the desk demanding explinations new guests arrived. I asked if they wouldn't mind if I helped the new guests. I wanted to get them checked in and out of the lobby asap. Surprisingly all the ladies shut up and moved away, much to my relief.

    I take care of the new guests, but by the time i'm done the bus shows up and off they go for the rest of my shift. PHEW.

    Fast forward to today:

    We get a complain for corporate talking about our staff being rude, and uncaring. They relate the story above and says I didn't even care, and told them I had to help other people then walked away. I work at FD of a hotel, to check someone In i'm practically chained to my spot.

    The complaint reported that she came to the desk Sunday and demanded to talk to the AGM, who had a sick child and couldn't come in, but the GM would be in by 8. The woman said she waited until he came, and demanded to know what happened and how, and why. She claims the GM chewed the Night auditor out in front of them for checking them in, and kept giving dirty looks at the poor guy (who she agreed was a poor guy). I know the boss man, he may have asked why Auditor checked them in with out telling them to wait, but he sure as hell didn't chew him out for it!

    The woman had demanded a refund for her stay, which GM did not give. Shes angry at our uncaring ways, and for me refusing to help!

    Our corporate office actually FINED us for this story, which is so full of lies there is only a shred of truth in it! GM is fighting the fine, but SC like that who lie to try and get their money back irritate the snot out of me.

    ~end rant~

  • #2
    Just when you think they can't get any suckier... So sorry you had to deal with all that and I hope the GM is able to get corporate to change their mind about the fine. So not fair!
    "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


    • #3
      They irritate everyone. What lousy women. 7 decent people out of the whole bunch. Shameful.
      Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


      • #4
        Stories like these really make me wish that every employee-customer transaction in which money changes hands in any form should be supervised via tape. If that conversation with the lady who claimed you walked away from them was taped, it would be clear that they kept hassling you, and you didn't in fact walk away. Being able to catch them in one lie, and then a tape of the GM NOT "chewing out" the auditor... and so on.


        • #5
          Quoth TigressChar View Post
          Now having worked at bank before I knew that had she approached me friday afternoon about this, I'd hve had a chance to correct the issue, but she waited to ask any one about it.
          Most people assume that the hotel will have charged the correct amount on a hold. I know I do. I would think she just didn't think it would be a problem, and then when checking her total on the card she was there to shop with, she noticed the hold. My bank card and my credit card are through the same institution, so I end up seeing both when checking on either.

          As for the rest of it, they sure as hell aren't worth the hassle just to sell rooms. Especially since it turns out that for at least one of those nights, you likely would have sold out without them.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

