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Day before Thanksgiving suckage

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  • Day before Thanksgiving suckage

    So tomorrow's Thanksgiving. I work at a drugstore. We sell toys and gift items so it's not unexpected to be busy.
    But I've only been here 2 hours and I've already been yelled out once on the phone, witnessed someone stealing, and on the verge of a breakdown from all the just plan bitchiness and stupidity.
    On the plus side I've sold 21 suggestive sells in 2 hours (we are supposed to get at least 20 per shift). I may just sell 40 tonight.
    I imagine tomorrow's gonna be worse.

    I'll post later with updates. And maybe post a CoC rant.
    Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole.
    Supernatural 9-13-05 to forever

  • #2
    Your today sounds like my yesterday with the obnoxious customers. I got yelled at on the phone because our photo tech told a customer we were out of something. He answered the phone since I was busy and he happened to be near a phone on the floor. This idiot called me back screaming. I put them on hold and paged a manager since I could not even understand them.

    I had a customer using a gift card and she did not agree with the remaining balance on her receipt. She kept insisting it was wrong. I paged a manager to deal with her. This same customer then demanded to know if the Bank of America in our competition across the street took deposits. My manager was still there at this point and suggested she call the number on the back of her ATM card for that information. I now understand why this customer generally seems to shop without his wife. I could tell she was making him uncomfortable. You idiot I do not work for Bank of America.

    Our Chase ATM stopped working and at least 2 people demanded I fix the ATM while I was busy. Our Hallmark vendor happened to be walking by and gave them directions to a nearby Chase Branch. If you want Chase to fix their equipment you call them yourself.

    I worked the morning shift today and wound up with 27 suggestive sells.

    Good luck hope you break 40 tonight.


    • #3
      Yesterday at The Bar was pretty decent, as I made about twice as much as I did on Monday....and with Tuesday usually being the slowest day, this was a surprise.

      Monday, however, was not overly great, as it was slow until the last hour when I was ready to go home, then I got slammed with happy hour folks. Early on, it was El Cheapo Monday, with everyone tipping 10%....or less.

      Today at the toy store wasn't too bad, since I basically just entertain there, doing magic. Even so, I could tell that the staff wasn't that harried, and we weren't overly busy, since most of our business is from tourists, much of it from cruise ships when they are in port. So no ultra crazy insanity. Of course, this is not yet Christmas, so we'll see.

      Tomorrow at The Bar should be amusing. I work almost every Thanksgiving, and I THINK they're good, but frankly I can't remember. I work the day shift, so will be out anywhere between 5:30 and 7:30, depending on volume. I am hoping I get out a bit earlier, as my friends are having a dinner for several friends at 7, and I'd like not to have to rush over there. But of course I am not going to turn down money if we're busy...and it's not like I really have a choice.

      Of course, for that dinner, I'm making the stuffing, tonight, and bringing it (and my beer for the festivities) over in the morning before work. I'm also making my tropical cranberry sauce for my as soon as I'm done with my dinner, it's off to slaving in the kitchen for me.

      Why did I volunteer for this again?

      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
      Still A Customer."


      • #4
        I only had a four hour shift today, which is fine, but kind of a pain. I was just coming back from the restroom when a manager asked me to go get the change bags from womens dept. No prob. I get there, grab the bags, and when I'm about 20 odd feet away when I hear someone shout out and start slapping the counter. I spin around, and there's this, I dunno, whore girl banging on the counter.
        What the hell girl, you arrived during the maybe 5 seconds my back was turned? When the's another associate in plain sight helping another customer?
        She didn't even buy what she had because her card wouldn't go through.

        Violia "I can't make you have money when you don't" V


        • #5
          I am very, very thankful that I have enough seniority at work to be off this week. Not because of sucky customers, but because it's so damn slow I could nod off and fall out of my chair.

          One year when I worked the day after Thanksgiving (yes, our office is always open) it was so slow that I read almost an entire book (all but the last chapter)...just read between calls....over the 7.5 hours. Gahhhh....
          When you start at zero, everything's progress.


          • #6
            I have the day off from both the college and hospice, thank the gods, though I have to work this weekend for hospice (my last one whoo hoo!)

            I'm up visiting with my brother and Mother and we plan to have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner.

            I so do not miss the days of shift work, and having to work Thanksgiving, Christmas, AND New Year's!

            Although, I will tell you: I will NOT be shopping tomorrow. My condolences to the retail folks who have to suffer the pre-Black Friday madness.
            They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


            • #7
              Just popping my head out of hiding to extend my grievances to retail folk before Black Friday. I nearly scremed when I saw someone refer to tomorrow as "Gray Thursday' on FB

              I told my boss that I wanted to work as early as possible on Thanksgiving, so she gave me the 3-11:30pm shift...after 6 years this just isn't funny anymore. Not only does that mean I need to wolf down the best meal I see all year in 5 minutes, but I get the joy of dealing with pre-black friday traffic and angst. Today has been surprisingly tame, only one truly crazy person. Last night was full of suckage including one lady that demanded I twist the rules "because she's a single mom".
              When my shift ends tomorrow I'm going to spend the next 2 days eating leftovers, watching cartoons, and ignoring my phone. I would add drinking to the list, but I have a minor concussion and I don't think alcohol and head trauma mix well
              "Ride the spiral to the end, it may just go where no one's been. Spiral out, keep going..." -Lateralus


              • #8
                My store is open 24 hours. No, we never close. No, not even on Christmas. And people who have a shopping cart piled of stuff aren't very sorry I have to work....sorry but I digress. Our sale starts at midnight, maybe. There were already people circling around the store like vultures at 10 and two more cars were coming in to add to 8 or so already there as I was pulling out at 11. I'm glad I'm off tomorrow and got a mid-shift on Friday and don't return until Tuesday.
                I would have a nice day, but I have other things to do.


                • #9
                  Quoth violiavampyr View Post
                  I hear someone shout out and start slapping the counter. I spin around, and there's this, I dunno, whore girl banging on the counter.
                  THAT cracked me the hell up!!!

                  Quoth dispatch View Post
                  Last night was full of suckage including one lady that demanded I twist the rules "because she's a single mom".
                  "Well, I'm the son of single mom, but I don't use it as an excuse nor expect preferential treatment because of it."

                  I think the only time my mom ever mentioned that she was a single mom after Dad died was:
                  1. with insurance companies, because it mattered.
                  2. for taxes, because it mattered.
                  3. when she started dating again, because it mattered.

                  Never at the grocery store, the mall, the gas station, the freeway, the subway, the Subway, the convenience store, or even at her children's schools, where it might have somewhat mattered.

                  Why? Because my mother was not and is not an entitlement whore, nor did she ever expect special or preferential treatment because of her situation.

                  Wow, the more I talk about it, the more I respect my mom. GO MOM!

                  "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                  Still A Customer."


                  • #10
                    My night started with the men's room toilet deciding to malfunction and overflow, to the point where I had to shut the water off to it and put up an out of order sign. From there, it was just hellishly busy, and people were bitchy on top of it. They were also stupid/ignorant, as I had to run outside to the gas pumps to help people several times. Lots of alcohol sales tonight, but thankfully, everyone cooperated with being ID'd--the only exception was the gal that huffed that she didn't want to go out to her car and get her ID, so just forget her cigs. I'm also thankful for my coworker T. Without her, I'd have been staying way late to get floors done and bag ice, instead of leaving right on time!
                    "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare


                    • #11
                      In addition to the things in my first post I also had a semi regular come in and try to use voided coupons (we had someone use some last weekend so were on the alert), a girl came in to get a gift card for $200 and wanted to use credit (a big no-no at my job), many dumb arguments, a couple customers picking fights with me (and other customers), and then this one dude:
                      D: douchebag
                      DW: me
                      I ring his items up. He had some ice cream and some cologne. I put them both in the same bag since they were both small.
                      D: you didn't put my ice cream and cologne in the same bag?
                      DW: oh yeah. I did. *takes the cologne outta the bag and puts it in its own bag*
                      D: what's wrong with you?
                      DW: *knowing now that nothing will please him I just give him a big grin hoping he'll go the fuck away*
                      D: *glares at me while getting his stuff together*
                      DW: *realizes he's not gonna be that easy to get rid of* I'm sorry sir. *fake smile*
                      D: *huffs and leaves*

                      After he leaves the guy behind him gives me a look that said 'what's his problem?' and I just shrugged.

                      We close at 6 today (thanksgiving day) and I work from 12 noon to 6:30. My brother or brother-in-law will pick me up after my shift so I can go straight to my sister and bil's house (parents and brother will be in from out of town). Then I work 3-10:30 black Friday. I'm off Saturday and will be spending it with my family.
                      Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole.
                      Supernatural 9-13-05 to forever


                      • #12
                        you didn't put my ice cream and cologne in the same bag?
                        Yes, apparently ice cream and cologne are actually two ingredients of a deadly binary explosive and when put in the same bag (doesn't matter if the items are sealed!) they explode, taking out everything in a 10 block radius

                        Jeez, what a douchewaffle.
                        There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.


                        • #13
                          Fuck!!!! The cologne and ice cream guy sent in a complaint. And my store manager came in today (on her day off) and saw it. He apparently said he's had problems with me before. I'm so mad.
                          Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole.
                          Supernatural 9-13-05 to forever


                          • #14
                            He complained for that? DW, and the store manager took his side?



                            • #15
                              dragon_wings, special to you

                              For the rest who will be stuck with Black Friday (etc.) hell coming up, my thoughts are with you. I really think I will be OK at my job...I'm wondering if it will even be a bit quiet with so many people glomming onto the deals elsewhere. I don't plan to go anywhere but my own workplace on Friday, and if I do it will be some quick stop after work around 8 PM (or perhaps a bite to eat if I get a long lunch). I do hope to make time to participate in Small Business Saturday, however...I'll probably have to get up quite early to go downtown, find a parking spot, walk forever, make a purchase, get back to my car, and get to work by 11:30 AM...but it's worth it.
                              "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"

