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How to Win Friends and Influence Family

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  • How to Win Friends and Influence Family

    How to Win Friends

    PepperElf's post reminded me of this gem from a decade past, when I was working for Monkey Wards Repair.

    [backstory] When people brought in stuff for repair, we'd process it and put it in the section labeled, "Waiting Tech," and after the tech looked at it, if it didn't have a service contract, it went into the "Estimates" section, for us to call the customer with how much it'd cost to repair. After that there was "Waiting Parts," and "Completed."

    With estimates we were required to call them and get approval or for the customer to come get the item. If they didn't by 30 days, we'd send a certified letter, with the form for us to destroy said item. We couldn't accept orders to destroy via phone. [/backstory]

    I'd been off for a few days and had just gotten back to find our shop a huge mess and a complete uproar. Apparently, our outsourced cleaning crew had stolen a good bit of our repair items. In a fit if great stupidity, these crooks stole mostly our "Estimates," and "Waiting Parts," rather than our neatly labelled "Completed" section. Well, long story short on that, the company was bonded, so their insurance was paying to replace all the stolen merch/items.

    This left it to us office grunts to call people, along with taking calls. At the time of this story, my coworker was doing the calling, as I had just settled down to answer phones and tag in repairs. I had the pleasure of listening in on this, since it was actually *gasp* quiet for a bit and all I was doing was filing completes for calling.

    CW - my darling underpaid coworker
    SC - All good things come to those who listen

    SC's item had been estimated, the customer refused the estimate and hadn't come to get the item. CW has the task of calling them.

    CW: Hi, is this SC? I'm calling from Monkey Ward's concerning your VCR. We had..
    SC: I dun told ya'll I dun wan it! I dun wanna hear from ya agin!! (yeah, he was this loud and she was on a headset and holding it out away from her ear...)
    CW: I'm sorry you feel that way..
    SC: *click*
    CW to dead line: Because you just missed out on getting a free, brand new VCR..

    I looked at her and we both burst out laughing. The parts manager looked out and she explained it and he just snorted, noted it and it became part of our office legends.

    How to Influence Family

    [backstory] I worked with my dad. We were in different areas in the building and in different departments as per company policy. I was front office and he was lawn and garden as a tech. And this oddly enough led to some fun moments, because I was the "office sacrificial goat" for dealing with him and then there are priceless family moments like this... [/backstory]

    My extended family would occasionally call in at the worst possible moments. This time was no exception. I and my coworkers were slammed, both on the phone and at the counter. My dad was dealing with customers picking up their mowers and explaining what had gone wrong with them. I was frazzled, because it was my first week and I'd hung myself on a few ropes and then there were your regular SC's.

    My aunt, when I normally see her, has a very thick accent, which for some reason, over the phone, she completely looses. I had no idea it was her at first.

    Me: Thank you for calling Monkey Ward's Repair, this is raudf speaking, how may I help you today?
    Aunt: I want to speak to James, in lawn and garden.
    Me: I'm sorry, ma'am, he's with a customer right now. Can I take a message and have him call you back? (I'd just sent a customer back to pick up a mower and the guy had some questions about it. I knew it wouldn't be a short visit.)
    Aunt: I don't care who he's with, this is his sister-in-law and I want to speak to him NOW.
    (It then dawned on me who this was and well, it was nice to take the gloves off. Plus, I knew it'd be safe to do this to her. Dad would chew her out for me later anyways.)
    Me: (not exactly the same tone she had, but still very stern) I don't care, this is his daughter and I say he's with a customer. Oh, and hi, aunt. I'll just tell him to call you back when he's not with the customer.
    Aunt: (very subdued) I..forgot you were working there now... and okay. (kinda rushed)Sorry,I'llletyougetbacktowork,loveyou,bye.
    Me: Okay, later then! *click*
    I look up to see my coworker's jaw on the floor with the most horrified expression. I looked at her with the most deadpan expression and say, "Had pull rank and put her in her place. It's what family does." And burst out laughing.

    Yes, Dad called her back. Yes, he gave her a stern warning about chewing the "gateguards," because if they say he's with a customer, he's with a customer! If she did it again, they'd have every right to forget to give him the message.

    Got a bit more, but I'll see if I can dredge up more before I post 'em. It's been at least a decade since I worked there, but great geu, I got a thick skin from it!
    If I make no sense, I apologize. I'm constantly interrupted by an actual toddler.

  • #2
    Good stories... to CS!
    "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


    • #3
      Very funny, esp the pwnage on your aunt. I'd have loved to have been a fly on the wall for that one
      They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.

