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Trio of Tragedy

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  • Trio of Tragedy

    A few from work that amused me over the last couple weeks.

    No, We Don't Listen. Why, Did You Say Something?

    These two guys come into the bar at a slow time. The following conversation ensues:

    GUY 1: "Is Billy working?"
    JESTER: "Not at the moment, but I can check the schedule to see when he works next."
    GUY 2: "Does he work tonight?"
    JESTER: *blink blink* "I...don't know. Let me check the schedule."

    Apparently he thought that, while I didn't know when my coworker worked the rest of the week, I HAD to know when he worked that day. He was quite wrong on that, as I don't know anyone's schedule but mine if I don't look. And why would I?

    Discounts! Discounts! Discounts!

    My coworker Hello Kitty had a real winner. This lady was actually upset that we wouldn't give let them use a free sampler coupon, AND a military discount, AND a 10% off coupon, AND a local's discount, all on one check.

    HK: "I'm sorry, we can only apply one discount."
    SC: "But why?"
    HK: "...Beeee-cause....that's policy, and we don't give things away for free."
    SC: "But the Cheesecake Factory lets us do that!"
    HK: (looking around at the bar) "Nope. This doesn't look like the Cheesecake Factory. Sorry."

    By the way, no, I promise you, Cheesecake Factory does NOT allow you to use four discounts/coupons so that you can end up getting shit for almost free. Nope, not, nada, not happening, you're wrong, sorry, NO.

    We're So Lazy!

    On Friday night, when we were rather busy, a woman came in to get a table for a large party. She wanted to know if there was room for her large party upstairs on the roof deck. The server she talked to, my coworker Ball Girl, told her to feel free to go upstairs to check it out. This did not satisfy the woman. She insisted that Ball Girl should go upstairs and check FOR her. Ball Girl very politely explained to her that she (Ball Girl) was waiting tables downstairs, and was rather busy. The woman then proceeded to get bitchy and call BG lazy and worthless, and was basically a complete bitch because, ya know, she wanted BG to drop everything she was doing and go upstairs to see if there was room for her party when she was fully capable of doing it herself. I should point out that the roof deck is a seat yourself area, so it's not like they would have had to wait for a hostess to seat them. Insult was added to injury when said bitchy woman later was sitting at the bar complaining to me about it, as I am (apparently) her favorite bartender. How much of a favorite am I? She basically told me, after I told her I had just clocked out, that because SHE was there, I should STILL get behind the bar and serve her. Because, ya know, we're the BEST of friends, and I obviously adore her as much as she adores me. It's customers like this that drive me nuts. (It's also customers like this that proclaim their love for you, and then leave you with a hilariously cheap 10% tip after boasting about their wonderful tipping prowess. Every server on this board knows what I'm talking about.)

    Yeah, I'm her favorite. She ain't mine.

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."

  • #2
    Quoth Jester View Post
    Apparently he thought that, while I didn't know when my coworker worked the rest of the week, I HAD to know when he worked that day. He was quite wrong on that, as I don't know anyone's schedule but mine if I don't look. And why would I?
    I admit I did this at one job I worked at. even to the point of writing some other people's schedules down too...only because I detested some of my coworkers and wanted to know in advance when I'd be forced to spend time with them. My manager caught me one day and reamed me out - she really had issues - and I felt a little bit guilty, but geez, the schedule WAS publicly posted for all employees to see...

    Quoth Jester View Post
    HK: "I'm sorry, we can only apply one discount."
    SC: "But why?"
    HK: "...Beeee-cause....that's policy, and we don't give things away for free."
    SC: "But the Cheesecake Factory lets us do that!"
    HK: (looking around at the bar) "Nope. This doesn't look like the Cheesecake Factory. Sorry."
    You know, I'm sure there are places that do one discount on top of another (especially military), but most don't. I love how people either never pay attention to these things or just pretend they don't know, so they try to get whatever they can. Sad.
    "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


    • #3
      I will never get over this belief some people have that because one business supposedly does something, some other, unrelated business should do the same thing. It's just stupid.

      I also really can't stand people who think you should wait on them after you're clocked out. I don't get paid for working off the clock, so screw that.
      When you start at zero, everything's progress.


      • #4
        Quoth Jester View Post
        A few from work that amused me over the last couple weeks.

        No, We Don't Listen. Why, Did You Say Something?

        These two guys come into the bar at a slow time. The following conversation ensues:
        For a minute this sounded like the beginning of a bad joke . . .

        Quoth Jester View Post
        Discounts! Discounts! Discounts!

        My coworker Hello Kitty had a real winner. This lady was actually upset that we wouldn't give let them use a free sampler coupon, AND a military discount, AND a 10% off coupon, AND a local's discount, all on one check.

        HK: "I'm sorry, we can only apply one discount."
        SC: "But why?"
        HK: "...Beeee-cause....that's policy, and we don't give things away for free."
        SC: "But the Cheesecake Factory lets us do that!"
        Even if Cheesecake Factory was dumb enough to do that, what on gods green oearth makes her think a bar would be?

        Quoth Jester View Post
        We're So Lazy!

        On Friday night, when we were rather busy, a woman came in to get a table for a large party. She wanted to know if there was room for her large party upstairs on the roof deck. The server she talked to, my coworker Ball Girl, told her to feel free to go upstairs to check it out. This did not satisfy the woman. She insisted that Ball Girl should go upstairs and check FOR her.

        Yeah, I'm her favorite. She ain't mine.
        I can see why.

        Had Ball Girl actually complied with this stupid request, this idiot would have been back down stairs complaining the roof deck was too small!
        They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


        • #5
          I usually have some friends of one of my coworkers coming up twice a week and asking me when my coworker is scheduled or where he's working at on the parking lot. Knowing that they just want to blab at my coworker nonstop and distract him from his work, I say, "How should I know when he comes in? I don't write his schedule!" Or, "You can talk to him on his break. He's busy doing his JOB right now." Keep in mind these friends of us are unemployed and have the entire day to come in and try to waste his time.

          My coworker knows this and he usually thanks me. He says they're his friends and everything, but he doesn't feel the need to have to spend his entire work shift listening to what they have to say when they can just wait until his shift is over, or talk to him before work. A bunch of time-wasters.


          • #6
            Quoth Panacea View Post
            For a minute this sounded like the beginning of a bad joke
            What are you talking about? It WAS the beginning of a bad joke!

            Quoth Panacea View Post
            Had Ball Girl actually complied with this stupid request, this idiot would have been back down stairs complaining the roof deck was too small!
            Or too windy, or too cold, or too hot, or too noisy, or too something.

            I really don't know whether it's worse to be on this woman's shit list, as Ball Girl is, or be one of her favorites. The advantage of being Ball Girl in this situation is that she won't really have to deal with this wench all that often, as the woman can't stand her now. Me, I have to deal with her loud obnoxiousness and stupidity whenever she comes in, because she loves me SO much.

            I think I envy BG, actually.

            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
            Still A Customer."


            • #7
              I will also write down, in code, if I'm workign with certain managers or cw's, mainly so I can prepare myself for the worst, as some are both lazy and annoying. So far, my most annoying cw and I have NOT been scheduled together for the past 2 weeks, so I'm hoping that streak continues. But I never write down anyone else's schedule, I just note on mine if I have one of them on with me.


              • #8
                Quoth Jester View Post
                Yeah, I'm her favorite. She ain't mine.
                I get the feeling that you're her favorite because you haven't smashed a really heavy mug in her face yet.
                I AM the evil bastard!
                A+ Certified IT Technician


                • #9
                  Quoth Jester View Post
                  It's customers like this that drive me nuts. (It's also customers like this that proclaim their love for you, and then leave you with a hilariously cheap 10% tip after boasting about their wonderful tipping prowess. Every server on this board knows what I'm talking about.)

                  Yeah, I'm her favorite. She ain't mine.
                  As a former server, this drives me absolutely batshit certifiably, padded-room-worthy crazy.
                  These people come in, will not be served by anyone but you, cause you're their "favorite". You know they got some cash--they order a fairly expensive meal every day--and proceed to leave their favorite server.....8 fucking percent !

                  Bonus points added to this if the offending patron has asked you out several times, has proposed to you, or is in other ways hitting on you mercilessly. Really?

                  Friendship is reciprocated, it's not one-sided: This woman seemed like a schmoozer who was trying to score a discount/free shit.


                  • #10
                    To the S. C. that bothered 'Hello Kitty', yes, stores actually expect you to pay for the things that you want. If you want charity, go bother Oprah.
                    Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


                    • #11
                      Quoth MoonCat View Post
                      I will never get over this belief some people have that because one business supposedly does something, some other, unrelated business should do the same thing. It's just stupid.

                      I also really can't stand people who think you should wait on them after you're clocked out. I don't get paid for working off the clock, so screw that.
                      I used to ask my favorite bartender to hit a different bar for a drink [well, actually there was a whole group of us, and we used to wander around to everybody elses place after closing and make snacks and drinks with no customers around. It was ok with the managers as they tended to be in the gang also. For real festivity occasionally we would all go to the porn theater and sit there and make comments on the films.]
                      EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


                      • #12
                        See, now, my favorite servers tend to get tipped somewhere around 25 to 50 percent....
                        Don't wanna; not gonna.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Catwoman2965 View Post
                          I never write down anyone else's schedule, I just note on mine if I have one of them on with me.
                          A few years ago at The Bar, we had this one dude that EVERYONE hated. Seriously. It took him only two weeks until the whole staff and management detested this guy. It was so bad that one of my coworkers dubbed this dude "The One." As in The One you check the schedule to see if you have to work with him that day. As in The One you dread working with if your schedules coincide. As in, The One that is the only one that can make your workday worse just by his very presence. You know....The One.

                          (The One didn't last long...he managed to fire himself when he showed up for work one time completely fried on drugs, and after a bit, walked off. No one missed him.)

                          Quoth lordlundar View Post
                          I get the feeling that you're her favorite because you haven't smashed a really heavy mug in her face yet.
                          While I would never do that, I am a bit of a smartass to her, and she seems to eat it up. As many people do. Hell, I'm not making money or my reputation as a bartender because of my big tits!

                          Quoth LadyKelli666 View Post
                          This woman seemed like a schmoozer who was trying to score a discount/free shit.
                          Actually not. At least not from me. As she has never gotten anything from me other than the standard locals discount we offer to ALL locals. I have never bought her a drink, comped her a drink, given her anything free, or done anything special for her other than smart off to her. And get her her drinks in a timely efficient manner.

                          You know....what I do for everyone else.

                          Quoth 42_42_42 View Post
                          See, now, my favorite servers tend to get tipped somewhere around 25 to 50 percent....
                          Because YOU are not a douchebag, SC, or EW.

                          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                          Still A Customer."


                          • #14
                            Quoth Jester View Post
                            Hell, I'm not making money or my reputation as a bartender because of my big tits!
                            So that isn't why you're starting to exercise...
                            I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                            Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                            Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


                            • #15
                              And, of course, even if you hadn't already clarified it, there's no guarantee that any other place in town does, in fact, take multiple coupons. It's just a variant of the old "but everybody ELSE does it" that is one of the weapons in the average SC's repertoire.

                              Quoth lordlundar View Post
                              I get the feeling that you're her favorite because you haven't smashed a really heavy mug in her face yet.
                              Good one.

