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  • Scammer

    This scammer story is from a long time ago, when I first started my job 5 years ago. I had just gotten on shift and taken over the drive thru register from my coworker that was a guy of a different race than me. I should also mention I am female. This is important later on. I got a new till when I took over the register.

    A guy comes through the drive thru about ten minutes into my shift.

    SC "Hey, I came through here twenty minutes ago and I gave you a $50 and you only gave me change for a $20."
    Me *thinking that couldn't have been me because I hadn't been there that long and I hadn't taken any 50s.. alarm bells are going off because of the aforementioned difference in appearance between me and my coworker* Are you SURE it was me? Or was it a coworker?
    SC "It was definitely you. I remember."
    Me "Ok I don't remember taking any 50s, but let me call my manager for you." (I wasn't a manager at this time)
    SC "Oh, oh, uhm well no, that's ok. If you don't remember, don't worry about it."
    Me "Well, she's right here. It'll just be a moment."
    Manager pulls out my entire till and shows it to the SC "Sir, there aren't any $50s in here."
    SC "Oh, ok then. Well don't worry about it." *drives off*

    Yeah, because if you are really short changed $30 you just forget about it if the cashier can't remember it. Yeah....

  • #2
    If he can't see/remember the difference in race and the difference in sex after just twenty minutes maybe he was mistaken about the $50, in-fact he paid with a $5 dollar bill and he owns the business another $15 dollars.


    • #3
      Dozed off in front of Paper Moon once too often, IMO.
      I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

      Who is John Galt?
      -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


      • #4
        i'm thinking scam attempt too, especially since he named YOU as the worker in question.

        i think then he realized his mistake and "blew it off" because he knew you'd catch him lying


        • #5
          Oh yeah, I mean I often tip $30 for a less the $20 order..I smell scam.
          Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.

