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Recent doses of irritation

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  • Recent doses of irritation

    Number one:

    I knew from the beginning that this wouldn't go very well. Deaf customer is connected to me and immediately goes off on a wall-of-text about how her TV's captions are malfunctioning for Scream 4 (I've never seen the movie, but from the title, I wonder why anyone would need captions for it), but everything else is OK; she also includes the number she is calling from, which is useless to me as I can tell that the system traced it properly. So I call up her TV provider's tech support line.

    Me: Automated System at "Alex G. Ringing": Welcome to Alex G. Ringing, press 1 for French, 2 for English. [oper. pressing 1 for french] ... Please enter the 10-digit phone number associated with your account. GA
    DC: You're so useless, I told you already.
    Me: *disconnects call* What you told me is the number you are calling from. I have no way of knowing for sure that it is also the number that is related to your account; also, I must type everything that the recording says. Please give me the phone number associated with your account.
    [some more abuse but finally I get confirmation that the number associated with the caller's account is indeed the one she was calling from]
    Me: Automated System at "Alex G. Ringing": Welcome to Alex G. Ringing, press 1 for french, 2 for english. [oper. pressing 1 for french] ... Please enter the 10-digit phone number associated with your account. [oper enters 450-555-3423 *] ... Please hold, your call may be recorded [on hold] [on hold] ... live person: Welcome to Alex G Ringing, my name is Myname, may I help you? [explaining relay service] ... GA
    DC: Oper tell them what my problem is.
    Me: I cannot do that, please type a message for me to read for the person on the line.
    DC: Goddamit, you're useless!!!!!!
    Me speaking: I'm sorry, we will have to call back. *disconnects call*
    Me typing: I'm sorry for any confusion but I cannot relay messages that were typed before the beginning of a call. (Note: the only exceptions are when calling businesses where a non-relay call is expected to be very short, taxis and pizzas and such, in which cases we insist that the deaf user MUST give all the relevant info before the call is made)
    DC: You must be new, you don't know how to do your job. I'm going to file a complaint. SKSKSKSKSKSK (I take such a long series of SK to be equivalent to slamming the phone on the desk a few times and then hanging up)
    Me: Hold on.
    DC: *hangs up*
    Me: *facepalm*

    (I didn't type the following, but it's good to let it out now.)
    My job is to relay messages IN REAL TIME, just like the phone does for people who have the physical ability to use one. I'm not a f***ing note-taker (other than in the aforementioned cases). When you get connected to me, you're in the same situation as a hearing person who gets a dial tone. Would they start speaking and then dial a number and expect the phone to repeat what they said? No, which means that guess what, you don't get to do that either.

    * readers might want to take a look at a phone keypad with the number in mind.

    Number two:

    (About 930 PM)

    DC: Hi, please call West Corner Luigi's at 416-555-3665 I want info on birthday parties GA (this kind of info before a call is good, as it helps me find the right person quickly; what the other caller had done with the wall-of-text was more of a detailed description of the problem and so very irrelevant before the call)
    Me: Thank you hold please... It's ringing 1 2 3 4 5 6 [fax machine] ... Would you like another call? GA
    DC: It's not a fax, I gave you the telephone number, I have both numbers here.
    (usual number verification stuff happens: I type it back to him, he confirms, wants me to 411 it, yep it's the right number)
    Me: You do have the right number, unfortunately at this time it just rings 6 times and then the fax comes on.
    DC: That's impossible.
    Me (thinking maybe he doesn't know this) : Sometimes when you call a business phone line and the business is closed, it will ring 5 or 6 times before the fax picks up. This can happen even when you're not calling the fax line. It is possible that WCL is closed right now, which would explain what happens. Would you like another call? GA
    DC: I don't know if you're joking or lying or if you just don't want to work, but I'll call again and get someone else [hangs up].
    Me: *makes a fist so tight my knuckles crack*

    Dammit. These people need to learn that while I'm very willing to help, there are some things you just don't do, such as insulting my competence or my honesty, because then I get all kinds of pissed off and dial back to bare-bones service. Also, rethorically: Why on earth am I immediately seen as the bad guy when something goes wrong?

    edit: the company mentioned in the first call was named after Alexander Graham XXXX, I hope I didn't make it too unrecognizable.
    Last edited by taurinejunkie; 01-09-2012, 11:18 PM.
    Long days, short nights, a bottle of NOS makes it all right.

    Canadians Unite !

  • #2
    I assume "GA" = "go ahead" or some version of "end of message" etc?

    and oy yeah, from what i've learned of tty operators here you are required to transmit the exact message. so it makes sense that you're required to type out the whole auto-answer crap

    (assuming you get a business that doesn't get stupid and demand to talk to the caller themselves verbally... cos i've heard of those issues too)


    • #3
      GA does mean go ahead...meaning they are done and it's time for the other side to speak/type etc.

      I've been on the receiving end of many relay calls. These were when I worked for an ISP. Now that I'm in the telephone biz they don't happen anymore
      Great YouTube channel check it out!


      • #4
        Quoth taurinejunkie View Post

        * readers might want to take a look at a phone keypad with the number in mind.

        I appreciate the job that you do. I must admit that the first time that I recieved a relay call that I had no idea that something like that existed or how to handle it. It is unfortunate that the same ignorace exists on both sides of your calls...


        • #5
          Quoth PepperElf View Post
          I assume "GA" = "go ahead" or some version of "end of message" etc?

          (assuming you get a business that doesn't get stupid and demand to talk to the caller themselves verbally... cos i've heard of those issues too)
          I didn't bother to include it in the background because I've said it a few times before and it's pretty simple; GA does mean "Go Ahead". And I won't get started on how some types of businesses are hard to deal with for various reasons but yeah, calling to businesses dealing with sensitive info is a pain.

          Quoth Raveni View Post
          I appreciate the job that you do. I must admit that the first time that I recieved a relay call that I had no idea that something like that existed or how to handle it. It is unfortunate that the same ignorace exists on both sides of your calls...
          Got it in one; and mostly I like my job myself, because it's all about helping someone out and being so totally pro at what I do that people hardly notice I'm doing it while I'm doing it (of course, the nice ones will thank me after I'm done).
          Long days, short nights, a bottle of NOS makes it all right.

          Canadians Unite !


          • #6
            Sorry they were jerks. Please realize that many deaf people (myself included) are so very thankful for the service you provide!!!
            The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.


            • #7
              I realize it very well; sadly enough, as I work with (a subset of) the public, the sucky customers stick to my mind more than the good ones.
              Long days, short nights, a bottle of NOS makes it all right.

              Canadians Unite !


              • #8
                My god, how insulting is that? You're joking, lying or "don't want to do your job." WTF? She was a twat. Blah.
                When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                • #9
                  I can personally attest about the fax machine thing. My work phone will go to a fax machine noise if we don't answer within a certain number of rings, whether we are open or not. Hate that thing.


                  • #10
                    I remember those days "sksksksk opr sk!!"
                    Most of the deaf users were pretty mellow, old hands at using the service, but with like any service you get the occasional jerk.
                    Giving you crap because the number that they directed you to dial goes to a fax? Yutz.


                    • #11
                      Quoth PepperElf View Post
                      I assume "GA" = "go ahead" or some version of "end of message" etc?

                      and oy yeah, from what i've learned of tty operators here you are required to transmit the exact message. so it makes sense that you're required to type out the whole auto-answer crap
                      That's always been my understanding too, because the relay operator is essentially a "ghost" during the call; he's the voice of the caller who is simply there to repeat word for word what the caller types, not to act, think or speak independently.

                      I occasionally work with the deaf in my line of work. I look and speak directly to the deaf person while the interpreter does his thing. It's not the interpreter I'm talking to, it's the patient or family member . . . who happens to be deaf.
                      They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


                      • #12
                        My deaf friend used to type "sk" at me on IM when she was mad about

                        She hates using the relay, and I've taken relay calls and it's not fun on that end either. Sounds like relay is just a pain in the ass, though I realize that overall it's been a big help to deaf and hard of hearing people. I hope in the future we have better ways for deaf people to communicate with hearing people other than in person...or better yet, that many of the causes for deafness can be cured or eradicated.
                        "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


                        • #13
                          Quoth BeenThereDoneThat View Post
                          My deaf friend used to type "sk" at me on IM when she was mad about
                          That would be "Stop Keying" aka "This Conversation Is Over."
                          Long days, short nights, a bottle of NOS makes it all right.

                          Canadians Unite !


                          • #14
                            Quoth taurinejunkie View Post
                            That would be "Stop Keying" aka "This Conversation Is Over."
                            Yeah, I finally got her to tell me that...
                            "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"

