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I think we had a scam attempt last night

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  • I think we had a scam attempt last night

    I never heard how it ended but ...

    I was given a piece of paper with the customer's phone number & last name "Smith"* and told to call to find out where their phone is at that they dropped off for service.

    *Not the real last name. I just picked that because I've been watching a bit of Doctor Who lately.

    So before calling I look up their information in the computer to see what I can find... nope can't find anything under that phone number. I even looked for anything similar in the paperwork drawer in the "S" folder. Nothing.

    Well maybe it's under a different name. I mean I'd have noticed "Smithe" or "Smyth" in the folder so it can't be the right last name. But maybe I overlooked something.

    I called them up and they gave me the original phone number and another one to try... nothing. Then they figured out I couldn't find their paperwork and started getting angry. I could hear Mr. Smith yelling in the background "What do you mean they can't find the paperwork!?"

    They said they'd look for the receipt and call us back with the order information.

    Then one of my coworkers suggested we check their receipt information. So I took the number and looked up their receipt history. O look there's their phone right there... As a return?

    They had two recent transactions - 665 and 666 (numbers changed of course). On transaction 665 they had a warranty fulfillment and turned the phone back in. On transaction 666 they were issued a brand new phone.

    I printed out both transactions and brought them to the person who took the original message from the "Smiths". She kept them both in case they called back.. but she also wondered if it was some kind of scam since they already had a brand new phone in place of the old one.


  • #2
    Ahh yes...scamming/fraud of this kind is a big problem with the new client I take calls for. They post the list of fraud phone numbers daily and we're supposed to check our caller ID - too bad the number doesn't always show up on the screen right away, but the phone does keep a log.

    Anyhoo, today I got a guy who was asking if I could give him a coupon for some free product to try out. I looked him up and apparently he's been calling about this for some time now. The person who talked to him before me actually put "Fraud Alert" on the service request. I didn't do that on mine but I did note what the previous agent said...and needless to say I did not give him any freebies. Idiot.
    "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"

