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A collection of Fourth of July tales

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  • A collection of Fourth of July tales

    A few tales from yesterday. In general it was an odd day; lots of SCs that made me want to stuff a bottle rocket up their nose, patriotic music (including some 'rah rah america' shitty country-rock that Store would never normally play) that got annoying after the first hour, etc.

    It's a PERSONAL Identification Number
    Lots of EBT customers shouting their PIN to the entire store yesterday.

    Good lord, he's BACK
    For some reason, an SC in a scooter (annoying, seems to think that I'm more 'mentally disabled' than I actually am so tends to be patronizing, etc) has decided that we are best buddies. He was in the store three separate times...whether he came back twice or he was just there for two full hours I have no idea. Manager AN kept coming up with 'urgent' stuff for me to do that kept me out of his way (reorganize the dairy overstock? Sure!)...then when I'm running some frozen veggies back to the freezers the guy says "I'll talk to SM and say you were helping me and that's why you didn't do [cold returns that NEED TO BE DONE ASAP].", that's fine. Please don't talk to him. I have shit to do and I intend to do it. Kthxbai.

    This guy also butts in when I'm helping other customers; yesterday he took it upon himself to ask SM about a delivery (which I was planning to do anyway, I wanted to make sure we didn't have any first) while I was checking the back for something; he then went in search of my customer O_o I know you think you're being helpful, but I get paid for that and you're making me look bad. I can only hope someone complains about HIM; he's a known entity in the store and one of the few people I know ASM is itching to ban.

    Yes, that's usually what the Wet Floor sign means
    There was a spill in the soda aisle (orange soda, so it was obvious there was liquid there); I didn't witness the spill itself but somebody had placed TWO wet-floor cones over it; one on the majority of the mess and the other next to it further into the aisle. When I finally get a minute to go clean it, a lady tries to grab me (wisely, she never actually touched me; maybe she could see I was wielding a very large mop).

    "Excuse me! Excuse me! I just thought you might want to know [this was said in a sneering tone] that the floor under both of those wet floor signs is WET! That woman [pointing to thin air] slipped and FELL!" I didn't see any sign in the puddle that anyone had stepped in it.

    She proceeded to hover over me yakking on her cell phone as I cleaned it; I then let FEM know what she said and that I had neither seen nor heard anything resembling someone falling. Just in case she tried to claim injury.

    What do you mean 'we don't get involved'?
    A customer alerted me that some idiot had left their dog in the car and it was barking and seemed to be in distress. She gives me the license plate, I start to tell the CW at the desk to page the car's owner and get stopped by one of the managers who tells me: "We don't get involved in that."

    I never did find out what happened (couldn't get away to find the car); I hope the pooch was OK.

    Salsa spill
    There was a broken salsa jar in Produce (by some stroke of luck it was in a relative corner and the jar has landed squarely upright so the mess was contained) that I found when I clocked in; I let SM know and he had the cleaning guy paged to the front. I figure that's the end of it, until I spy the same spill a half-hour before close. So I grab some gloves, a trash can and the mop and clean it up.

    I tell SM as I clock out just to let him know it did get cleaned, and he started apologizing "It's my fault, I told the desk to page [cleaning guy]" (you did, but he didn't show up). I didn't want to let that mess sit all night (and if mom had found out I left it alone she'd be making me feel like dirt for not taking care of it ).

    What was that?
    There was an Air Force flyover before the fireworks. I didn't see it, but everyone heard it. The CW I was bagging for had no idea what it was! Manager P: "That's the flyover! They're F-15's; Dreamstalker knew what it was!" (I had instinctively looked up and apparently looked like a ten-year-old seeing a fighter jet up close).

    So that's what it was
    We finally figured out what keeps setting off the alarm at night. It's all the for-sale balloons we have tied to the registers; the motion detector is so sensitive that one of them moving even a centimeter sets it off. There are a few orphan balloons way up on the ceiling and we have yet to devise a way to get those down (popping them obviously, but with what; someone's idea of throwing pins was well-intentioned but might cause a bigger mess)
    Last edited by Dreamstalker; 07-05-2012, 07:17 PM.
    "I am quite confident that I do exist."
    "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor

  • #2
    Dart-throwing competition?


    • #3
      What do you mean 'we don't get involved'?
      A customer alerted me that some idiot had left their dog in the car and it was barking and seemed to be in distress. She gives me the license plate, I start to tell the CW at the desk to page the car's owner and get stopped by one of the managers who tells me: "We don't get involved in that."
      Huh? I could understand the manager being reluctant to go smash windows (which I believe is perfectly legal in many jurisdictions), but paging the customer and/or calling the 911 seems to be the bare minimum of what the store should do. A pet can bake in minutes in a hot car... I think a serious discussion needs to be had with the GM to find out if that's some kind of real policy, or something the spineless weasel on duty just made up.
      Last edited by sirwired; 07-05-2012, 08:47 PM.


      • #4
        Quoth Dreamstalker View Post
        So that's what it was
        We finally figured out what keeps setting off the alarm at night. It's all the for-sale balloons we have tied to the registers; the motion detector is so sensitive that one of them moving even a centimeter sets it off. There are a few orphan balloons way up on the ceiling and we have yet to devise a way to get those down (popping them obviously, but with what; someone's idea of throwing pins was well-intentioned but might cause a bigger mess)
        Slingshot comes to mind. Or turn down the motion sensor.
        "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


        • #5
          Quoth sirwired View Post
          Huh? I could understand the manager being reluctant to go smash windows (which I believe is perfectly legal in many jurisdictions), but paging the customer and/or calling the 911 seems to be the bare minimum of what the store should do. A pet can back in minutes in a hot car... I think a serious discussion needs to be had with the GM to find out if that's some kind of real policy, or something the spineless weasel on duty just made up.
          "don't get involved" is usually just that they don't want to be held laible in the future for the next person's dog who gets left in the car. "They usually remind people when they leave pets in their car. They didn't this time, so they're RESPONSIBLE for my dog!!!"

          Generally speaking, you can't be held liable for what the police do, so calling 911 and letting them decide how to handle it is probably best. They might even ask you to page the store before they start breaking windows.


          • #6
            To catch those rogue balloons, get another balloon on a looong string, put tape on it, and float it to the rogues so they get stuck.

            Balloons setting-off the motion alarms happened in a couple of stores at my mall before we finally figured out what was causing it! So glad, because for some reason they kept thinking it was somehow security's fault.
            "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


            • #7
              Quoth Dreamstalker View Post
              There are a few orphan balloons way up on the ceiling and we have yet to devise a way to get those down (popping them obviously, but with what; someone's idea of throwing pins was well-intentioned but might cause a bigger mess)
              Find a coworker with an airsoft gun.


              • #8
                Quoth PepperElf View Post
                Dart-throwing competition?
                I think that was the idea; the problem arose when we needed a way to find the pins later.
                Quoth sirwired View Post
                A pet can bake in minutes in a hot car... I think a serious discussion needs to be had with the GM to find out if that's some kind of real policy, or something the spineless weasel on duty just made up.
                Indeed. Per state law, any suspected cruelty needs to be reported; all reports are anonymous and it's ultimately up to the MSPCA police to determine wrongdoing. If something bad does happen and it can be proven that we knew about the situation, the store could be fined or held liable. I asked an 'animal cop' once about smashing a window in a situation like that, and was told that it IS legal and anyone doing so should be protected by our good samaritan laws.
                Last edited by Dreamstalker; 07-05-2012, 08:59 PM.
                "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                • #9
                  Quoth PepperElf View Post
                  Dart-throwing competition?

                  Oh I don't know why...she swallowed the fly! I guess she'll die!

                  A good suggestion for getting down the balloons. Now how do we get the fifty darts out of the ceiling?
                  You'll find a slight squeeze on the hooter an excellent safety precaution, Miss Scrumptious.


                  • #10
                    In the frozen aisle, there's a pencil stuck point-first in one of the ceiling tiles. Nobody knows how long it's been there or how it got there.
                    "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                    "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                    • #11
                      ever read 'The Pushcart War" ? you use blowguns, with a common pin stuck threw a dry pea.


                      • #12
                        Get a long pole with either something sharp or sticky on the end to get the ballons.
                        "Of all the liars in the world, sometimes the worst are your own fears." – Rudyard Kipling

                        I don't have hot flashes. I have short, private vacations to the tropics.


                        • #13
                          Just realized that I probably could have wrestled it down with a mop from the cleaning section (a few of them have blunt hooks on the ends for hanging). Eh, something to try if I'm bored tomorrow.
                          "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                          "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                          • #14
                            Word to the wise, not all jurisdictions are equal when it comes to giving a free pass to break windows and save an animal. Be aware that you can be charged and/or on the hook for repair costs. Best to check your local laws and call the local humane society for what to do in such a situation.

                            Stores "not being involved" seems pretty common, although I find it terribly upsetting. As a customer complaining about a locked-in animal, I've been told that "I" can call the police, but the store itself can't do anything.
                            A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                            • #15
                              Quoth Teskeria View Post
                              ever read 'The Pushcart War" ? you use blowguns, with a common pin stuck threw a dry pea.
                              I STILL love that book.
                              PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                              There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!

