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who let out all the crazies?

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  • who let out all the crazies?

    Seriously, we've had a weird couple of days at the service desk. More than the normal weird.

    1.Last night, a woman comes in and yells at us because she returned a very expensive stereo system last week and was given a gift card- she used the gift card to buy some gas, but then when she went to use it today, it wouldn't work, and there should have been over $100 on it. She was ranting and asking for the highest manager in the store, and how dare we not give her a working gift card, she should have gotten cash, blah blah blah. Turns out there WAS a missing $100 from the gift card...

    She had returned the stereo with a receipt, complaining that it was broken, so one of my coworkers took it back. After the lady was rude and wanted cash (she had bought it on a gift card), they finally get her out the door with her gift card. After this, coworker realizes that the item had never even been opened, so how did they know it was broken? Management was summoned, tapes were looked at, and lady was seen picking the stereo off the shelf just to return it and get some cash out of us. So management went to cancel the gift card, thereby rendering it useless. The idiot lady was basically complaining that we stole her stolen money(though she maintained her innocence)! Apparently, after I left last night, she tried to call the cops on us and the cops wouldn't do anything. haha.

    2. Dude today lost his sunglasses and wanted another pair. He found the pair he wanted, but it was the last pair, but he didn't have cash with him. He appears shortly thereafter to return a beat up old flashlight. Coworker tries to look up a barcode but I don't even think we sell that brand. Guy is friendly and leaves. He comes back a bit later with an old battery charger, missing the batteries and some other piece. Coworker tells him that he'll need all the pieces before we can take it back. Guy is friendly and leaves.

    Guy comes back a third time, this time in my line. He has a box of drill bits, obviously well worn but they were a nice set, and I didn't even think we sold them. He said he would go look for one with a barcode on it, so I agree. My coworker tells me it was the same guy as the flashlight and the battery thing, since I hadn't realized (I was busy with other customers when he came in earlier.) My boss comes over and tells him that without a receipt or a sticker that says he came in the store with the items, we can't return them. He asked for a bag for his sunglasses "so they don't get scratched," but my boss said no because they weren't paid for, and we would keep them safe for him till he paid for them. Guy says "I WILL be back for those sunglasses!" and leaves. Maybe slightly creepy, but nothing too weird.

    I thought it was over, and I went to lunch. He came back while I was at lunch and I missed all of the drama. He came back for the 4th time to return some old, dirty jumper cables. At this point, my boss didn't even let him try and return it. The guy went and harassed my two coworkers that were up there, so much that he made them both afraid and shaking- and they don't scare easy! They said he had crazy eyes and looked threatening. He also ticked off a bunch of management. He started taking names so he could report everyone (my coworkers gave fake names), and everyone was either scared of him or mad at him. But the thing that made everyone about ready to kick his butt was when he referred to the guy working at the door with the "n word"!!! He's lucky he left in one piece and not in handcuffs!

    My coworkers were still freaked out when I came back from lunch, so I told them that if psycho came back, I would help him, since I have a low idiot tolerance and wouldn't let him return anything. Luckily for all of us, he didn't make an appearance again.

    Add to all of this people trying to scam us left and right, and a customer's dog escaping their vehicle and attacking people in the parking lot, and you have a fun-filled, exciting couple of days. Whoever let the crazies out of their cages should be arrested.

  • #2
    Hey! I need new sunglasses, too! I don't have much money right now, so I wasn't going to buy any. Silly me. I didn't realize that I could just dig a bunch of old shit out of my basement, return it to some random store regardless of where I bought the stuff originally, and use the money for sunglasses.
    I wish I had known about this earlier! I've got all sorts of useless old crap that can be exchanged! Will they take my old broken dishwasher back at the travel agency? I could really go for a vacation right now.

    If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


    • #3
      <grabs rolled up newspaper>


      Bad Boozy! you know better than to follow SCs approach!

      And where's PJ, he's supposed to be guarding the nuthouse.
      I AM the evil bastard!
      A+ Certified IT Technician


      • #4
        Quoth lordlundar View Post
        And where's PJ, he's supposed to be guarding the nuthouse.
        Psst - PJ's a lady...



        • #5
          silly question, was the moon out those couple of days? I ask because I've noticed a pattern every few days the moon is full the crazies come out, I kid you not, and especially at night.
          (the moon is full for three to four days too)


          • #6
            Quoth Rapscallion View Post
            Psst - PJ's a lady...

            I was going to say, but for the life of me, my de-acronimyzer was NOT working, and I could not remember who PJ was.
            I'm so sorry, PJ! I remember whom you are now!
            "I call murder on that!"


            • #7
              Quoth Rapscallion View Post
              Psst - PJ's a lady...

              Gah! I keep forgetting!
              I AM the evil bastard!
              A+ Certified IT Technician


              • #8
                Quoth Boozy View Post
                Hey! I need new sunglasses, too! I don't have much money right now, so I wasn't going to buy any. Silly me. I didn't realize that I could just dig a bunch of old shit out of my basement, return it to some random store regardless of where I bought the stuff originally, and use the money for sunglasses.
                I wish I had known about this earlier! I've got all sorts of useless old crap that can be exchanged! Will they take my old broken dishwasher back at the travel agency? I could really go for a vacation right now.
                According to our Loss prevention manager, you should be able to return any object to our store because we would be winning a new customer. I am not kidding.
                I have PMS and a black belt. Any questions?

                This random moment is brought to you by the letters A D and D.


                • #9
                  Quoth Delphae View Post
                  According to our Loss prevention manager, you should be able to return any object to our store because we would be winning a new customer. I am not kidding.

                  And how does that philosophy fit in with the position of Loss Prevention Manager?
                  I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                  I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                  It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

