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Liar liar pants on fire.

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  • Liar liar pants on fire.

    There were many a'sucky customer last night but this one imparticular stuck out. He came in the night before last higher than a kite and in the state of Oregon you are considered already under the influence of an intoxicant and that is grounds for being denied alcohol, which he was. Comment as follows:

    SC: You're either going to sell to me or I'm going to send one of my friends in and he'll buy it for me, either way I'll get it.

    Side note: For those who don't know, this is known as a second party sell to a person who was determined to drunk. This means if his friend comes in to try and buy it and I don't recognize it fast enough to say no, drunk guy gets it, and if he gets it to SC and SC gets picked up for being drunk in public they'll ask him where the last place he got his booze from and it'll be on my head. The penalty for second had sells is a 6,500 dollar fine and a possible year and half in jail, have a felony on my record , I will be jobless, and will have a hell of a time finding another one.

    So needless to say, if you come in even looking a little get nothing from me. I need my job and freedom more than you need that last beer. ANYWAY!

    I manage to fend off a least two people I knew he was associated with, the third one on the other hand.......was the one that got away. The second he was off the property the beer was handed off.....F$(*&#^$(@(#*&$*@#&%)(@#($&@#CK!

    Last night he waltzes up to the store like nothing went down all smiles and warm greeting...which lasted all of five seconds.

    Me: You have ten seconds to get the F***ck out of the store and off the property before I drop kick your sorry self across the street!

    Side note side note: One of the wonderful things about being graveyard is you don't have to be nice to people in situations like this.

    SC: Your manager Jack is on my side and said if you don't sell to me you're fired!

    #1: The assistant manager's name is Jake and is the one in charge right now.

    #2: The manager (who has been on vacation for the last couple of weeks) is female and named Jackie. hmmmmmm

    #3: Most people who actually know Jake, know he BS like that does NOT fly.

    #4 9 times out of ten the managers and company will back your decision with in reason.

    Really, if you're going to lie to me could you at least put some effort into it. To make a long story short, I call BS, call the cops, and have him banned from the property after fending off flying donuts.....God I hate my job sometimes.

  • #2
    Quoth AmandaLaederich View Post
    .....God I hate my job sometimes.
    I don't blame you. I do, however, LOVE managers with spines. They're such a rare breed.
    "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


    • #3
      I've found that while management may cave to pressure on many things, they tend to grow a backbone regarding alcohol sales. Losing your liquor license, losing your job or getting threatened with a huge fine is pretty good motivation.
      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

