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Back of the line, jackass!

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  • Back of the line, jackass!

    I think I speak for most of us here when I say that people who barge in at the front of a queue and demand gas/cigarettes/whatever are some of the rudest and most annoying folks out there. Well, I had one of them tonight, right at the start of my shift. Literally, I was changing shifts with my co-worker, getting ready to sign onto the register. A bit of a queue had built up, just three or four people. All of them were waiting patiently. Then Mr. MoreImportantThanTheRestoftheWorld barged in. I'll shorten his name to MI from here on in.

    MI: Twenty on pump two!
    ME: *forcing self not to roll my eyes* It'll be just a few minutes*looks at the guy at the front of the queue, determining that I WILL take the queue in the order people lined up*
    MI: *says nothing at first, just stands there at the front of the queue like he was there all along, instead of just being there two seconds ago*
    ME: I'm sorry, we're in the middle of changing shifts
    MI: *smartass tone* Well ain't we lucky? *briefly pauses; meanwhile I'm signed on to start my shift* Can't you just turn the pump on so he can pump?
    ME: *already having turned said pump on as he was speaking, moves on to the guy who was actually at the start of the queue*
    MI: *shakes his head, stomps off to the back of the queue*

    I Ignored his shenanigans, and proceeded to ring up the customers in my queue. Meanwhile, MI grabbed a couple of more things, and ended up last in the queue. Boohoo. After he left, I turned to CW R, shook my head, and asked him just who the hell MI thought he was to just budge in line and expect service like that. I mean, really, it's one thing to just toss money at me and walk away. It's a whole other thing to stand there at the front of the queue like you own the place, and grump at me about it. Get over yourself, and get to the back of the damn queue like a normal person!
    "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare