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What did you say?!?!

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  • What did you say?!?!

    Ok, so this happened a while back, but it made me so mad I remember it clear as day. I might be a girl, but dammit I can fix your car as well as the next guy. And look good while doing it. So there.

    I was replacing a fuel pump in a F250 with my now-ex CW when this guy walks in wanting his vehicle checked out and air in his tires. He's in the shop a lot and we all kind of groaned when he pulled up. He's one of those people that make mountains out of molehills and always says we didn't fix it right. He sees me under the lift with pneumatic impact gun in-hand. This is where the fun starts.

    SC: Hey *CW* can you come put some air in my tires?
    CW: Yeah me or Styx will be right there alright?
    SC: Ahhh, she's a mechanic now huh? (Dad's the bossman, I've been in that shop my whole life. SC and I have unfortunately met before.)
    CW: Yeah she's real good!!
    SC: I see. *to me, in a sarcastic tone* Don't worry honey, if you try reeeaaaaallll hard, maybe, just maybe, one day you'll be good enough to change my oil.
    Me: What was that?
    Bossman: Hey Styx, why don't you go get that Kia and start on the brakes? We have to replace the right front hub too ok?

    That was probably the easiest hub I've ever replaced because SC's face was being projected onto it while i was hammering it off the axle. There was no need for a comment like that! I know women, especially younger women, aren't typically grease monkeys, but what the hell dude?!!!! I cannot stand sexism. Cannot. Stand. It. I walk out of the shop when he comes in now. That just ruined my whole day.
    -I was almost killed by a flying pipe today!
    -You are the only person ever to say that and everyone understand it.

  • #2
    If he thinks that working on cars is a male skill, why is he bringing his car in to a shop. He should be forced to do his own car repairs so that he can feel all manly


    • #3
      My brother has 4 girls. All of them are not the kind you would ever think would work on cars, but every weekend they are out with him working on a car. I feel bad for anyone that ever talks down to them about anything to do with cars. They know how to work on more than most guys I've met (they are doing a transmission swap in my old Saturn right now.)


      • #4
        First, welcome aboard Styx!

        I'm not even gonna bother with all the stories I have of women successful in "traditionally male" roles.

        The best thing about sexism in males is that it carries its own punishment with it. Guys like your SC never get to know real women; women who are confident, fulfilled, and happy with what they do and are in life.

        IF they get to know any women at all.


        • #5
          Ooooh Boy Styx, I'll bet you're going to be bringing us some doozies! Welcome!
          "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


          • #6
            Quoth Styx View Post
            SC: I see. *to me, in a sarcastic tone* Don't worry honey, if you try reeeaaaaallll hard, maybe, just maybe, one day you'll be good enough to change my oil.
            And if YOU try reeeeaaaaallll hard, maybe, just maybe, one day you'll grow some testicles.

            But I'm not betting on it.

            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
            Still A Customer."


            • #7
              Quoth Styx View Post
              SC: Ahhh, she's a mechanic now huh? (Dad's the bossman, I've been in that shop my whole life. SC and I have unfortunately met before.)
              "Now"?! She's been a mechanic pretty much her whole working life, as have many other women. If you'd lift your snout from the trough long enough, you might see that.
              Quoth Styx View Post
              SC: I see. *to me, in a sarcastic tone* Don't worry honey, if you try reeeaaaaallll hard, maybe, just maybe, one day you'll be good enough to change my oil.
              "And if you try reeeaaaaallll hard, maybe, just maybe, one day you'll walk upright without your knuckles dragging on the ground."
              Quoth Styx View Post
              I cannot stand sexism. Cannot. Stand. It. I walk out of the shop when he comes in now. That just ruined my whole day.
              That attitude does seem to be dying out, but not quickly enough.

              It goes the other way too. One of my coworkers at the fabric shop is a man, just as knowledgeable and experienced at sewing as the rest of us, and many of our older female customers ignore him or treat him with contempt, saying, "What does a man know about sewing?" Um, madam, isn't that Calvin Klein and Bill Blass clothing you're wearing?
              Last edited by XCashier; 10-07-2012, 02:39 PM.
              I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
              My LiveJournal
              A page we can all agree with!


              • #8
                Quoth Jester View Post
                And if YOU try reeeeaaaaallll hard, maybe, just maybe, one day you'll grow some testicles.

                But I'm not betting on it.
                He would need to after Styx kicked the ones he had out of him.
                I AM the evil bastard!
                A+ Certified IT Technician


                • #9
                  And one day, if you work really, really hard, you might become a LEGEND.

                  "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                  Still A Customer."


                  • #10
                    Arrrrrggghhh, I find guys like this so very annoying! It's like the penis is a tool they use to fix things, so there is no way a mere girl can do it.

                    My mom has a cherished story about a guy like this and she tells it to every female child in the family, so we all know it by heart.

                    She and Dad were outside working on a car, trying to trouble shoot the issue. One of their neighbors came out to work on HIS car and made the usual comment of how she should be barefoot and pregnant, while in the kitchen. Mom dotted both his eyes before he could finish it, however. Dad had to haul her off him. (Dad, however, says he moved her out of the way and told the guy to take on HIM instead.) Either way, the guy looked like a raccoon for a few days, thanks to her.

                    Same guy wound up with two pounds of sugar in his gas tank after harassing another woman. Yeah, two pounds. Mom couldn't remember how much it'd take, so she went for overkill.

                    I definitely don't recommend either course of action, however.
                    If I make no sense, I apologize. I'm constantly interrupted by an actual toddler.


                    • #11
                      Your mom sounds awesome. Two pounds? Holy cow. Remind me if I meet her to never piss her off.
                      My Guide to Oblivion

                      "I resent the implication that I've gone mad, Sprocket."


                      • #12
                        The only women who "should" be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen are those who are trying to have children, don't feel like wearing shoes, and are hungry.

                        Period, end of story.

                        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                        Still A Customer."


                        • #13
                          Styx, I have worked in the auto repair industry for over 1/4 century, and I can tell you, even in a supposedly cosmopolitan place like Los Angeles, you sadly get customers who won't talk car business to anyone without a penis.

                          I'm glad to say that the service managers at both of my shops now are women, and most of the customers are glad to deal with them. The few who don't find that management sides with employees in these cases.
                          Suckiness is reinforced up OR down at every transaction. Accepting BS makes them worse for all of us; firm fairness trains them to suck less.


                          • #14
                            Um, does that guy watch auto racing at all?


                            And that's just for starters. Women have been racing practically since the automobile was invented.
                            "If you pray very hard, you can become a cat person." -Angela, "The Office"


                            • #15
                              Quoth Pizzacommando View Post
                              If he thinks that working on cars is a male skill, why is he bringing his car in to a shop. He should be forced to do his own car repairs so that he can feel all manly
                              That would've made an awesome comeback ... "Really? So if auto repair work is men's work, what's wrong with you that you can't fix your own car, hmmmm?"

