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In Which I Call A Customer A "Fucking Asshole" and other tales.

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  • In Which I Call A Customer A "Fucking Asshole" and other tales.

    Sadly, not to his face, but to his back.

    This...happened about 2 weeks ago and I didn't feel like reliving it again until now. Slapping the NSFW tag on as I get a little descriptive in a customer's sexual desires. Just to cover my ass.

    In Which I Call A Customer A "Fucking Asshole"

    So we have a customer, God's Gift To Swine or GGTS for short. He is one of those overweight, balding, 50-60+ year old assholes that sexually harasses any female that he sees. Constant comments on Manager A's and H's pussies, that I want a lesbian relationship with Manager A and how hot it would be, that he would make us come a zillion times, that he has illegitimate kids all over the state, so on and so forth. The others run away when he comes in; I've got a "fuck off" wall up around me. Polite bordering to the edge of rudeness, but he doesn't give a crap.

    So I'm coming off break and am heading to the (employee only) bathroom in the back when GGTS waltzes in and says "Oh stay right there, I'm going to the bathroom".

    "No you're not, I'm not on the clock yet."

    "It'll only be a minute." He walks into the bathroom.

    "You are a FUCKING ASSHOLE!"

    So I made manager H watch him while I went back up front to punch in. The best part? He bought toilet paper and admited he only wanted to use our bathroom because he didn't have any at home.

    In case you're wondering why he hasn't been banned yet: he's buddy-buddy with the LP officer and Store Manager is a weenie when it comes to sending stuff to HR. If you have read my "Studmuffin Is A Horny Creep" thread in CoC, you will be unsurprised to learn that even after sending a claim to HR about Studmuffin's harassment of me, he is still employed there. So

    In Which I Throw A Customer's Line Back Into His Face

    Guy's total comes to something like $2.90. Guy gives me change and three dollars, and without thinking I tuck the three dollars and change back into my register but neglect to give him back the dollar. Thing is is that I swear he only gave me the two dollars and change. Last time I forked over money without getting a manager to audit the register, I got written up. So now I get a manager to audit the register for me.

    Guy gets pissed off. "YOU HAND ME THAT DOLLAR BACK RIGHT NOW."

    "I am having a manager audit the register, he will be a moment."


    "I will not. The last time-"


    "J to the front for an audit please?"


    J comes in and in my best "fuck you asshole" voice I ask for a register audit. I try to explain to the customer the policy, but every time I try talking he shouts and swears and yells at me to shut up. So fine. I take the next few customers in line, all of which who are staring at this guy throwing a temper tantrum. Two other customers (one a regular) even call him an asshole. The guy comes in to interrupt my next transaction and demands that I tell him why I'm auditing the register.

    I look him square in the eye and say "You told me to shut up and stop talking to you about it. Which is exactly what I am doing."

    He shuts up.

    Eventually J comes out of the office, dollar in hand. Guy snatches it out of his hand and stomps away, but not before screaming at me "YOU WERE WRONG! YOU SEE IT?!? WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!!!"

    "Have a good night! *insincere smile"

    For the rest of the night "YOU ARE WRONG!" was the catchphrase.


    Guy who was too drunk to stand up straight gets pissed when I refuse to sell him alcohol. "Walll I'll jesht leave my cigs n beer here then, cuz you suck."?


    I deal with assholes, help me, please. -_-
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill

  • #2
    I need a second job. Not at your company!
    "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


    • #3
      Quoth ralerin View Post
      In case you're wondering why he hasn't been banned yet: he's buddy-buddy with the LP officer and Store Manager is a weenie when it comes to sending stuff to HR. If you have read my "Studmuffin Is A Horny Creep" thread in CoC, you will be unsurprised to learn that even after sending a claim to HR about Studmuffin's harassment of me, he is still employed there. So
      There has to be someone who's in charge of Loss Prevention and the store manager. Take a line from Seinfeld and have their manager tell them, "If he [GGTS] is here tomorrow, you're not!!!"

      I wonder how easy or difficult it would be to have an undercover cop on standby and catch the guy in the act of using the employee restrooms, then cry "trespassing" when GGTS start to use them..."

