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The 8 cent tantrum

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  • The 8 cent tantrum

    This is a bit of a short one. Ok I am a computer salesman but where I really sell well is printers because they don't change out anywhere near as fast as computers so I have the prices and ink yields memorized for the popular ones, this is a great aid when selling. I will round off so I can say it quicker and it's just easier for the customer. The ink is 38.99 I'll tell them it's about 40 bucks.

    I'm talking with someone about a brother printer, I quote the prices for the toner while rounding off. I quote the 51.92 toner as 52 dollars and the 72.59 toner as 73 dollars.

    This man who's listening nearby (note, not the guy I'm talking to right now) suddenly storms off down the aisle and looks at where we have the toner on the shelf and then comes back and angrily states that I said the price wrong and that it was actually 51.92 and storms away.

    Me and my customer are horribly confused as to why this perfect stranger even cared or what the problem was.
    Interviewer: What is your greatest weakness?
    Me: I expect competence from my coworkers.

  • #2
    And wouldn't there be tax added as well ... so the final price would be at least $52?


    • #3
      My customers worry about the most insignificant stuff, too, like go-backs sitting on my counter or my shirt being wet (because I was cleaning something). One got angry about the go-backs. She was upset that I wasn't as concerned about them as she was. I mean, they were just sitting there, where they might be stolen, in plain sight of me, the cameras, and 30 other people. (Methinks maybe she has a little issue with kleptomania and it was a temptation. Other than that, I have nothing.)
      "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


      • #4
        Yep. Some customers are like little kids who haven't had enough sleep. The tiniest thing can set them off.

        I used to do computer sales, too. Sometimes, a customer would ask for a quote on what they were buying so they'd know exactly what would come up as their final price (including tax). We had a computer tool that would give us a pretty good estimate, but it was usually just a little off from the calculation done by the actual point-of-sale registers. I had one customer ask for that quote. I said, "I can give you an estimate that will be very close to your final price." He said that was fine, so I gave him the estimate. I found out later that, at the register, he'd suddenly become furious, yelled at the cashier, and stormed out without making his purchase. Why? Because my estimate didn't match his final total.

        My estimate indicated that the total would be five cents more than it actually was.
        I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
        - Bill Watterson

        My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
        - IPF


        • #5
          Back when I was working electronics at the Office Supple store, we should 2 packs of certain HP inks.

          We had ore guy get upset because we didn't have the 2 pack in stock. . (It was discontinued, and we hadn't pulled the display yet) He demanded that we charge for the 2 pack price when we offered to sell him 2 single packs. The cashier called me to figured out the difference so they could make an adjustment to the total on the Register. I calculated the differences, and told the cashier if he wanted the 2 pack price on the 2 single packs he would owe use another penny. of course naturally he didn't believe me, and he had me show him I did the calculations, which I did..

          1 double pack was $49.99..2 singles were $24.99, which came to a total of $49.98.

          After that he paid for his 2 singles, and left, still not believing me.
          Just sliding down the razor blade of life.

