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Made a customer so happy she HUGGED me!

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  • Made a customer so happy she HUGGED me!

    Never before have I had a customer so pleased. And the hell of it was that we really dropped the ball with her. This could be in Bragging Base or Cursing Out Coworkers as well, but I think it fits here best.

    Almost two weeks ago she came in and spoke with me, distraught because she'd accidentally erased an SD card containing ALL of the pictures from her family vacation. She was hoping we could recover them for her. I told he we could, but that it would be $99.99 to do so (guaranteed; if we can't do it, she gets a full refund). She seemed happy with that, and left with the standard 48 hour turnaround quote.

    Well, two weeks later and it wasn't done. It turns out that the data recovery program we use was brand new (in fact, the whole in-store data recovery service is new) and the home office had neglected to provide us with the registration code. Without it we could still scan the SD card for deleted files, but not actually recover them. Our Resident Tech sent an e-mail to the Mobile Tech (who is a sort of unofficial "head" tech for our district) looking for the code, but not only was the Mobile Tech on vacation (AGAIN!), the email got lost in the shuffle. And as we've been doing a LOT of in-store tech work lately, our own Tech was very busy and forgot to follow up on this customer's case.

    Yesterday she came in to see if it was done, and it wasn't. Luckily, the Mobile Tech was in the store that day, so we summoned him and he was able to provide the code (though not without being slightly snarky about it, with a "you should have known this" attitude). He then started the recovery on the spot, and the customer left. I watched the tech do it, then called the customer to tell her it was done.

    This evening she returned, and I cheerfully fired up the CD with her recovered pictures.

    Except the vacation photos - it turns out - weren't on it. She started getting upset at this point (not at me, but at the thought of not getting the pictures back), so I offered to recheck the card for her, even though I'm not technically a technician and we were pretty swamped at the time. The recovery tool was pretty simple to use.

    Well, it turns out that the snarky Mobile Tech SCREWED UP and missed a step in the recovery process which caused it to skip all files with messed up file names, rather than renaming them and recovering them with the new name. This included all the vacation pictures. I opened one to show her and goodness she was happy to see it.

    Cust: I could kiss you!

    Less than 10 minutes later, all 220 of her vacation pictures (save for the odd one here and there that were corrupted) we recovered and safely burned to CD.

    I tell you, I've never seen a customer so happy. "Dave1982," she said "I just HAVE to hug you." And she did. I've had a number of customers shake my hand, but never a hug. She took my name and managers' names and promised to write a glowing letter to the company on my behalf.

    This made an otherwise shitty night into a good one. I wasn't even mad when we had to stay more than two and a half hours after closing cleaning up.
    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

    RIP Plaidman.

  • #2
    Go you! That is awesome
    The report button - not just for decoration


    • #3
      Way to go!


      • #4
        Let's see we have a customer who actually listened to the employee that it may or may not be possible.
        We have a tech that decided to be better than all and didn't do a good job.
        We have an employee who was treated respectfully say hey let me see what I can do.
        Insert Karma into the mix: poof we have recovery of photos, we have a happy customer, and two people (customer and employee) leave the store happy people.

        Way to go!!!!

        (And let that be a lesson to SC's - had the woman been rude then I don't think the program would have recovered the pictures - not due to human user issues but computer karma issues)


        • #5
          I've had that happen to me once

          what did I do to merit the hug you ask? I asked for ID before I would let my employee sell her cigs lol Turns out she was 35 yeard old !! Before I could apologize for the inconvinience she gave me a hug and told me that I made her vacation that much better

