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It just gets worse and worse until...

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  • It just gets worse and worse until...

    I promise this is a praising customers story. xD

    So I'm at work, a cashier, and I'm a floater--I'm covering everyone's breaks and lunches instead of just staying on 1 or 2 registers. My lunch rolls around and I go to it, and afterwards I left the breakroom through the opposite side, so I could grab a drink of water.

    Well, my CSM is standing at DotCom looking confused, and another cashier, K, is talking with some other customers. SO

    K: Co-worker
    CSM B: CSM B!
    CSM J: CSMS J D:<
    Me: =D
    B: Conveniently placed electronics associate!

    Me: Hey B, do you need any help?
    CSM B: Yeah, have you seen the bike-assembler boy?
    Me: R? Yeah, I just saw him... I'll go get him.
    CSM B: Thank you.
    -I go get R, but I can't find him. I'm on my way back and I see him, but he's on lunch.-
    Me: He's on lunch right now, why? What did you need?
    CSM B: Well these customers just ordered this from Site2Store and want it assembled, but it's missing a part.
    Me: Oh. Like completely missing? Do we have it in store, or did you just want to reorder...
    CSM B: Well they want to use it today...
    Me: (That's nice, but we can't really waste this much time on that sort of thing... it's not our error and there's really nothing we can do) I could... check the maintenance closet to see if we have the part, or...
    CSM B: Yeah, do that.
    -Suddenly, B walks by!-
    B: I have the keys to the maintenance closet if you want.
    -B and I go to the maintenance closet, but alas.-
    Me: They didn't really have anything, but good luck.
    K: Can you help me find this package for these customers?
    Me: -_- Sure, lets go.
    -We look, we find it, we return it.-
    Me: So, I'm just gonna go back up to the front end then...?
    -Nobody responds, so I assume I'm in the clear.-

    CSM J: You were gone an awfully long time.
    Me: Well I had to clear out my line so I was 20 minutes late to lunch, and then I helped B and K at DotCom.
    CSM J: Well next time you do something like that, you need to call down here because D hasn't gone to lunch yet and now she's going to be half hour late!
    Me: ...Sorry, it's just that B is a CSM so I--
    CSM J: Just go to the smoke shop so that P won't be late for HER break!
    -CSM J storms off-

    So now I'm pissed, because I have been told before to call down if I get caught on my way to/from a break, but a CSM asked me for help. A CSM.

    So I'm in the line, totally pissed, not really giving great customer service... and a girl comes through. She wants cigarettes.

    Me: -Monotone- Can I see your ID?
    Her: -hands me an ID that's peeling on all sides-
    Me: This is peeling so I can't accept it. Do you have another form of ID?
    Her: What? Are you serious? Well, I have my passport...
    Me: -Notices the giant CANCELLED stamped on top of it- ...I can't accept this either.
    Her: WHY?!
    Me: Your ID needs to be valid and current.
    Her: But my new passport wont be here for a few weeks.
    Me: Then there's nothing I can do for you. (Instead of the "I'm sorry, but I can't help you " I'd usually give)
    Her: Fine, I'll get them later. -Hands me a cheque-
    Me: (PLEASE GOD, PLEASE JUST GO THROUGH. If you go through I will SMILE at the next customer and mean it!) ...The cheque reader is asking me for your ID. Do you have another way to pay?
    Her: Are you fucking kidding me?! Is there someone else I can talk to about this?
    Me: Yes, but they're going to tell you the same thing.
    Her: That's bullshit! This fucking sucks. I can't believe you won't take my ID or my money! This is current! I even have my damn passport! I fucking hate people like you and this store! You should just accept this! All I want is a cigarette, I'm of age! Now I can't even get my groceries?! (which were about 5 dollars, by the way.)
    Me: I understand your frustations. Yes but your ID is peeling. I'm sorry you feel that way. ...-Just lets her rant until I see the next customer- Hello.
    Her: -Storms off in frustration.-

    So I continue to vent through my bad day, and the line gets long, and I'm not paying attention nor am I actually speaking or looking at anyone except to say, "$4.95."

    AC: Awesome Customer

    AC: Having a bad day?
    Me: What? Oh! I'm sorry, is it that obvious?
    AC: You have that little-frown on your face and I haven't actually heard your voice, haha.
    Me: Sorry, I really should be smilling.
    AC: Nah, everyone has bad days.
    Me: Yeah, but it really sucks to be that customer that goes through a line like MINE.
    AC: Well, it's way better than being fake about it. I hope you have a better day.

    Why wasn't he pissed that I didn't greet him, and why didn't he file a complaint?!

    I smiled the rest of the day~
    Last edited by Kat; 11-05-2008, 03:36 AM.

  • #2
    Quoth Kat View Post
    I fucking hate people like you and this story!
    emphasis mine, I make typos all the time in my posts but yours is funny

    it made me giggle

    the Id guy was a jerk, you want prohibited items then provide what you are supposed to. why in the world do people think that employees are willing to risk their jobs over selling you ciggerattes/beer/alcohol/anything!!!
    I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


    • #3
      That's great to hear. I get a little miffed at some of the comments on the site sometimes, EG when people spew hatred at customers for telling them to "cheer up".. Sometimes it's just existing that gets people down, or the fact that the cheer of cashiers are enforced by penalties and threats.

      But sometimes...

      You get a little hope.

      Thanks for sharing.


      • #4
        Quoth Crazeyal View Post
        Sometimes it's just existing that gets people down,
        My Dad and I took a walk a few weeks back, where Dad pried into my thoughts, trying to figure out why I am how I am. He told me mom was afraid I was clinically depressed when I moved to Fort Worth, as I didn't call them but a few times in the four months I was there.
        Which, with that revelation, made me start to think about it. I've always fluctuated between extremely, OMG stay away, I'll give you diabetes! happiness, and I don't feel like saying a damned thing today depressions. It's just always seemed normal for me.
        I kinda think it may be related to my belief that I was never meant to be human...
        "I call murder on that!"


        • #5
          Quoth Juwl View Post
          I've always fluctuated between extremely, OMG stay away, I'll give you diabetes! happiness, and I don't feel like saying a damned thing today depressions.
          Speaking in all seriousness here... have you ever gotten evaluated for Bipolar Disorder?

          I mention that because I've been friends with (and dated) bipolar people before, and that sounds a lot like what I've observed of them.
          And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


          • #6
            I'm guessing that its store policy, but I think the idea that an ID has to be in date to be accepted for age rated purchases is pointless.

            When I was waiting for my driving license to turn up all I had with me was an out-of-date passport. I went to make an age-restricted purchase, and at first they wouldn't accept it, until I pointed out the fact that "I'm still the person in the photo, and unless there's been a massive change in the way ages are calculated, that's still my date of birth", they were like "Fair enough".

            Just because an ID has expired there is no grater chance that the card has been either forged, or completed with the wrong info.

            The exceptions to this rule are of course trying to fly out of the country on an expired passport, etc.

            Or am I alone on this theory?


            • #7
              Quoth code-monkey View Post

              Just because an ID has expired there is no grater chance that the card has been either forged, or completed with the wrong info.

              The exceptions to this rule are of course trying to fly out of the country on an expired passport, etc.

              Or am I alone on this theory?
              Alone. Only Valid IDs are to be accepted for identification, especially in age-restrictive purchases (I'm guessing...alcohol?). Anything less is not acceptable.

