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Mothers who know how to discipline their children.

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  • Mothers who know how to discipline their children.

    Had one little girl and her mother in yesterday, the little girl was whining and carrying on and trying to grab and break open our candy. Instead of raising her voice or threatening to whack her, the mother only said, "No, you will not get anything, stop that" over and over. And finally when the little girl listened and stopped, the mother said, "Now, thank you for listening to me."

    I just thought that was awesome. How often do you hear parents who have that calm voice of authority and, more importantly, who actually PRAISE their children for behaving?
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill

  • #2
    Thats nice!

    When my daughter was small and we'd have to go to Wal-mart for sundries I had a basic thing I'd tell her, as we got in the store.

    "I know this is boring for you. You have two choices, you can be good and I'll buy you a small toy or candy when we leave, or you can be bad, we will stop shopping and go straight home where you can have a time out."

    Between that and having munchies for her (I'm saying 2yo till 5) she was usually very good in stores.

