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Yay for the Cashier

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  • Yay for the Cashier

    I was browsing around Zellers yesterday, and spotted a bin with a bunch of DVDs for 9.99. So I started poking through them and found something I wanted to get. It had a 19.99 sticker on it, but I figured they just hadn't changed it, or it was old.

    So up I went to the cashier, he scanned it, and the total came to 23 something.

    I sorta stared and went

    Me: Ummmm that was in the 9.99 bin.
    Him: Oh..well people move them around a lot, it mights been in the other one
    Me: Oh, I see *preparing to say that's ok, I'll go put it back then. I didn't wan't to turn into an SC and whine about it*
    Him: Just lemme check, if it was in there I'll give it to you

    So we go off to the bin, I showed him where it was, and he gave it to me for the 9.99!

    So yay to the nice cashier guy, who made the tiny waitress very happy

  • #2
    I find that Zellers cashiers are better than most others.

