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If you can't be bothered

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  • If you can't be bothered

    I sit next to the printer area. Two printers, assorted stuff to support them. Apparently, I am one of those. I'm the one that filled the paper twice today even though I printed 2 sheets. I'm also the one who rolled in 3 boxes of paper from the supply closet. Why, might you ask, would a BOFH do this? Because I'm sick and tired of people whining about paper being unavailable and then they won't lift a damned finger to do anything.

    So. I have a new rule:

    If you can't be bothered to pick up your prints immediately after creating them, then I can't be bothered to save them from falling in to the recycle bin.

    Bears are bad. If an animal is going to be mean it should look so, like sharks and alligators. - Mark Healey

  • #2
    My pet peeve as well! I used to sit next to BOTH the printer and fax machine, and my former boss, who believes such mundane tasks such as filling the printer with paper are beneath her, came in one day. Now, the printer was on top of a credenza with drawers, and we used to keep paper in said drawers.

    Paper came from the copy room, oh, maybe 30 feet from where the printer was. She came in one day, looked, saw there was no paper, and said "there's no paper in the drawer" i pointed in the general direction of the copy room, and said "there's some in there" - knowing full well she expected ME to get up and get it.

    Sorry, if i use the last of it, or see its running out, sure, but i am not the only one using the printer, so therefore, i will NOT be the only one to put paper in it. Same thing happened with the ink cartridge...god forbid anyone took it out, walked it down to the mailroom, got a replacement, and walked it back up and put it in the printer. LAZY LAZY LAZY.

    l do the same thing with people who can't be bothered to pick up their print jobs. i will lay it on the desk, but come next day, esp. if they are out, in the recycle bin it goes. And don't get me started on everyone else who just grabs their stuff, and leaves the rest in a pile. Its only 5 of us sharing a printer; for god's sake, sort it out, and put everyone's in a neat pile!!!!


    • #3
      What is it with people sending stuff to printers and not picking it up?

      Don't they realize that they just hit print???
      Why print if it's not that important.

      Every day, I have to clean up all these little strips of bin tickets that were printed and never pulled off the printer.
      The next person comes along, and they're still hanging, so the rip them off and set them to the side, where they finally end up being scatter all over the floor of my warehouse.

      I am the one who ends up having to change the ink ribbon or put in the new labels.

      I am the one who ends up putting in new staples or unjamming the staplers, because people just toss them aside and grab a new one until they are all either empty or jammed.
      I am the one who fills the tape dispensers.
      Again, they toss the empty gun aside and grab another until every damn one is out of tape.
      Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


      • #4
        Yeah, about that credenza thing. We have the printers on a counter with storage below where, you guessed it, the paper lives. People kept asking me "where's the paper?"

        My solution? I left those boxes stacked in the middle of the room. Guess what? They're still stacked there. People are taking reams out and putting them in without putting the paper away in the cabinets. lazy people! I left them in the room just so I would be able to see how long they remained there.
        Bears are bad. If an animal is going to be mean it should look so, like sharks and alligators. - Mark Healey


        • #5
          Or when they come running to the help desk because their print job went to the wrong printer only for us to find out that they didn't select the right printer in the first place. Take a second to check please, I hate getting up for something stupid.
          How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


          • #6
            Printer Errors

            More than a few times I have had a person complaining that the printer refuses to print their print job.

            Go to their work-area to watch them show me what happens, a dialog box pops up and before I can read the first line they hit return. Nope, the user does not know what the box says. I tell them to do it again and not hit return on the dialog box, an still they hit the return. I have them do it again, and still they hit return and the user starts claiming the dialog box does not matter - how can they know that if they have not read it.

            While some have learnt not to hit return by that point a few customers refuse to listen at which point I walk away while making it clear they will be charged the full service rate.

            Finally they will listen once money is involved, up comes the dialog box, and very often it will say:

            1) Out of paper in tray x.

            2) Tray x is set/contains to the wrong paper type.

            3) A tray set to needed paper type is missing.

            Always in clear English. But the customers never want to read the dialog boxes, even if they were not there when everything worked ok.

