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Flat rate means FLAT RATE!

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  • Flat rate means FLAT RATE!

    Had a call last week, that sounded like the classic no-post / no-video issue (not booting up, not showing anything on the monitor). Now in Tier 2 we don't deal with hardware issues but I usually do one step of troubleshooting to make it look like I'm not "giving up." Another thing about Tier 2: it's flat rate. We don't give discounts just because it may be a simple fix.

    So I the first thing I do is have her plug the tower directly into the wall. I figured the issue would persist but it worked! Everything was fine, I read my closing lines when she pulled this. Keep in mind she paid to have us fix the issue with the tower not booting up:

    Her: Am I still being charged the full amount?
    Me: As simple as it was, the issue is resolved therefore there are no refunds or discounts available.
    Her: Gee thanks. *click*

    Now keep in mind that if the issue persisted I would have given her the money back but I resolved the problem, her tower didn't boot up now it was working fine. I wish people would learn some critical thinking skills before calling.

  • #2
    Ehhh...if I were in charge I probably wouldn't have charged the customer for that. But that's just me, and some people *do* say I'm a bit of a doormat.
    DJ Particle


    • #3
      Quoth EmiOfBrie View Post
      Ehhh...if I were in charge I probably wouldn't have charged the customer for that. But that's just me, and some people *do* say I'm a bit of a doormat.
      The problem is that when you discount your rates, the customers don't learn. When they pay $10 to have their computer plugged in, they feel silly. When they pay $50, they learn.


      • #4
        Time = Money

        Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
        The problem is that when you discount your rates, the customers don't learn. When they pay $10 to have their computer plugged in, they feel silly. When they pay $50, they learn.
        Plus once they start thinking of you as free tech support they will call with every little problem, after a short while you will find that you are spending 50% of your time doing free service support instead of making money for your company.

        That would not be too bad except the customer will undergo "Free Service Creep", where-as bigger and bigger problems start to be quick, simple and *FREE* in the customer's mind.

        Let that go on for too long and then watch the fireworks fly when you do insist on being paid of some repair.


        • #5
          Her: Am I still being charged the full amount?
          Yes, ma'am, you will be, but only because you're being charged for blatant stupidity. Let that be a lesson to you. Read a book!
          You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube


          • #6
            I had a guy wanting me to fix his compooter.

            He kept asking me what do I charge? I told him, my shop rate is $75 per hour.
            He said, well, do I pay a full hour for a password fix? I forgot my admin password!!!

            I said, yes - I don't do half-hour charges.

            He said, Ok. I will bring my compooter to you.

            He did.

            I turned it on, boots up just fine, gets to a login screen.

            He said Yeah I cant remember the password! Can you fix?

            I said sure. I had downloaded some password crackers and resets etc for this.

            But something in me said hold on.

            I typed in PASSWORD in the box, hit enter...and VOILA! it got to the desktop.

            Guy just looks at me...slackjawed...

            I said, Ok, $75, please.

            He paid.

            In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
            She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


            • #7
              Quoth Cutenoob View Post
              I typed in PASSWORD in the box, hit enter...and VOILA! it got to the desktop.

              Guy just looks at me...slackjawed...
              Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



              • #8
                Quoth Cutenoob View Post
                I typed in PASSWORD in the box, hit enter...and VOILA! it got to the desktop.
                <Hand to head>

                Oh dear....Oh dear, dear, dear me. The stupid is strong with this one. I can't even begin to detail the problems with this guy. We must summon Darwin and his Chainsaw of Evolution.
                The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                Hoc spatio locantur.

