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Tech Support #3

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  • Tech Support #3

    In this call, I serve as technical reception for a NY based ISP. He called in around 1:15am and reached my co-worker, who despite the caller's rudeness, did put in a trouble ticket in for him per policy. The customer calls me back 30 minutes later.

    Me: Blade_Raver
    SC: Really sucky customer who thinks he's Howard Stern

    Me: (Typical introduction) This is Blade_Raver, how can I help you?
    SC: Look, this is the second time I called, I'm with xxxxxxxxxx radio. We're not receiving emails.
    Me: Yes sir, our records show that you called in about 30 mins ago and we put in a trouble ticket for you. A technician has been notified.
    SC: That's not good enough. I've been waiting here and I need these emails. They're important. You need to call someone and get this handled IMMEDIATELY! I have incoming requests that people are emailing to me and they're not getting in because of you!
    Me: Sir, we're after hours reception. The only thing we can do is enter trouble tickets, the technicians work on trouble tickets in the order received.
    SC: So when is my email going to be fixed?
    Me: I don't know sir. We do not have any way of finding out this information.
    SC: You better, or you're going to hear from one unhappy customer, you got that?
    Me: What's your name, sir?
    SC: I already told you.
    Me: No, you told me the name of your company. Now tell me your name please.
    SC: My name is (SC)
    Me: Okay, (SC), and what is your contact phone number?
    SC: It's xxx-xxx-xxxx (says it extremely fast... too fast to type it.)
    Me: Sir, I'm trying to type this information, you went a bit too fast. Now slowly, please tell me your phone number again.
    SC: (Mocking me as if I was retarded or something) it's
    Me: Thank you. When I hear any information about this, I will call you.
    SC: Okay, I'm serious, don't screw around with me.
    Me: I'm serious too. Have a nice day.

    Fast Forward to 8:00am (SHARP!)

    Me: (Typical introduction) This is Blade_Raver, how can I help you?
    SC: This is BS! My email still isn't fixed!
    Me: Ah, let me guess, this is (SC).
    SC: D*** right it is. Now, you said you were going to call me back.
    Me: I said "When I hear any information about this, I will call you." I didn't hear any information, therefore I didn't call you back.
    SC: They call this 24 hour support?!?! This is BS! You guys suck!
    Me: Sir, the technicians fix things in the order received.
    SC: Well, tell me how long they'll take to fix it.
    Me: This is information I do not have.
    SC: Well, you better get it. Because I'm f****** p***ed! Excuse me..
    Me: That's right, excuse you. Cuss at me again and I'm hanging up.
    SC: You know, this is an outrage. I blah blah blah (He goes into his story about how he's deciding to stay up at the radio station to work and then starts screaming at me how he feels like it's a crime and injustice for his email to be down and then starts whining etc etc etc.) and let me tell you something, if it's not fixed by 12 noon, I'm calling my lawyer and you're going to get sued. You know what that means? Your company will be put out of business, you will be unemployed. Do you understand me?
    Me: Hmm.. I have no further comment. I'll have to consult my lawyer first. Have a nice day. (click)

    This guy sounded like Howard Stern, but 10 times more whiny.

    I had to go after that call because it was end of shift. The next day I checked the notes on the ticket and this is what it read: (SC) is insane, using some other mail server to redirect to us. That part of it is broken, he will call and talk to them.
    Fixing problems... one broken customer at a time.

  • #2
    The best customers are those who scream their head off, to the wrong company. I had a customer who would recieve his emails, but the senders recieved a bounce back error message. Turned out he had forwarding turned onto his Hotmail account and the option to save a local copy of incoming emails was also on. The system for some reason would still give the senders a bounceback since it couldn't forward the message.


    • #3
      SC: You know, this is an outrage. I blah blah blah (He goes into his story about how he's deciding to stay up at the radio station to work and then starts screaming at me how he feels like it's a crime and injustice for his email to be down and then starts whining etc etc etc.) and let me tell you something, if it's not fixed by 12 noon, I'm calling my lawyer and you're going to get sued. You know what that means? Your company will be put out of business, you will be unemployed. Do you understand me?
      Hmmm... Last I checked, there was no way this kind of problem could cause a business to be shut down. (Infact, I don't think it's a crime to have part of a network down for some reason or another... and it does happen all the time)

      That said, don't you just hate customers that get pissed over nothing... Most SMTP servers (That I've dealt with anyway) continue to try and deliver the email for up to 72 hours.
      MMO Addicts group


      • #4
        We get a lot of those types of calls too. We do internet service as well web/email hosting. Whenever someone has a hosting account and they can't check their email they call us.

        SC: I can't check my email!
        Me: Ok, can you view web pages?
        SC: what does that have to do with email?
        Me: If you are unable to see any web pages, then you may not have a connection to the internet. If you have no internet connection, then you will be unable to check email. (seems obvious to me, not to an SC)
        SC: Page connot be displayed...
        Me: Do you use us for Internet service as well or just email?
        SC: We get cable/dsl from some other provider but you are my server.
        Me: Since you cannot view web pages, it seems to be a problem with either the computer or your interent connection. Try rebooting (solves 95% of problems) or contact your ISP for help, we only handle your website and email.
        "Are you from the past?!" - roy.

