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More "repair shop" fun...

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  • More "repair shop" fun...

    More tales from the repair shop...this place seriously reminds me of a bizarre Asian grocery store we used to have in town that was so junky-looking and devoid of customers we were all convinced it was a front for something (the dude has to be using this as a tax shelter, no sane person would run a repair outfit this way).

    Boss chewed me out last week because I spent basically one-and-a-half workdays building the shop rig. Horrors! Never mind that I had customer rigs to work on, plus walk-in copy and fax requests...the fact that the heatsink and motherboard were completely different socket types didn't help either (rig was unusable until I got the heatsink on, no 775s to be had on the premises so I couldn't do anything). In my eyes, getting customer rigs fixed and out the door trumped the shop rig that day (especially since one of said machines had been there for the better part of two weeks). This led to my being told "this shows me you don't have enough experience to build a computer", all the experience in the world is not going to transmute a 478 heatsink into a 775. Regardless, it takes longer than one hour to build, install an OS and get everything solid. There's a reason you don't see "PCs In An Hour" shops.

    Now it is demanded that I must install XP Pro and only XP Pro, despite my arguments that Linux is better able to handle file-recovery from borked Windows drives (truth, I've done it a few times). The copy of XP Pro I was given is an opened OEM copy, no way to tell if it has already been activated. I'll probably slap a dual-boot on there tomorrow...I'm very tempted to request some Ubuntu CDs be sent to the shop and see what the reaction is ("We're here at Blah Systems, where we've secretly replaced the usual Windows OS they use with Ubuntu. let's see if anybody notices." that would make a good *nix ad)

    After next week, my grandmother's house needs to go on the market so I'll be down there a lot helping to clean it up/out. Maybe I can use that as an excuse to not be there for awhile and look for something else.
    "I am quite confident that I do exist."
    "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor

  • #2
    I worked at a computer repair shop once, and I know it was a front reason: owner tried to get me to make a 'dead drop' (yeah used those words for it also) of a customer pc, and leave it at a house, even if no one answered?!?

    anyways, it was kinda the same thing, I took care in building customer rigs, took 1 hour to get all hardware in the box then 30min more to zip tie cables, get good airflow yada yada, and then start the install process of XPpro. Once I asked "hey why do we put the same CD KEY into EVERY PC we make? his answer "your fired"
    my response "Hello Microsoft?"
    Crono: sounds like the machine update became a clusterf*ck..
    pedersen: No. A clusterf*ck involves at least one pleasurable thing (the orgasm at the end).


    • #3
      Ugh. Yup. I like taking pride in the stuff I build/fix, everyone I've done work for doesn't mind it takes a bit longer if that ensures they'll get something as solid as I can make it.

      New WTF-of-the-week: I can't fix a computer because...I can't build a computer* because...the motherboard sound driver was corrupted and I went to another legit site (I hate the mobo manufacturer's site, takes 3x as long to download anything) to get a new one. He knows the result is the exact same. Obviously we have differing methods of going about repairs/installs; he wants everything shiny installed, regardless of whether it's actually needed (and he works in IT for a government entity...wonder if he allows his lusers to install stuff he isn't familiar with) told me it's "my" computer then let me set it up the way I think best kthx.

      I was sorting through the CDs while waiting for XP to install (apparently it activated OK, I still intend to put Ubuntu on this thing), and with the exception of the MSDN subscription stuff, probably 97% of what exists is old, illegal in some form ("only for distribution with a new $OEM computer", "will only run on X hardware" [which doesn't even exist in this shop] etc) and/or too scratched to be useful (I did toss a bunch of the stuff I know wouldn't be missed).

      The half-assed work corner in my apartment is a NASA command center compared to this place (hell, my Navi is probably more powerful than all the working computers combined).

      My nice neat little dual-boot lasted all of ten minutes before the owner tried something and hosed the Ubuntu password (no biggie, I can reset it but it's annoying as hell--what in the name of Cthulhu's garters did he do?!)

      *I was fixing rigs long before I was building fact fixing them was what gave me the knowledge to build one
      Last edited by Dreamstalker; 09-17-2008, 01:04 PM.
      "I am quite confident that I do exist."
      "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor

