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Jenni's adventures with the voicemail server (Long, technical, bit o' language)

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  • Jenni's adventures with the voicemail server (Long, technical, bit o' language)

    So, I love being the telco admin, as long as I don't have to do anything telco-y.

    So, yesterday morning, we get calls that message waiting lights aren't working correctly. I try logging into the server to see what was going on, and instead of sending me to my profile, it creates a temporary one. I get in and, boom, voicemail goes down.


    Our toll free phone tree works off the voicemail server.


    Server admin tries to remotely restart it. Fails. Manages to remotely shut it down. We have to physically go over and restart the server. Happiness!!!!!... for all of 5 minutes, and BAM! voicemail goes back down.

    I remote back into the server to check out the services. Temp profile. I log out, go back in, and get my profile... and a message that C: was almost full.


    Server admin and I start dumping installers and stuff onto my home dir. We manage to free up 2 whole gigs of space from 0 free space.

    I call the tech support at 10:15am (yes, I wrote down the exact time my ticket was entered.)

    And proceeded to be chained to my desk (I left twice, once for a caffeine run, and once for a potty break) FOR FOUR HOURS!!!! staring at the phone, waiting for it to ring. Finally at 2pm, after what should have been A TWO HOUR TURNAROUND! I finally call back and ask at very vehement WTF???

    I was told that my ticket was sent to a technician 15 minutes after it was called in and they were working on the issue. The technician will call me back soon.

    WTF?? The problem is on my server. You don't have access to my server without me starting a webex session. How is anyone working on a problem THEY DON'T HAVE ACCESS TO?????

    Finally, AN HOUR LATER!!! I get a call from the technician. Before he goes into anything, he says, "You need to know that we have changed our rates. We are now charging $250 an hour. Will you accept the charge?"

    "Well, I don't really have a choice if I want my server to to stay up tonight."

    "You do have other choices..."

    "I'm aware I have other choices with service providers, and believe me, after the service I have received from this company, I AM looking."

    Once I get the billing straightened out, he simply states, your service is back up, the size of free space hasn't changed from the morning, everything should be cool.

    OH HELL NO!! I have a freaking TWO FREE GIGS ON MY SERVER! I want to know that the DAMN THING won't crash tonight! You THINK you know what caused the space to fill up (the server using itself as temp storage for voicemails, rather than the exchange sever), but me asking how to clean up that space is UNFATHOMABLE!

    When the tech gets the idea that I'm not just going to say, "Oh, okay, yay."

    He finally says that he'll send my ticket to an engineer and quickly ends the call.

    Joy, I think, that means I'll be getting a call 15 minutes before I have to leave.

    Well, 4:15pm comes and goes, and no call, 4:30 sneaks up behind me. NO CALL!!

    I go home and make pizza, and kill lots of things in WoW.

    7:45am comes around, and I walk into the work. I see no lit message waiting light on my phone, beckoning me to new messages.

    As soon as the AA gets in, I call BACK to tech support to find out the HELL was going on.

    "Well," said the now meek sounding receptionist, "according to the ticket, it was forwarded to something call the VIA Group. I don't know what that is. I'll forward you to the tech you talked to yesterday for more info."

    At that point, I just hung up, because I knew who the VIA group is, and was very happy. They are the ones who installed the system and who know HOW THE FRACKING THING WORKS!!!

    So, the tech who installed the system for us, who supported us for the first year of our contract gave me a call.

    I told him what was going on.

    "Ah," he said. "You guys installed a patch recently, haven't you?"

    "Well, I wouldn't say recently, but yeah."

    So, in short, guess what took up 60gb of storage space on our voicemail server?


    Apparently, when you install a patch, you have to go through and tone down the default logging settings. The tech from the first company (who, incidentally, I've written/ranted about before) didn't know about this, so, since January 11th, the server had been creating 4 logs a minute, 24-7.

    So, I was shown where the logs lived, set the recycle bin delete everything permanently, and deleted SIXTY GIGS OF LOG FILES!!

    Voicemail server is happy now.

    Now, as to what prompted my diatribe.

    We sent out advisory emails so people would know that the voicemail was down, then later, that everything was back up.

    Today, we got this email from a student... "please stop sending me updates about things that don't work. please
    thank you"

    :: death of Jenni ::
    SC: “Yeah, Bob’s Company. I'm Bob. It's my company.” - GK
    SuperHotelWorker made my Avi!!

  • #2
    oh um WOW. That is an amazing tale of SUCK.

    You NEED A LOT of booze and a weekend of killing stuff in WoW or the tech that screwed everything up.

    I don't know what I would do without WoW, except kill my coworkers.
    Coffee should be strong, black and chewy! It should strip paint and frighten small children.

    My blog Darkwynd's Musings


    • #3
      60 gigs of log files? LOG files? Ell Ohh Gee files? Those are probably a few kb a piece, if even that big. Someone needs to find the quack programmer and beat him with a fish until he resets the default option to NOT save a log file unless you tell it to.

      Some People Are Alive Only Because It Is Illegal To Kill Them


      • #4
        Quoth technical.angel View Post
        We sent out advisory emails so people would know that the voicemail was down, then later, that everything was back up.

        Today, we got this email from a student... "please stop sending me updates about things that don't work. please
        thank you"

        :: death of Jenni ::
        Welcome to the Wonderful World of Telecom. Nothing like ungrateful users who expect things to just work always.

        "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."- Albert Einstein.
        I never knew how happy paint could make people until I started selling it.


        • #5
          Quoth technical.angel View Post
          Today, we got this email from a student... "please stop sending me updates about things that don't work. please
          thank you"
          So send the loser an email back: "Ok, next time the system is down, we won't warn you. We'll just let you find out on your own 15 minutes before your entire academic career rides on it working right then. Have a nice day!"


          • #6
            Quoth technical.angel View Post

            Today, we got this email from a student... "please stop sending me updates about things that don't work. please
            thank you"

            :: death of Jenni ::
            Here lies technical.angel
            She's a real angel now!

            Sorry. I can't even write my own epitaph. That's all I got.
            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


            • #7
              Quoth crashhelmet View Post
              60 gigs of log files? LOG files? Ell Ohh Gee files? Those are probably a few kb a piece, if even that big. Someone needs to find the quack programmer and beat him with a fish until he resets the default option to NOT save a log file unless you tell it to.
              Playing devil's advocate here, it actually makes more sense for the default of it to be turned on. If the patch hadn't worked properly or "funny things" started happening, you'd want the log files to figure out why.

              Still, most software has some kind of debug option for precisely that reason. and... 60GB of log files is a lot of data... for either one of two reasons 1) It records every minute detail, sometimes several times... which isn't needed but takes up more room and balloons the file or 2) the files are small, in the order of KB as crashhelmet suggested... which means a LOT of them have to be created to get to that size.

              Make it part of your routine to check the log directory maybe once a month?
              Shop Smart. Shop S-Mart!


              • #8
                which means a LOT of them have to be created to get to that size.
                Which could, depending on the filesystem, cause it to act as if it were full without actually being so.

                Methinks someone forgot to ratchet the logfile detail level down from uber-debug level to "normal" before finalizing the patch code. Sheesh.
                Supporting the idiots charged with protecting your personal information.


                • #9
                  Yep, pretty much. My favorite tech was quite surprised the tech from the other company hadn't done it after the patch.

                  And, yes, there were a LOT of log files.

                  4 log files created every minute for 10 months. That's 5760 files in one day. 172800 in a month.
                  SC: “Yeah, Bob’s Company. I'm Bob. It's my company.” - GK
                  SuperHotelWorker made my Avi!!


                  • #10
                    Quoth crashhelmet View Post
                    60 gigs of log files? LOG files? Ell Ohh Gee files? Those are probably a few kb a piece, if even that big. Someone needs to find the quack programmer and beat him with a fish until he resets the default option to NOT save a log file unless you tell it to.

                    Obviously this is apples and oranges, but the access logs for this server are over a Gb every week. I'm glad some unsung hero worked out how to zip files for faster download



                    • #11
                      Well, I think I'm going to have to add log deletion to my list of duties. In about 30 hours, we've gone from the log folder to being empty to 1.86gb.

                      So, 4 logs every second. Two are dump files, two are log files. The dump files are 177kb, the logs are 17k.
                      SC: “Yeah, Bob’s Company. I'm Bob. It's my company.” - GK
                      SuperHotelWorker made my Avi!!


                      • #12
                        Quoth technical.angel View Post
                        Well, I think I'm going to have to add log deletion to my list of duties. In about 30 hours, we've gone from the log folder to being empty to 1.86gb.

                        So, 4 logs every second. Two are dump files, two are log files. The dump files are 177kb, the logs are 17k.
                        Don't feel too bad. I have the exact same problem on one of my servers. Every few days I have to go into the server and delete the 50GB of log files (where each log file is between 6 and 11 GB). I'm looking at setting up a scheduled task to do it for me every night. Maybe you can do the same?


                        • #13
                          Bash scrips make that easy. But only if your using Linux/Unix. Course I may be pointing out the obvious here.....
                          Bark like a chicken!


                          • #14
                            Windows scripts can do much the same, be they batch files or actual scripts. I have a set of scripts to schedule torrents loading into my client. Normally bat files would suffice for that, but I couldn't find a way to run one without getting a console window briefly popping up. So I ended up learning some windows scripting.
                            Supporting the idiots charged with protecting your personal information.


                            • #15
                              generally something is wrong if log files fill up that quickly.

