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Internet access and the RainMan (long rant)

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  • Internet access and the RainMan (long rant)

    Sorry for the rant, but this is making me crazy! Here is the background:

    I work at a tiny little marine institute. Despite the fact that I am a biologist and a girl (inside joke), I've somehow become responsible for our labs computers, network and all internet access.

    When we made the switch from modem dial-in access (shudder) to broadband, our director (who we refer to as "RainMan" because of his OCD micromanaging) at the time INSISTED on a wireless network. No hardwiring. His reasoning despite ALL my objections? "All the University campuses have it, and theirs works. So it can't be that difficult. And besides, I don't want all those ugly wires showing"

    So right, with a budget of like $400 I built a wireless network that was as secure and stable as I could make it. Big surprise, it was not as reliable as the campuses $100K setups with their team of IT specialists

    /end background

    Fast forward to now. RainMan has "retired". I put that in quotes because while he has, in fact, retired officially - and we have a new awesome director - he is STILL in the lab full-time!! Just hanging around, unpaid and regretting his retirement. Full-time! In fact, he spends more time here NOW than when he was the director!

    New Awesome Director's first order of business was to tell me to "get rid of this wireless bull$hit and hard wire the network!" Woot woot! Our way cool Fiscal dude scrounged me a couple of spools of Cat-5E cable and I learn to make Ethernet ends with "borrowed" equipment from my contracts. We begin to hardwire computers, and there is much rejoicing.

    The powers that be let RainMan keep his office and do "in-kind" work. So he went out and bought a Vista machine with wireless (the whole office is on WinXP pro, and will not update until the next MS OS has been out of Beta for a year if I have anything to say about it). Oh, and he still has his old Pentium IV machine.

    So guess who RainMan wants to hard wire him to the internet now? I've run a cable and hub to his office, and made all the ends (6 ends) and something isn't working. I either need to rebuild the Ethernet ends &/or the Ethernet card died on his Pentium.

    Honestly? I have other things to do - like my JOB. But his Vista box works fine on the wireless, so I tell him to use that. But <insert whining> his email is set up the way he likes it on the Pentium and he doesn't know how to migrate his 10 years of Netscape email to the Vista box and he doesn't understand the campus instructions to set up Netscape in Vista and he doesn't like working on web mail and waaaaaaaaaaah

    So I gave him back his wireless USB antennae for his Pentium box, and have been avoiding his whining about the wireless internet dropping that computer (the Vista box works just fine on wireless). I got a little pissy and pointed out that he HAS a connection. The fact that it is not the connection he wants on the computer he wants is NOT. my. problem.

    pant pant

    Ok, sorry about the book. If you made it this far, my apologies. I'm proud of getting this network working well with no real budget. But geez, I KNOW that IT people make a lot more than lowly biologists in university world. I'm saving the place TONS of money and I get WHINING. From the idiot who insisted on wireless in the first place. Ugh.
    Last edited by Yfandes; 05-24-2009, 08:29 PM.

  • #2
    Sorry, but my attitude would be "If you're not on the payroll, it's not a priority. Nor secondary, tertiary, quartenary, or ANY concern of mine whether you can or not get on the network. In fact, you should NOT be getting on it anyway, if you are not a current employee." (If you were a health care facility, you could get your license pulled for such a breech of security!)
    I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6


    • #3
      Trips is right.

      Get it in writing as a work order - what do you have to do. Make sure that the New Department Head specifies how to set up Mr. Retired Guy's office (wired or wireless).

      Then, (yeah I know), put it on the Do It Someday list of stuff - migrate his old data.

      Might want to look into free ticketing systems - keep records of your changes. This will cover thy arse later in life.

      And don't use HUBS. Routers or switches. Do NOT use HUBS. They're worthless.

      In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
      She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


      • #4
        Thanks for the advice! I really appreciate it.

        The official word is "connect him up when you can, however you want". For what they have allowed him to stick around for ("in-kind services"), he does actually need a connection.

        Hmm - if I dont put a hub in his office I'd have to make another wire drop. I have hubs, but am running out of cable and want to save it for other (more important) projects. Why are hubs so worthless? Even more worthless than the cheap USB antennae we were using?

        I HATE migrating other peoples Netscape emails! Theres always a risk it wont survive the upgrade... I'll send him the instructions and let him do it!


        • #5
          Hubs send the packets to all the systems at once, which causes bottlenecks, especially if everyone is active on the network. Switches and routers actually sends the packets to the system that needs it, which frees up the bandwidth.
          I AM the evil bastard!
          A+ Certified IT Technician


          • #6
            LL beat me to it.

            Just don't use hubs. Period. Only time you would EVER think of using them would be in a 2 computer office. To send a signal from A to B, over a long distance - the hub would be used as a repeater.

            With the costs of routers and switches coming down so dang much, just get a 16 or 8 port switch for all the machines (remember to think of future growth) and wire the puppies up to that, connecting the switch to the router....then world.

            Good luck - and don't forget to DOCUMENT your network. Even chicken scratch sketches are better than nothing.
            Passwords (router, ISP account)

            start there.

            In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
            She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


            • #7
              Quoth Cutenoob View Post
              Good luck - and don't forget to DOCUMENT your network
              Oh GOD yes! One of the banks I was at last year had NO info on the network, not even IP addresses. Took 2 hours just to figure out where particular machines were. Not fun when we had multiple machines not connecting. And this was a small branch (about 15 machines)
              I AM the evil bastard!
              A+ Certified IT Technician


              • #8
                Oh yes - every little tiny thing is documented, including detailed instructions plus pictures, should something go down in my absence.

                But I see no way to convince my coworkers to put another cable drop into his office... So he gets one wireless and one wired connection. Im ok with that.


                • #9
                  Why not run the cable yourself?

                  Especially if you have a dropped ceiling - common in offices - it's really pretty easy to run.
                  But then again, I'm looking at it from a larger corp standpoint - where they have proper switches, patch panels and punchdowns......

                  Oh, btw. Besides documenting, copy the passwords for the router and ISP logins, and give those in a sealed envelope to a big cheese manager. Have those stored, and if they change, update the envelope. In case you're hit by a bus, eaten by shark, etc etc.

                  In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
                  She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.

