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Oh just make it all stop

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  • Oh just make it all stop

    SO I do support for a bank's website, this past weekent we did a bunch of updates to the websites changing a couple of things. Naturally it didn't go perfectly and there's a bunch of people having problems and we've been busy. Tuesday I went in for overtime and it wouldn't have been so bad except for these two callers

    First guy needed help with his enrollment, he had called yesterday but information was missing from our system so that had to be updated. A rep got a hold of who needs to do the updating and afterwards told the customer to try again today. Customer tried to do the enrollment but it didn't work so he called in again. I verified him and started doing the enrollment, he then got obsessed with why didn't the rep he speak with yesterday do the enrollment. Now I really don't know why the rep didn't enroll him(I think the rep could have) but as I'm not sure exactly which department he was speaking with and I don't know the details of the call I wasn't going to try and second-guess the actions of another employee. Which is what I told the customer although filtered through workspeak of "I can't really comment on a previous call as I don't have all the details" Remember what I said about obsessed? He just kept asking the same damn question of why the rep didn't enroll him and why was I giving him a hard time by not answering his question, and this went on for five minutes while he threatened to get a supervisor(I imediately offered to transfer him when he brought it up. he refused) He finally let me do the enrollment(while still saying he was going to get his answer from a supervisor, and i again offered to transfer him, he refused again saying he was going to call back) *headdesk*

    Then came the scamming asshole. He called up saying he had been transfered to me by mistake and needed to be transfered to a telephone number which he gave him me and insisted I read it back to him to make sure I had it correctly(at this point warning bells are going off in my head as tycpically customers can't tell if they've reach the right department or not, and if he had the number why didn't he call it directly himself) SO I call and I get some spanish intro but there's nothing identifying it as thebank so I disconnect that line and look in our phone directory and the number isn't there. SO I got back to the caller explaining that I can not identify the number as a bank number and if he'll tell me the department he's looking for I'll get the correct number for him. He starts getting pissed calling me prejudiced because it had a spanish intro, I explain again that I could not identify the number as a bank number and he starts cussing calling me a "Stupid fucking bitch slut whore" I cut him off saying that he needs to stop or I'll disconnect the call, we end up going back and forth of him demanding I transfer him to the number and me saying it wasn't a valid bank number and asking for the department he needed. Finally he went off again calling me "Fucking bitch. I hope you fuck your mother with every bre....." and that's where I disconnected. Damn stupid rule that we have to give a warning before disconnecting on abusive customers I so should have hung up on him during the first string of curses but couldn't because of that stupid ass rule.

  • #2
    We had this problem when I worked the call center. Someone would call in and ask to be trasferred to another number. The number is a 900 number and he can avoid being charged if we transferred. The company that I worked for would be footing the bill for his perverted pleasure.
    Woman are like guns, if you don't treat us right, we'll blow up in your face!

    Pain is your bodies way of telling you that you're still alive.

    I am also known as Liquid Skin and Silkekitten.


    • #3
      You did the right thing, ladyd. You are awesome & I think all CSR's should take a page from your book on handling difficult customers.
      The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert

