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Statute of limitations......

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  • Statute of limitations......

    And so our misanthropic hero endures yet another day of interesting calls to the computer shop.

    OB: Old bat
    Me: Me

    phone rings

    Me: Good afternoon "computer shop".

    OB: Blah, blah, blah, blah (rambles on for 5 minutes then gets to point of call) USB ports on front of tower not working & we did the work on it.

    Me: Mmmmkay (pulls up work ticket & purchase history)

    OB: You should have someone come out & fix this!

    ....Great. I already know where this is going.

    Me: We do have a gentleman that we call that provides this service & it costs $75 a hour.

    OB: WHAT !!!eleventy!!11 I shouldn't have to pay blah, blah, (insert braying donkey sound) you should provide this for free!!

    Me: Or you could just bring it by the shop & I could probably fix it for free up front.

    OB: Oh tha's easy for you to say.

    Me: Well, that would be the easiest way (FINALLY the repair info comes up) Ummmmm....How long have the USB ports not functioined?


    Me: Well ma'am. We do have a wee bit of a limit as to fixing any mistakes that may have happened. It seems that it has been a while since we did work on your machine & any number of things may have happened since then.

    OB: :repeat rant about free onsite:

    Me: Again, normally within 2-3 weeks is a reasonable time for us to tidy up any loose ends. But, I see we last did work on this in March. March 5th to be exact (June 1st is "today").

    OB: :lather, rinse, repeat:

    Me: But in this case, it seems that it is about 117 weeks since we did the work on your machine. You picked it up March 5th, 2007. Now even though it has been more than 2 YEARS since then, I'll take a peek for you if you just bring in the machine. (Sometimes I'm too nice)

    OB: Blah, blah, it's easy for you to say just bring it in blah, blah, blah, I'm never buying a computer from you again!!

    Me: :Checks purchase history: (Mhmmm. Big spender. Not a single purchase since then) Okay. Have a good day. *click*

    Yeah.....We keep someone on hand to do free work onsite whenever you need.

    Not fargin' likely. 10 bucks says she calls back this morning to whine to the owner.

    And as a side note, I would have fixed it up front nice & fast. But nooooo. can't get off my lazy ass to bring it in. Fine, screw you ya stupid bitch.
    "I reject your reality and substitute my own"....Adam Savage-Mythbuster

    Must remember to stop using "brain of death" on slower morons.... I meant customers.

  • #2
    Quoth Mr. Rude View Post
    10 bucks says she calls back this morning to whine to the owner.
    No bet. I like to keep the little cash I have.
    I AM the evil bastard!
    A+ Certified IT Technician

