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Infinite loops of pain...

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  • Infinite loops of pain...

    I didn't see this anywhere, and, well, it's a big issue... Well, to me <.<

    Okay, here's the story... I'm running a Dell (currently bemoaning the choice) with an Intel Pentium D 2.8GHz CPU, 2.00gb of RAM , Windows XP Media Center Edition with Service Pack 2, and an nVidia GeForce 7900 GS video card. This last bit has been the source of problems for nigh-on a year now, and I still can't get it fixed...

    It started back when I got WoW. It would, occasionally, lock up, or go glitchy, or just bog down the framerate. Then it start giving me a BSOD saying that "nv4_disp.dll has been caught in an infinite loop" whenever I tried to play. Sometimes, hours after I had stopped playing that day my computer would slow way down and then BSOD.

    I managed to get a temporary fix by using a different driver version that was just new enough to work, but old enough that the nv4_disp.dll wasn't an issue.

    Now, however, with The Orange Box, I was forced, by Steam, being the evil little thing that is, to update my drivers to the newest (163.75 for the record) and, apparently, least stable.

    I'm getting more graphical artifacts, frakups and general "wtf"s and a whole bloody lot more BSODs, most commonly after about an hour of playing Vanguard.

    Seeking help previously and more recently has led me to realize that nVidia has no live support, and no matter who I talk to (SOE, nVidia, Dell, et al) they send me to someone else to see if they have a fix.

    This bug is old, and nVidia has stated that they don't have a fix even PLANNED at this point, at least as part of a driver.

    I've got two options at this point. Seek a new video card (well, different brand, about 200 dollar budget) and work that way, or try to find a 3rd party hotfix.

    Does anyone here, greater tech support people than I, have any solutions, sources, or suggestions on a new-ish video card?

    For the video card... I play The Orange Box games, Vanguard, Tabula Rasa, Command and Conguer 3, and Freespace 2 pretty much exclusively (occasionally Halo 1 & 2), so, if anyone knows a good-ish, cheap-ish one that works well with those...

    tl;dr Sorry for the wall of text, nv4_disp.dll is evil, HELP!
    Ma'am, I could care less about the time your precious Fifi found a baby squirrel and raised it as her own, I just want to know if you've ever been told you had diabeetus.

  • #2
    First thing I'd suggest is trying the newest beta drivers NVidia offers, see if that works out. Second, if you can tough it out for a bit, I've heard rumours that there's a big price drop coming out after the holidays, and you can pick up a 8800 series for around $200. I advise staying WELL away from ATI, as I had nothing but issues trying to update the drivers, and the updates were few and far between.
    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


    • #3
      I'm still getting some help from the nVidia tech monkeys, and they seem much more helpful now that it's not "just a problem with WoW." I've got a whole list of things to do for them tomorrow morning and we'll see how it goes.
      Ma'am, I could care less about the time your precious Fifi found a baby squirrel and raised it as her own, I just want to know if you've ever been told you had diabeetus.


      • #4
        Okay, Nvidia tech support was actually useful. Seems to have fixed the problem. Played for 4 hours prior to work, and another two after, and no problems. Didn't even glitch much (a small one I barely noticed did occur at one point) so I guess it's fixed.

        If it pops up again later this week though, there will be hell to pay.
        Ma'am, I could care less about the time your precious Fifi found a baby squirrel and raised it as her own, I just want to know if you've ever been told you had diabeetus.


        • #5
          I want to know how you are playing Halo 2 on an XP system?
          Age and wisdom don't necessarily go together. Some people just become stupid with more authority.

          "Who put the goat in there? The yellow goat I ate."


          • #6
            Quoth Knightmare View Post
            I want to know how you are playing Halo 2 on an XP system?
            They've reverse engineered the DX10 software to work with XP.
            And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


            • #7
              Quoth JustADude View Post
              They've reverse engineered the DX10 software to work with XP.
              They did? Who? How? Where can I get it?
              I want it now!
              Age and wisdom don't necessarily go together. Some people just become stupid with more authority.

              "Who put the goat in there? The yellow goat I ate."


              • #8
                Quoth Knightmare View Post
                They did? Who? How? Where can I get it?
                I want it now!
                I forget the site, but just google "DX10 XP" and you should be able to find something. Last I heard, though, they were only in the alpha/beta stages, so it'll be rough for anything but games.
                And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


                • #9
                  The nv4_disp infinite loop BSoD is a very tough one to fix. Make sure you've got updated motherboard chipset drivers. You may also want to try Omega's nVidia drivers to see how those work for you.

                  Also, go google KB896256 and get that installed too if you don't have it already.

