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Reinstalled Windows XP pro... everything not working

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  • Reinstalled Windows XP pro... everything not working

    BARELY, that is.

    So on christmas day I did a full wipe and reformatted windows. Seemed to go ok. Then I couldnt get online. I somehow needed to reinstall the drivers (which I dont remember doing last time I reformatted, but after FOUR calls to my cable company, over which I admittedly got a little Sucky, I finally decided they were right and downloaded drivers from a nearby net cafe).

    Then I tried to get the updates. Kept getting some sort of error... something about BITS.

    Luckily, i had Serivce Pack 2 on CD thanks to dad... installed it... kept getting those popups, AND for some reason my internet is seriously restricted. now when I try to download something, my chats refuse to work, like it closes off all connections.

    As well, I still can't get the updates for some reason And even though I've installed my sound and video, I still dont get sound (I get the PC going 'beep' out of the tower when I get an error) or even play my DVDs

    It seems my entire systems' crippled itself somehow. any ideas? I tried to go through the XP cd and do a 'repair system' thing, but it didnt work at all. Just took all my programs off the start menu and reset my background.

    I am SO getting a mac asap... grrr.
    Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?

  • #2
    Yeah, but you're not going to like them. Here's what you likely need to do:

    Go back to net cafe. Download Avast Antivirus (and all of its updates), Commodo Firewall, and Windows XP Service Pack 2, and burn them all to a CD (not a flash drive, put them on CD).

    Download any other drivers you will need as well, and put them on that same CD.

    Go home. Disconnect your computer from all network connections, physically. When you are done with this, you should have only power, monitor, keyboard, and mouse plugged in.

    Reformat/Reinstall Windows.
    Install your downloaded drivers.
    Install XP SP2 on top of that.
    Install Avast, and its updates.
    Install Commodo.

    Only now can you reconnect your other connections, and get back online.

    Why did I tell you to disconnect? There are numerous viruses out there which look for easily infected systems by scanning the network. If the last set of numbers I heard was still accurate, the average Windows XP PC put directly onto the internet receives a hack attempt every 20 minutes (that's the longest, I've heard as low as 7 minutes).

    You are not capable of downloading and installing SP2 before the first attempt comes in. Nor am I, so don't think I'm insulting you. I'm not sure that anybody other than an MS employee can do so.

    By the time you've got your machine protected, it's infected. You need to protect it before you connect to the internet.

    Anything less, and you get to put up with another reformat/reinstall cycle.


    • #3
      Sadly, the net cafe doesnt have a burn ability.

      Can I burn it to my CDs now, then do all that?
      Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?


      • #4
        I wouldn't recommend it. You can use a flash drive, but make certain not to plug it in until after the reinstall. And have the folks at the net cafe do a virus scan on it as well (before doing downloads) to make sure all is well.


        • #5
          I'll see what I can do. *glares at computer*. I do have Norton Antivirus 2005 on CD already and some others. Think that may help if I put them on, then did the flash drive?

          Btw, what's the problem with using a flash drive? Already infected?
          Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?


          • #6
            Norton... I wouldn't use it. There was a time when it was high on the list of recommendations, but it's reputation has been declining for a long time. I would ditch it.

            The problem with a flash drive is that it is rewritable, just like your hard drive. As a result, if your machine is infected, and you attach your flash drive to it, it could become infected before you even get the chance to realize it's happened. Furthermore, it could re-infect your computer after the reformat.

            Basically, the CD is not re-writable, so the virus can't attack it. Those files will be the same files you downloaded, whether the virus likes it or not.

            Oh, and one other step: Before installing all your other software, but after connecting up the internet, do Windows Update. You'll need to do it multiple times, but keep running it until there are no more updates to do. They've thrown in some obnoxious stuff, I'm sure, but they've fixed a lot of security holes, and you want all those fixes before you start surfing again.


            • #7
              okay. Thanks. I'll see if the guys at work will let me download/burn the patches I need and stuff...

              I hope the updates work.
              Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?


              • #8
                btw, the guys at work said I could bring in my pc and download what I needed while there, cause the router has a firewall or something. Would that help? I suppose it doesnt matter if I can just burn a cD there as easily.
                Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?


                • #9
                  Asking the local IT dept will almost always get you a "yes, please do bring it in and we'll help". They would prefer you having a clean computer, too.

                  If they're willing to let you use their bandwidth for Windows Update, go for it. Chances are good that their network is pretty safe. Do yourself a favor, though, and get those pieces I mentioned onto a CD anyway. Never hurts to have them should Windows need yet another reinstall.


                  • #10
                    I work in a mac store, so I'm sure they wont mind if I at least burn the CD. They said though before I could bring in my TOWER to download the updates in a safe firewall-protected enviroment.

                    I'll get those peices on CD.
                    Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?


                    • #11
                      Wow, very cool. So, um, what would it take to get the best discount on a macbook pro, 17", maxed out config? (don't worry, unless it's under $100, I don't have the money right now, I'm just kidding, and wouldn't ask that of you).

                      However, if you're in a Mac store, and they're willing to let you use the bandwidth, take that chance. You can be doing all of the pieces over the course of a day. Run Windows Update, wait an hour, and check on it, etc. Won't even get in the way of work, not really.

                      And, since the other computers on the network are Mac, and running OSX, there's no viruses that can infect. Basically, take it in, do it all. Make life somewhat easier on yourself


                      • #12
                        I think since we're a kind of 'sub macstore' (Ie, we aren't called THE MAC STORE, but a different computer store that specializes in macware), I dont get the same discount. I'm told we only get things at 'cost'... which seem to be only 20-50 dollars less.

                        Heck, the on sale Imacs for 900 dollars each are cheaper than my employee discount.

                        I'll ask the techs... I'm a little bit paranoid still of upsetting them. I /am/ rather new still. And shy.
                        Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?


                        • #13
                          Like I said, I was joking about asking for a discount. I wouldn't do that to anybody here. And in case you're thinking "Well, I'd just be doing a favor for someone who gave me some advice" then I'll tell you a far better way than giving me a discount: Pay it forward. Help out somebody else, and let them benefit too.

                          I ain't rich, but I ain't wanting, either. And helping out people here is fun. No discounts for me, okay? Yes, I'm serious.

                          As for asking the guys at the store, most every IT type group I've ever seen or been in has been a sucker for people that were interested in getting things done right with their computers. You go in, and ask them how to get your computer cleanly installed correctly, and they'll likely hand over a set of connections for you to plug in and get to work.

                          Just be nice to them. And, once all is said and done, don't forget thanking them. If you can afford it, send them a pizza for lunch one day. You'll get more help than you know what to do with in future.

                          Yes, I'm telling people how to manipulate my department (I work in IT at my job). I'm hoping people from work read this, and take my advice


                          • #14

                            I'll try to remember that. If anything I have cookies.
                            Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?


                            • #15
                              Quoth Pedersen View Post
                              And, since the other computers on the network are Mac, and running OSX, there's no viruses that can infect. Basically, take it in, do it all. Make life somewhat easier on yourself
                              Not necessarily true. I have seen macs infected with Windows viruses. Didn't do anything for the Mac, but would certainly hurt a Windows machine.

                              And yes, we accept payment in the form of cookies, too. I've gotten all sorts of goodies from working my job. The most important thing to remember is humility. If you don't know how to do something, tell them. They will be more likely to explain it to you then if you pretend you understand, then go home and fubar the machine. Good luck. Drivers can be a pain to download sometimes. Especially from the new (D)ell website format. Royal PITA.
                              Jim: Fact: Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.
                              Dwight: Bears don't eat bee... Hey! What are you doing?
                              The Office

