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Argh...there has to be a program...

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  • Argh...there has to be a program...

    I need a guru as my boss is being a pain. He won't shell out for support "yet", nor will he upgrade. So I'm at a loss.

    We're using QuickBooks 2007 Pro on Vista. I know, I know. I also made the stupid mistake of pulling it all over via belkin windows transfer cord. Good for files/settings, bad for programs. It also screwed up my Recollect.

    I'm trying to get both to uninstall so I can get a fresh install. QB is the main one. When trying to uninstall or repair I get "The installation source for this product is not available. Verify that the source exists and that you can access it."

    *headdesk* The best is when I go to print stuff I get "The file you specified cannot be opened. Make sure that it is not currently being used by another program or a read-only file. The windows error was 'The File Exists.'"

    ARGH. I'm not asking you guys to fix it, just point me some where that can because I cannot seem to find one anywhere. There has to be a proggy that allows you to safely strip programs out there somewhere. Right? *begs*
    Today was going to be just one of those know, full of zombies.

  • #2
    Bad news: Any such program is going to be problematic to use. I remember one program I installed that I had to write a custom uninstaller, because their uninstaller was broken, and left crap laying around the system.

    So, unfortunately, your chances of getting a program to automatically uninstall that mess is somewhere between slim and none.

    My best recommendation at this point? QuickBooks should have either a built in backup option, or an export option. Backup is best. Use it, and backup your data. Reinstall over the top of everything. Then restore your backup.

    Intuit should be able to help do all of that, as should anybody else who's used QuickBooks more than I have (which is to say never).


    • #3
      Pederson pretty much nailed it on the head. An install over will usually fill in the gaps and then allow you to do what's necessary. As well, because there's no other general fix, going to the manufacturer is your best bet.
      I AM the evil bastard!
      A+ Certified IT Technician


      • #4
        Yeah sadly I figured as much. I can't install it for the same error reason. I broke down, grabbed the company card (MAN I love working here) and just told him that someone will be out to work on it tomorrow.

        I got to a point where parts were uninstalling but I think the registry is farked. While I might be able to figure out some things with it, there is no way in hell I'm blowing up a new computer. Eh, maybe the tech will be cute.
        Today was going to be just one of those know, full of zombies.


        • #5
          you haven't tried any registry cleaners?

          so the program still kinda works, but gives errors on some things? including the installer?

          Quickbooks has a KB (i think it's free) where you can search error codes and other stuff.


          • #6
            Sounds like the actual program is NOT installed properly into the C: drive. When the program is trying to print it's looking for drivers or .dll in the C:\programfiles\quicken and/ or c:\windows\system32.

            You NEVER EVER transfer A PROGRAM over a network. You transfer the DATA, and import the data into a freshly installed program.

            Backup your data. Find the CD for Quicken. Uninstall old Quicken. Registry cleaners or do it yourself. If you don't know how, use a registry cleaner. Search all of C: for anything quicken related. *.qbt *.qbx etc. (you've burnt the backup to a cd, right??????)

            Reinstall from scratch. Reboot.
            Put cd into drive, start quicken.
            Pull File Menu down, IMPORT data.
            Browse to Cd drive. Import the stuff off the cd.

            Close quicken, remove CD and restart quicken to see if the data got populated into the Documents folder (default location).
            It's happy.

            Grab error numbers from Event Viewer and go look on line.

            In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
            She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.

